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Rose's POV

"What?"  Harry mumbled, clearly not fully awake. He probably thinks I am joking.

"I want to go on a trip."

Harry sat up and looked at me, confusion clear in his eyes. "What?" He asks again. I hope he isn't thinking this is just a ridiculous idea.

"I just... I don't know. I want to go somewhere, before it is too late." I smile and search his eyes for any sign of hope.

"Where would we be going?" I see excitement in his eyes, but it isn't there completely. I don't know where we would be going, but I know I want it to be on the beach.

"Somewhere on the beach." I smile even wider, imagining me and Harry splashing each other, and him throwing me across the water.

"Hawaii" Harry dragged out the word, making it longer, almost singing his beautiful voice. The voice that is so, very beautiful. But I frown, after I know he has to be kidding. Hawaii is very expensive, and I wouldn't be able to afford that.

"No, Harry. It'll be too expensive." I keep my frown. "The Bahamas, maybe!" I know that it would cost less, or just right at the price for Hawaii.

"We will do whatever you want to do." He smiles and kisses me on the lips, slowly.

"Let's go on a cruise to the Bahamas!" I get more excited the more I talk, and I am almost positive we won't be able to pay for a cruise, we might just have to fly out there, and book a hotel.

"I said, whatever you want to do." He looked at me sternly, but I could tell he was goofing off. I giggle and climb out of bed to get my laptop. "Look up how much it will cost."

I nod and look up the information.


"Harry do you have all the bags packed?" I am extremely nervous, and I don't know why. It is supposed to be relaxing, but I just see myself forgetting my phone, or charger. I would be the one to do that. We are having to going all the way to Jacksonville, FL. We will go on the cruise from there, and go to the Bahamas for five days, then leave back home, on the cruise ship.

"Rose, it is going to be fine, we have everything we need, we can get food on our way." I nod as Harry cups my face and pecks my forehead. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, letting Harry carry the bags downstairs. I pace the room, going over my checklist, and then go over it again. I have everything marked, so I don't know what my problem is. I make sure everything I need is even on my checklist, and that is good too. We just got the tickets two days ago. It was a rushed decision, but I don't really care.

I hear the door open back up, and Harry walks in. "Ready to go?" He smiles a wide smile.

I can't help but smile also. I love this... Going on a trip with Harry, to the Bahamas. I dreamed about it last night, after we packed everything. I dreamed about him walking around in nothing but swim trunks, and having wet hair.

"Always." Because I always will be ready to do anything with Harry. I smile and walk over to him. "Who drives first?"

"Me, I will drive the whole way." He smirks and I kiss his soft, plump lips.


"So, McDonald's or Taco Bell?" We cannot decide what we want for our lunch. We left the apartment at seven o' clock, and didn't even get breakfast.

"Hmm" I hummed, tapping my chin. "McDonald's, because I want a chicken McWrap."

I smile towards him and he keeps his eyes focused on the road. I take notice of how his eyebrows are pushed together, and how his lips are in a slight frown, because he is concentrating on the road. I feel the car slow down, and I take my chance to lean over the arm rest, and plant a kiss on his cheek. I begin to pull away, but Harry put his hands behind my neck and pulled me closer to him. I flutter my eyes closed, and feel his tongue swipe across my bottom lip. He finds my tongue, and our tongues are dancing, almost battling for control. I bring my hand to the nape of his neck and tug slightly on the roots of his hair.

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