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Rose's POV

It's been exactly a week since Harry and I visited my mum. I haven't seen him since he pulled up outside his place in my car and I had to get out so I could drive myself home. He hasn't messaged me, called me or even made an effort to see me after last weekend and I'm thankful for it. He's making it a lot easier for me to decide my feelings for him.

I don't like him. I don't hate him but I certainly don't like him. I don't want to see him ever again. He was horrible to me when I told him what I'd been through. I can't even begin to comprehend how you could do that to someone. He left me with a gaping hole inside. I thought I could trust him. I thought he'd understand but boy was I wrong. He was heartless. How could I ever like someone like him? He thinks I've forgiven him but I haven't. He needed to think that so he'd let me be.

I'm meeting up with Lou later for coffee. Not as exciting as our last hangout where we went skydiving but at least it's something and at least he's nice. Before I go see him though I want to go for a surf. It's been too long since I've hit the waves. I need to get back out there.

I slip out of my pajamas and into the black bikini I bought with El and Perrie. It's grown on me. At first I wasn't sure if I'd ever wear them but I must say I do love the way they make my body look. I pull a pair of faded denim shorts from my drawer and button them around my waist. I grab a dirty singlet from the floor and place it close to my nose so I can smell it. It doesn't smell too bad so I tug it over my head and down my torso before heading out into the kitchen. I don't feel like making a whole breakfast so instead I just grab an apple from the bench that I can eat on my way. My board waits for me in my loungeroom because I've got nowhere else to keep it.

I struggle to strap my board onto the roof racks of my car but I manage to get it in the end. I take the last bite of my apple before discarding it into the apartment building garden. I know that's probably not the best thing to do for the environment but I don't have the time nor the energy to run it back inside to the garbage bin.

The drive to the beach is relaxing as always as I listen to Jack Johnson. His music always manages to put me in a chilled mood. I can almost see the beach car park as I turn onto the gravel road that leads to it. There's not a single car parked here so I take the liberty of choosing the spot closest to the path down to the sand.

The sun is out and I can feel it's rays on my skin warming me from the outside in. It takes me a minute or two to get my board unstrapped and I'm thankful it was easier to get down then it was to put up there. I lean it against the car as I squeeze into my wetty. As soon as I zip it up I'm racing down to the water with my board under my arm. This is going to be good.

The paddle out is as rough as I remembered. It hasn't been that long since my last surf but it feels like forever. The further I paddle the bigger the waves become and the more spray shoots me in the face. How anyone could not like surfing I'll never know.

When I make it out the back I take a moment to just sit. To float over the unbroken waves as they travel towards shore. The sound of the beach is something that could put me to sleep in a heartbeat. The sound of the waves crashing on to shore, the slight breeze whistling past and the occasional call of a seagull. This is beautiful.

I look out to sea and spot a ripping set on it's way to shore. I pick out the best wave and wait for the others to pass. This is it. I paddle hard and I paddle fast. Nothing else matters in this moment except catching this wave. Once I feel the wave take over I jump to my feet, knees slightly bent. I can't help the goofy grin that has made it's way to my face. This is why I love surfing.

The shore is getting closer and closer and my smile is fading until it's gone completely. That's the end of the ride. I wish it could go on forever and ever never interrupted by the shore. I jump back down onto my board and swing myself around to paddle out again. I could do this all day.


I regret not washing my hair before coming out. The salt from the beach is thick through my hair. I mean I did brush it but a wash would have been a good idea.

"So how was your weekend with your mum? Did you find someone else to go with you?" Louis is good at starting conversations. I, on the other hand, absolutely suck at it.

"It was... interesting." That's the best word for it without giving too much away. "And yeah, Harry came with me."

"Harry?" Lou looks bewildered. "You took Harry to meet your mum?"

"I had to take someone. You were busy, El was with you and Perrie was busy too. I didn't know who else to ask." I admit. That is only partly true. I had wanted to invite Harry all along even though I'd never admit it to myself. I'm glad I didn't admit to it because that would make me sound so stupid now.

"Fair enough. So what did you's get up to?" he asks. Louis' stuble is taking over his lower facial features. I never thought I'd say this about anyone but it suits him. I'd hate to be El though, having to kiss someone with stuble. When I was little and my dad had stuble it used to scratch and itch me when he kissed me goodnight.

