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~ two years ago ~

Harry's POV

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I slide it out and just as I thought there's a message from Niall.

Message from: Niall
Where are you mate?

My fingers move wildly around the keys on my phone and in no time at all I've written my reply.

Message to: Niall
Be there in 10

Maybe I would if this damned coffee hurried up. This place is filling up with people. Couples line the tables next to the windows and middle-aged women fill the centre of the room. Morning chatter takes over the space and it's driving me insane. I need this coffee pronto or my headache is going to push my frustration to a whole new level.

"Harry Styles" The man behind the counter calls. About time! It's been over fifteen minutes!

"Better late than never," I say as I grab the cup. My phone vibrates once again distracting me from keeping an eye on where I'm going.

Message from: Niall
Hurry up man!!

I begin to type my reply when a solid shoulder hits me. Who the fuck was that?! I look up from my phone to see a brunette sitting on the floor glaring up at me. If looks could kill I'd surely be dead.

"Watch we're you're going next time." She almost whispers. Who does she think she is having the nerve to blame me. It's just as much her fault as it is mine. She climbs up from the floor an dusts herself off.

"Don't jump so quickly to point the finger at me. You're the one that barged into me!" I retaliate, much louder than when she spoke. Her face goes from shock to anger in seconds.

"Don't you speak to me like that!" She hisses and brushes past me. What a sassy thing she is. Rude and inconsiderate too but her bum does look incredibly fine in those jeans. I shake my head and begin to write my reply again.

Message to: Niall
I'm coming dude. Calm down

The drive to mine and Niall's place doesn't take long and before I know it I've pulled up to the curb. This better be worth it, I wanna get laid. I let myself in, thankful I remembered my keys.

"Hey buddy" Niall calls when I enter the lounge room. Niall is sprawled out on the couch with a brunette hanging off of him. A blonde sits on the lounge chair on the opposite side of the room, phone in hand. Niall gestures to the brunette and then to the blonde. "This here is Erica and over there is Bree. Girls, this is Harry."

The girl all over Niall slurs a hello. She's wasted already and it can't even be past ten. I check my phone for the time and realize it's actually noon. I nod at the girl before heading over to the blonde. Bree I think her name was?

"Hey" I say as I take a seat on the coffee table facing the girl. Her blonde hair falls in waves just below her shoulders. She has blue eyes and looks to be quite curvy. I can work with this.

"Hello handsome" She smirks as she eyes me up and down. I sit down on the coffee table in front of her and the second my bum hits the hard surface her hands are running up and down my arms.

"So I was thinking we could head out to the club soon." Niall looks away from the brunette for only a moment to talk to me.

"It's only noon." I mumble keeping my eyes trained on Bree.

"Well we'll go there later but until then Erica and I will leave you to it." He smirks and leaves the room, Erica's hand wrapped in his.

Great. Why do I get stuck with the lounge? The beds mine next time.

"So how are you?" I attempt to make small talk. She twirls her hair in her fingers before answering.

"Drunk" She laughs at herself. "Very drunk."

Her hands reach for the bottom of my shirt as she attempts to pull it up.

"You're keen aren't you." I laugh at her. How she can bring herself to be this drunk this early in the morning and be throwing herself at me I'll never know but I'm not complaining. She bites her bottom lip and nods.


She was good. Not the best I've had but good. She's awfully annoying though. Since we got to the club she's been hanging off my arm. I'm going to need a lot more drinks if I have to put up with her all night.

"Why do you have so many tattoos?" Her words are slow and I can tell she's concentrating hard to get them out.

"Because I like them." I'm sick of her and her dumb questions. I think it's time to bail. "I have to go."

"What? Why? When will I see you again?" She whines.

"You won't." Like hell I'm hanging out with her again.

"But.. But we had sex!" Her voice raises an octave. Damn you Niall. Why must you leave me the clingy ones?

"It didn't mean anything, it was just for fun." I'm not going to try to deny the fact I don't care for her.

"You son of a bitch!" She screams as her hand comes into contact with my face. Ouch! What a bitch.

"Maybe you should of considered what you were doing before you threw yourself at me. God you're stupid!" I retaliate before leaving her alone at the bar.

The walk home takes a lot longer than the drive here. I stumble a few times but manage to make it back to our apartment in one piece. The second I enter the bedroom I flop onto the bed. I drift into unconsciousness dreading tomorrow's classes.

Rose's POV

The butterflies in my stomach seem to multiply when I pull into the car park near my first class. This university is so big and I have no friends here and that just makes me even more nauseas about my first day. What if nobody likes me or I get a dreadful professor?

I shake my head to rid the negative thoughts from my mind. I can do this. I will make friends and I will make the most of being here.

I arrive to my first class ten minutes early and am one of the few students milling around the door. With five minutes to the bell the professor opens the door to let us in. He's an old man with a grey beard. That's good, it means he has experience. He introduces himself as Professor Woodbury. He seems kind.

When the bell rings people pile into the room filling almost every seat. Most people avoided the seat next to me until a guy with a wave of brown hair took the spot next to me.

"I'm Louis," he introduces himself and sticks his hand out for me to shake. I didn't think anyone actually greeted people with handshakes anymore but I go with it.

"I'm Rose," I smile back.

"Well Rose, it's nice to meet you. I haven't seen you before, are you new?"

"Uh yeah, it's my first day actually." I'm glad he sat next to me. Maybe we can be friends. He seems nice enough.

"Welcome to hell," he laughs. His words make me a little nervous. I think he senses it so he continues. "It's not that bad, the school's actually decent but most of the people here are shitheads except me. I'm awesome and my friends go alright to. Actually, speaking of which, you probably don't know anyone here do you?"

"You're the only one," I half smile.

"Well you're definitely coming to my party this weekend." I try to interrupt and tell him I don't plan on attending any parties but his puppy face is hard to resist. "You have no choice. I'm forcing you to be my friend and come and have a good time. I'm sure you'll find someone else to be friends with!"

"Okay," I sigh. I give in way too easily. It might be fun anyway and god knows I could do with some more friends. Class finishes and after swapping numbers I leave and head to my second class. It goes by slowly since I spent the lesson sitting by myself and I'm thankful when the bell rings.

I pack my books into my bag in a hurry and escape the classroom before the majority of the class are even out of their seats. I keep my eyes on the ground and stride towards my car.

Something hits me and before I know it I'm on the ground.

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