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Harry's POV

Today's classes seem to go by slower than ever so I decide to skip last class and head home. When I reach the apartment Niall's on his way out.

"Where are you going?" I ask. I expected him to be inside picking a game.

"I need to talk to Erica. Things are actually getting serious." His smile grows at the mention of her name. Oh god. He's got it bad. I don't know why anyone likes to make things serious and date. Like why make yourself exclusive? All it does is take away your freedom. You can't go out with who you want and you certainly can't have sex with who you want. It just ruins all the fun.

"Jesus man, she's changing you." I don't want Niall to get serious with Erica. What will happen to all our nights out? "When will you be back?"

"About an hour. I'll pick up some takeaway on my way back."

"Make sure it's chicken." I enforce. I don't feel like eating anything else. I head up to our apartment and browse through the games. I pick one of our favourites Call Of Duty: Black Ops and put it in the PS3.

I decide to go for a run while I wait for Niall because when he says he'll be an hour he really means two. I pull my shirt off and chuck a pair of gym shorts on. I slip some money in my back pocket so I can get something to eat somewhere. I lock the door on my way out leaving the key under the mat.

I get a lot of funny looks when I run without a shirt on because of all my tattoos. I don't care what they think though because I can do what I want. My stomach grumbles when I pass a petrol station and I decide now is the time for food.

I walk through the small aisles contemplating what to get. I decide to go with a packet of pretzels. When I look up towards the counter I don't expect Rosella to be there serving someone. I laugh to myself. She works at a grubby petrol station. I put my pretzels on the counter and wait for her to scan them.


"Harry." My name rolls off her lips. Those god damned lips will drive me insane. I want to taste them again. I look her up and down and something catches my eye. "Where'd you get that necklace?"

"I don't know," she brushes my question off. Why does she have to be so fucking annoying.

"Where did you get that necklace?" I ask again, this time my voice lower and harsher. I can see she's intimidated by me but she hides it well.

"I got it for my birthday when I was little. I can't remember who off." Her answer scares me and I don't know why. That necklace is so familiar.

"What does it say?" Somehow I know it's engraved on the back. She turns it over and reads.

Rose's POV

"I'll always love you. Thorn." I don't understand why he's so interested in my necklace. His features are full of panic and then all at once they turn dark. He actually looks really scary. I try to lighten the mood. "Cheesy I know."

"I have to go." He says suddenly taking his pretzels and racing towards the door. His back muscles make my whole body tingle. Before I know it he's out of sight and I'm by myself again behind the counter.

He is so odd. He's a good kisser though. Not that I have anyone to compare him to but still. I keep replaying the kiss over in my head. The way my hands fisted his shirt and my fingers tangled in his hair. The way his lips felt against mine and the taste of his mouth as our tongues moved together. I try to ignore the part where he leaves me completely embarrassed with his friends. With my friends.

The rest of my shift passed by slowly. We get more customers than usual which keeps me occupied. When my shift ends and I finally make it home I decide to call my mum. We're really close. She's been like my best friend since I can remember. It's always been us since we left my dad. The phone only rings twice before she answers.

"Rosie! How are you darling?" I can tell she's smiling even though she's miles away.

"Hey mum, I'm good. How are you?" It's so good to hear her voice. I missed her a lot even though it's only been like two weeks.

"I'm good. I wanna hear all about university!"

I fill her in on everything from the professors to my friends only keeping the kiss a secret. I talk about my apartment and how much I love it.

"Sorry to interrupt sweetie but I have get ready. I'm going on a date!" I look down at my phone and realize we've been talking for an hour. I'm so happy for her, finally going out and giving love another chance.

"Okay, well I'll call you again soon. Have fun! Love you," I blurt all at once into the phone. She says her goodbyes and hangs up.

I spend an hour in the kitchen making myself dinner. Spaghetti bol is a lot harder to make than my usual Vegemite on toast but I'm feeling brave. I serve it up as soon as I'm finished cooking and it doesn't taste too bad.

After showering I head to bed to read. I love reading. I love how it can take you to a whole new place and you can forget about reality.

I can't seem to concentrate on my book because my thoughts keep drifting to Harry and when he came into work this afternoon. He looked so hot with no shirt and his hair pushed back with a headband. The sweat covering his abs only made him look better. But what I don't understand was his fascination with my necklace. It's only a small silver heart on a chain. Nothing special. Heck I can't even remember who gave it to me. I toss and turn for a while before I end up falling asleep.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to give you something to read! I'm glad to hear you're all enjoying it. I can't wait for you to find out everything that's going to happen in this story. Please comment and vote! It really means so much! Just a reminder that I did make a twitter to keep you all updated: @fanficpoison follow for all things Poison! Hope you're having an amazing day xx]

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