"We went to the drive in actually, it was fun." That night was fun. The most fun I've had since I went skydiving. Too bad the weekend had to end terribly. "How was your weekend with El?"

"It was quiet. We spent the whole weekend by the pool or in the spa. I would have preferred something a little more exciting but she loved it." He takes another mouthful of coffee. I'm still not too fond of coffee so I ordered a hot chocolate instead.

"That sounds lovely," I tell him. Why couldn't Harry and I have a peaceful relationship like theirs? I know Harry and I have never officially been together but we kissed and that's got to count for something right? I just want him to be like any other guy. Why did our pasts have to be so intertwined?

"Yeah.. I guess it was." Lou shrugs. We sit in silence for a while and I don't mind it at all. Just his company is enough. "Hey, I was thinking of organizing a camping trip soon. Would you be interested?"

"Yes! That sounds so good," I enthuse. I can't even remember the last time I went camping. When I was little I used to dream of going on road trips with y friends and although this isn't exactly a road trip it's still a trip.

"I'm glad you like the idea," he chuckles and leans back from the table to sink back into his chair. "I was thinking of getting you and Harry, Zayn and Perrie, El and I obviously and Niall and Liam and they can bring whoever they want. Sound good?"

"Uh yeah, but you know Harry and I aren't together right?" If it's just couples going I think I'd rather not.

"Oh, right," he draws out his words. He thinks he's I'm lying or that he knows better and we will be together. "Well you can come anyway and it'll just be a group thing."

"Yeah, sure, whatever you say," my voice less enthusiastic then before. It still does sound like fun though.

"So what'd you get up to this morning?" He asks changing topic.

"I went for a surf." I smile at the thought. I'll have to go again tomorrow.

"You surf?!" Louis' eyes look like they're about to pop out of his head.

"Yeah... For fun, I'm not that great at it." I laugh at his reaction. I don't know why it's so surprising.

"You have to teach me!" He leans forward over the table separating us once again. "Let's go. Like right now."

"You really want to?" I can feel the smile growing on my face. Any reason to get out in the surf is a good reason.

"Yeah! I've never been before so it should be interesting," he laughs to himself. Lucky I brought my second board from mum's when Harry and I came home. I made Harry strap it on before we went to lunch.

"Alrighty then, well why don't you follow me back to my apartment and we can get my boards from there?" I suggest.

"I have to get my boardies. How about I just meet you at your place in say half an hour?" He suggests instead.

"Sounds like a plan." I get up from my seat and grab my phone and purse from the table. "See you soon then."

I leave the cafe and make my way to my car. Either Louis will pick up easily and we'll get to make the most of the surf or he'll suck and I'll have a reason to laugh. Either way this should be good.

My apartment building is so ugly. I guess you get what you pay for. The outside walls are grey with peeling paint in many places. There are no plants or gardens anywhere in sight. I'm going to do something about that. I'll have to talk to the buildings owner first though.

After leaving my keys on the small wooden table just inside the doorway I change into the same swimmers I wore this morning. Although, I think twice about wearing them in front of someone. Someone that's a guy. I slip my clothes back over my damp bikini and move both of my boards to the doorway. Lou is going to have to help me strap them both onto my car.

Being the girl that I am I touch up my makeup even though it's going to wash off in the saltwater. I only ever wear light makeup, some foundation, mascara and occasionally something on my lips. However, today I am only wearing foundation.

I sit on my old couch and turn the tv on as I wait for Lou to arrive. He sure is taking his time putting on some boardies. How many pairs of swim shorts can he have? I manage to watch a whole episode of friends before he turns up at my door.

He taps lightly on the door and I shut off my tv right away. I open the door with a smile and greet him with a simple hello. He carries the larger board down to my car while I take the smaller. It only takes us a second to tie the boards to the roof of my car. It's a lot easier to do with two people.

"So what do I need to know?" Louis stands by my larger board in the sand. This reminds me of when I tried to teach Harry to surf, although Lou is a lot more enthusiastic.

"When I say go you'll paddle as hard as you can." He nods in concentration as I speak, taking in every word I say. "Then when you feel the wave catch you, hold onto the rails, the sides of the board and jump straight from your stomach to your feet."

