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Rose's POV

I don't bother thanking Harry for the lift. He doesn't deserve it. I climb, well almost fall out of his car before regaining my balance and storming towards my apartment building. Just because I let Harry drive me home does not mean I'm not still angry. It's really only just hitting me that he kissed someone else. Those lips meant just for me were mingling with someone else's. And El of all people?! I thought we were friends!

"Rose wait!" Harry calls after me. Desperation is clear in his voice and written all over his features but I don't care. He is no longer my problem. I'm glad I didn't tell him anything.

"No! Don't follow me and don't try to call me! I can't forgive you again. You were kissing someone else for god's sake! Do you realize how much that hurts? I'm done with you Harry." My voice cracks at end and I spin on my heel and continue walking to my apartment. The tears now spill down from my eyes and over my cheeks. I'm sure my makeup is everywhere by the time I make it inside. I didn't turn back to look at Harry, I couldn't. I don't need the reminder that he was locking lips with someone who I thought to be my friend.

I kick my shoes off at the door and head straight to the kitchen. I grab the tub of ice-cream from the freezer and take it to my bedroom where I slump down on the floor leaning against my bed. I feel like such an idiot. Why did I ever think this could work? He was horrible the first time I took him to mums and he was horrible to me when we first met, well reunited. Why did I think that just because he was my first ever friend and best friend that it would work out? We were like five back then! Dammit Rose! You're not falling for his stupid tricks again. You're better than that.

Harry's POV

Damn it. Fucking El. Why'd she have to do that? Just my luck that Rose had to see it. I pulled away as soon as I realized what she was doing. I need to get Rose to see that. I didn't want to kiss El and I never will want to. The only lips I want on mine are hers and she pretty much just ended our relationship. She ended our relationship. Fuck Harry. I need to fix this but I don't know how.

I slide my phone from my pocket and try to call her. She doesn't answer so I try again. And again and again and again. I just need her to give me a chance to explain. She will have to understand. I give up on calling her and try texting her instead. The anxiety inside me builds with each second she doesn't reply. When she doesn't reply in ten minutes I try calling her one more time but it goes straight to voicemail. She must have turned her phone off. Damn it Rose! That's it, I'm going up to her apartment. I thought I'd give her a little space by calling her instead of chasing her but she's given me no choice. The second the elevator doors slide open I slip through them and speed towards Rose's door. I knock softly, hoping she will see comfort in my gentleness. I hear a sob come from inside and instantly reach for the door handle to let myself in. I twist it as hard as I can but to no avail. She locked me out. I reach down to grab the spare key from under the old door mat but she's taken that too. Damn it. I knock on the door again, although this time it's more of a bang.

"Let me in Rose! Let me explain!" I try to keep my voice even, hiding my desperation for her to give me another chance, the heartbreak that's tearing me apart and the frustration that she just doesn't want to understand. She doesn't say a word and only begins to sob harder than before. "Rose! I didn't kiss her! She kissed me! Just let me in!"

I'm practically yelling now. I don't care if anyone else on this floor hears me. They should just mind their own business. I don't know what to do. I try to turn the doorknob again but it's still locked. I'm so frustrated. Why can't she just open the door!

"Rose! Please just let me in!" I shout again. Her sobbing sounds more distant so she must have moved further away from the door. "I love you Rose!" I hope she hears the truth in my voice. I love her more than anyone in my life. More than my broken parents, more than my friends, more than myself.

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