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Her hands feel cold wrapped in my own. Her cheeks have lost their color and the light in her eyes is slowly dulling. This doesn't feel real. This is something that happens in your worst nightmares, not in real life. I don't know what I'm going to do if she keeps going downhill. Fuck. I don't even want to think about it.

"Harry?" her voice is weak as she wakes from her sleep. I gently squeeze her hand to let her know I'm here. "How long have you been here?"

"I haven't left," I admit. I rub the back of my neck with my free hand. Sleeping in this stupid chair next to Rose's hospital bed is starting to wear off on me. But it's worth it to stay by her side.

"Harry, you can't sit in that chair all day. I know you don't want to leave me but you need to go out. You look terrible, worse than me actually." Her voice is soft as the corner of her mouth tilts up. I can tell she thinks she's being funny but her joke makes my stomach turn. This isn't something to be making fun of. But maybe if she can still be joking when she's like this she has a chance at beating this.

"I'm not leaving here until you're out of this damned hospital. I've already told you a thousand times." I know she means well but I can't leave her side and it frustrates me that she doesn't realize that. I can't even leave to go to the bathroom without worrying about her. What if something happened? It drives me insane. She drives me insane.

"Okay, okay. At least go get something to eat. You can't starve to death on my behalf," she jokes again. I don't know how she can be talking so lightly about death when it could pull her under at any moment. I sigh before getting up and making my way towards the door. I stop before exiting through the small doorway.

"I'll be back in less than ten minutes. I promise. I love you."

"Take your time because I promise you I won't be going anywhere." She laughs softly. I miss her laugh. Before she got sick that is. Her head would fall back and her eyes would crinkle at the corners. It was beautiful. What am I thinking? It still is beautiful, it's just not the same. After she sees me roll my eyes she continues. "I love you."

"It won't be a moment," the girl behind the counter smiles. The small name tag on her shirt says her name is Angie. Well Angie, it better only be a moment. I take a seat at one of the small tables reserved for the hospitals cafe customers. It's only been a minute but it feels like hours. My fingers begin to tap on the table although it sounds more like pounding in this empty room. How long does it take to make a damned sandwich?! I nearly tell the girl to forget about it when she calls my number.

"Thanks," I mumble and make a beeline for the door.

"Have a great day!" She calls cheerily from behind. What a dumb thing to say. She's working in a fucking hospital where people die all the time and she tells me to have a great day.

"I'm back," I announce as I enter Rose's room again. She's in the exact same position she was before I left her.

"You need to pick up your game mister, you were actually gone for eleven minutes and thirty-seven seconds." She smiles as I pull the chair closer to her bed to sit down. This is why I love her. Here we are, Rose in her hospital bed and me in the chair beside her and she's the one cheering me up. She's always putting others before herself and as much as I love that about her it also infuriates me. Maybe if she spent less time looking out for other people she might have seen a doctor earlier and we could have avoided this mess. I lean over and kiss her forehead.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," the familiar voice of Rose's mum fills the room. I'd hate to be in her position. I can't even begin to comprehend how she can work here at the hospital but not be allowed to work with Rose. How Karen has not demanded to work with her daughter I'll never know. It'd drive me up the wall.

"Nothing at all," Rose answers her mum. She's out of my sight for a moment when Karen leans over to hug her. "How's your shift been so far?"

"Not too bad, how are you feeling?" Karen's tone becomes more serious. The worry on her face is evident.

"The same as when you asked me three hours ago," Rose answers with a roll of her eyes. She hates all the attention from being the way she is. I haven't said it out loud yet. I don't think I'll ever be able to say it. It makes it seem so real. I've even avoided thinking those words.

"I'm sorry love, I can't help it. I'm just worried about you."

"It's okay. Shouldn't you be getting back to work?" She questions. I know she's only trying to make her leave so she's distracted because she feels guilty. She hates the way her mum's face is full of worry and stress whenever she's near her. Karen worries herself sick, literally, about Rose and that makes Rose feel even worse. Karen has to work all these extra hours to pay for her treatment. I offered to help but they both refused.

"I suppose you're right. I'll be back soon to check on you and this time I'll be bringing my bed with me." Karen replies, referring to the hospital bed she's been using to sleep next to Rose.

"Mum, why don't you go out tonight? You haven't seen any of your friends in ages. You deserve a night out and besides Harry will be here with me anyway." She tries to plea her case. It's obvious Karen doesn't want to leave but she sighs and agrees, promising to be back no later than midnight.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter although it's pretty awful. I have big plans for this story and hope you stick around to find out. I will be working on a new cover for this book but until then this will have to do. Thank you so so much for reading! Xx

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