"Sounds easy as pie," he laughs. I can't wait to see him try.

"It's not as easy as you think. To start off with it might be easier to jump from your stomach to your knees then to your feet." I'm trying to keep this as basic as possible for him. "You ready to go?"

"Yep," he grins. He follows me to the waters edge and stops when I stop. I place my board in the water and climb on. We paddle out side by side until we're out the back. "Which wave Gould I get?"

"Patience my child, you must wait for the perfect wave." I speak in a voice that is not my own and we both crack with laughter.

"Yes master surf queen," he bows his head as a wave passes us making him nearly lose his balance.

"This one," I point to an oncoming wave. "Start paddling now!" He follows my instructions and paddles towards shore. I watch as the wave catches him but he doesn't do anything. "Stand up!" I yell out after him.

Rather than jump he moves like an old lady as he tries to stand up. The board shakes at his uneven weight shifting all over the board and he flips. He flies off to the side blanketed by the wave as one end of his board is pulled down by his leg rope. I can't help but burst out in laughter. He resurfaces and waves at me to let me know he's okay. A whole afternoon of this is going to be fun. I might even get abs from all the laughing.

Harry's POV

All week I've been debating whether or not to call Rose. Whether to turn up at her apartment or not. She told me never to see we again but I can't leave things between us like this. She's the only girl I've ever felt this way about. Felt anything at all for.

That's it. I'm going to see her.

I grab my keys from the bench not bothering to tell Niall I'm leaving. It takes to goes before my car roars to life. I don't bother turning on the radio knowing it won't do me any good. I just need to see her.

The drive seems to take forever to get to her apartment. I don't know whether there was more traffic or whether it was my mind trying to torture me. It's nearly seven o'clock by the time I make it to her apartment. I pull into a spot in the car park only to see her standing there with Louis.

There she is standing with him. She's only wearing a bikini top and denim shorts. Louis' not even trying to hide the sly looks he takes at her chest. What a prick. He has a girlfriend and here he is chatting up my girl. She reaches above her car and pulls a board down. Instead of helping her Louis takes a long peek at her butt. She pulls down another board and then it hits me. She went surfing with him. I thought that was something that was ours. Before I can comprehend what I'm doing I'm up out of my car and storming over to the two of them.

"What is going on here?" My voice comes off harsher than I'd planned.

"We just got back from the beach and Louis was helping me get the boards back to my apartment," Rose answers innocently oblivious to my bad mood.

"Helping you? He didn't even make an attempt to get the boards down he just stared at your tits and took a good look at your ass."

"Hey, easy mate. I'm only trying to help." Louis says so calmly trying to make me sounds like the bad guy.

"Well I'm here now so I can help her," I speak only to him now trying to keep my voice even.

"No, really it's fine. I can help," he looks between Rose and I. I just wish she's put a goddamn top on. That bikini makes her look absolutely irresistible.

"I've got this. I need to talk to Rose anyway. You can go," I tell Louis again. Rose sighs and surprises me by speaking.

"It's fine Lou. I'll see you in class," she smiles at him before awkwardly pulling him in for a hug.

"Alright then, if you say so. See you Rose, see you Harry." He leaves without another word and I'm more than happy. She actually told him to leave so she can talk to me.

"If you're here to see me at least make yourself useful and carry that other board up to my apartment." She says almost coldly and stalks off inside her building. That's more like what I was expecting. I don't argue and follow her with her board up to her apartment.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey beautiful readers! I wanted to make this chapter longer but I'm about to fall asleep. So a big apology to all you guys! I want to say a massive thank you to @italyishere on twitter for Poison's new cover! How amazing is it! Remember to follow @fanficpoison on twitter to know when I'm updating and what's crackalackin with Poison :) I'm just going to tell you a little story that you can all laugh about. So I ordered Insurgent online and it finally came yesterday! I was so excited and then I opened it..... Only to find out that I'd bought it in another language! How dumb is that?! & by the time I pay for return postage there's no point in getting a refund :/ So there you go, laugh away! Anyways, what are some quick and easy ways to make money? I've been trying to get a job but no where is hiring! So I'll stop blabbering on now and leave you to it. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment xx

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