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Harry's POV

"Harry." I feel someone lightly grip my shoulder and give a soft squeeze. "Harry, we can go. You can take me home."

What? I must have fallen asleep. What time is it? I pull my phone out to check the time. Shit. It's already noon! How did I sleep for this long? There must have been doctors and nurses coming in and out constantly.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I almost growl. I don't want to be angry with her but she should have known I would have wanted to hear what the doctor's had to say.

"Because you were so cute sleeping," she laughs as a red tinge covers her cheeks. "I didn't want to wake you until I had to."

"So what was wrong?" I ask. It must not have been a very big deal if they're letting her go already. She does look better than yesterday though, but she still is paler than usual and the bags under her eyes are still clear.

"Just a twenty-four hour stomach bug, nothing bad." She smiles and takes me hand in hers leading me towards the hospital exit. Her attitiude towards me has changed. Maybe the way I looked after her last night changed her mind.

"Well that's good. I'm glad you're feeling better." I smile down at her. Our fingers are still intertwined as we walk through the carpark. "You should have just waited out the front of the hospital. I could've walked to the car by myself and just picked you up."

"I'm not a baby Harry and I feel fine. I could walk five hundred miles and I could walk five hundred more." She begins to sing, completely off key.

"Oh god, please don't ever sing again." I laugh with her. She looks beautiful when she laughs. Her eyes crinkle, her smile widens and somehow her freckles become even more evident.

"What was that?" She pouts and pulls her hand from mine resting it along with her other one on her hips. "I'm a great singer! Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby, yeah, I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby, listen to Iron Maiden maybe with me." She practically shouts the words in my face. I decide to go along with it and finish the song.

"Her boyfriend's a dick, and he brings a gun to school, and he'd simply kick my ass if he knew the truth." I continue the tune. Her eyes widen and I don't understand why.

"I didn't know you could sing!" She shoves my shoulder. We're almost at the car, I can finally see it. "That just make you a thousand times hotter."

"You think I'm hot?" I try to embarrass her. Not only that, but I want to hear her admit it. It did shock me at first.

"Well yeah, I think anyone would agree with me," she says confidently. I thought she'd act really shy and try to brush my question off.

"Well for the record, I think you're hot too." I return the compliment and now she blushes. Her gaze shifts from me to the ground beneath us as we walk.

"Uh, thank you?" she replies awkwardly. We both don't speak until we're sitting side by side in my car with our seatbelt's buckled. "Is it just me or is it really hot?"

"It's really hot," I laugh and turn the aircon on. Much better. I'm still on a high from the relief that consumed me when I found out she was okay, that it was only a stomach bug. "So, when will you be making up that surfing lesson?" I joke.

"Let's go this afternoon! We've already missed the first half of our classes today so why not miss the rest?" She beams.

"Whoa, slow down babe." Shit. I didn't mean to say that. Maybe she won't notice. "You just got out of hospital, I think staying home would be a better idea."

"No way! Can we please go?" She pouts and puts her hands together in a begging motion "Oh and I like what you called me," she winks. I can't help falling into a fit of giggles. How did she go from not wanting to see me at all to liking me calling her babe? This is weird. I'm not complaining though.

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