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Harry's POV

It's been days since I've heard from Rose and I don't like it. I decide to organize to meet up with her.

Message to: Rosella
I'm coming over

I tell rather than ask Rosella if I can come to her apartment. I grab my keys from the bench and head towards the door.

"Where are you going mate?" Niall calls from the couch. I thought I'd make a smooth getaway without him bothering to interrogate me.

"Nowhere." My reply is short hoping he'll get the hint that I don't want to talk about it.

"You meeting up with a chick?" He tries another question. What does it matter to him?

"No." I keep my answer short once again. I don't know why I don't want him to know about me hanging out with Rose but I just don't.

"You definitely are. You planning on bringing her back here?" He smirks believing he knows what he's talking about.

"No." I'm beginning to get frustrated. "I'm leaving now."

I start the engine and listen to it hum for a while. The sound relaxes me and I finally begin the drive to Rose's. The traffic is ridiculous for a Sunday morning and it takes almost an hour to get to Rosella's.

I press the button on my keys and wait until I hear the familiar click of the car locking before I stroll into the apartment building. I've never taken too much notice of the building but the bottom floor is actually quite pretty with paintings on the walls.

With my hand in a fist I knock two times on her door and wait for her to answer. When she doesn't I consider the idea that she may not be home and slide my phone from my pocket to see if she actually replied.

Message from: Rosella
Please don't

What? I don't understand. Maybe she already has company. That doesn't bother me though so I knock again. This time harder and loser. Again no answer.

"Rose, I know you're in there." I say through the door when I hear someone move inside. "Just open the door." She stays silent and I don't like the feeling her lack of response is giving me. I practically beg through the door. "Rose. What's wrong? Let me in. Please Rose."

Finally the door creeks open and I'm faced with a small, frowning Rosella. Her expression confuses me even more. Did I do something wrong?

"What's up?" I ask her and cup her elbow in my hand. She looks down towards the ground. "Rosella."

"Nothing." She shies away from my touch. I thought she liked me?

"Don't lie to me." My voice is firm. I hate seeing her this way. Her eyes move everywhere except for me. "C'mon Rose, I'm not going to drop it."

"Fine," she sighs and just like before moves her line of sight to the floor. "I know what you've been hiding."

Fuck! She can't know! How would she have remembered now? She must be bluffing. Why did she even let me in if she knows? Fucking hell. I must have made it so obvious.

"I'm so fucking sorry Rose. I wanted to be the one to make you remember. I know you must hate me. Fuck I was so stupid. I'm so sorry Rose. I really am." Fuck. I may as well leave right now. She'll never want to see me again. Hell I don't blame her.

"It's not that big of a deal Harry. I don't hate you I just feel really dumb. You could have just told me you were with someone else." She says and tries to keep her eyes locked on mine.

"What? You think I'm with someone else?" This doesn't make sense. Unless she doesn't actually know and she's just confused.

"Yeah, Louis said Ellie's been cheating on him and he thinks it was with you." She doesn't look at me when she speaks. Far out Louis is full of shit.

"Fuck no. Ellie and I haven't been like that in years. I'm not interested in anyone else except you." My voice is strong and I mean everything I say. To her I'm just some guy she met recently and thinks she might have a crush on but to me she's a girl I knew and went without for way too long.

"Oh," she seems lost for words or perhaps lost in her thoughts for a moment. "Hold on. What were you apologizing for? And what was I supposed to remember?"

"Nothing. I was joking." I try to cover up my previous slip up.

"You certainly were not. Tell me the truth Harry Styles." She glares at me. I hate hiding this from her but I'm still not ready to tell her.

"Not today. I already promised I'll tell you but when I'm ready." I remind her again of my promise.

"Damn it Harry. Tell me now or leave this apartment and don't ever come back. I didn't think whatever it is you're hiding was a big deal until you started apologizing. You looked like you were going to have a mental breakdown! Make a choice Harry."

She doesn't know what she's fucking talking about. Not only will it hurt me when she never wants to speak to me again but knowing the truth will most probably break her.

"I can't." My voice is almost a whisper. Her eyes turn to slits and she juts her arm out pointing towards the door.

"Leave." Her voice is fierce and I don't want to aggravate her any more but I decide to try and plea my case one last time.

"Please Rose." She cuts me off.

"Just go." Her voice breaks and she slams the door as soon as I step outside.

Rose's POV

I can't have feelings for let alone be friends with someone I can't trust. Trust is one of my main values. How can anyone have a relationship whether it's on an intimate level or just friendship with someone who can't be honest with you? I hate it. If you can't trust someone how do you know they're not making fun of you behind your back or using you to get something for themselves.

The disappointment inside the pit of my stomach grows each second Harry doesn't come back bursting through the door to explain himself. I hate how I have no clue what he's hiding. It's driving me insane, the way he says he knows me and expects me to remember something. Even his questions about my childhood are confusing.

"Man up Rosella." I mumble to myself. I pull myself up from my position on the floor leaning against the door. I'm not going to let him and his stupid games get the best of me. I take a shower and change into something decent to go out in.


"So have you and Ellie sorted things out yet?" I ask Louis in class. I don't know whether or not I should be asking but I want to know.

"Yeah, we sorted things out. She promised not to do it again if I spend more time with her. I guess she must have just felt lonely." He forgave her way too easily. If anyone ever cheated on me they'd be lucky to be given a second chance and they'd have to work their butt off for everything to be sorted out.

"That's good then," I smile not wanting to ruin his happy state. I wish Harry was more like Ellie. Not the whole cheating thing but being able to be honest and tell the truth. Even though what she did was wrong at least she spoke to Louis about it and made sure he knew the truth.

"So how was your weekend?" Lou's voice drags me from my thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking of Harry anyway.

"Nowhere near as good as skydiving," I reminisce the jump from the clouds.

"I don't think anything will ever top that." He grins. I'm glad to see him happy again. Another kiss from Harry would top that easily. Stop it Rose. Stop thinking about him. He's made no effort in the last few days to explain so just leave the idea of you and him alone my subconscious sounds like a drill Sargent.

"That would be a difficult thing to do," I return the smile. The Professor enters the room and the class slowly drifts into a silence. Half an hour into the lesson my phone goes off. Shit I forgot to turn it on silent. I apologize to the professor and pull my phone out to read the disruptive message.

Message from: Harry
I'm ready to explain
I'll pick you up at 8 on Saturday night.
Wear something warm.

Excitement shoots through my body while thoughts of what he may be hiding run wild through my mind. Tomorrow night could not come quick enough.

Harry's POV

Honestly I'm not ready to tell her but I can't go any more time without being able to talk to her. I've already lost so much time with her and I cannot afford to lose another minute. I just hope she understands and doesn't hate me forever.

I go over and over in my head of what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. Every scenario sounds ridiculous making me dread whatever is to come even more.

I don't want to think about it anymore tonight so I join Niall on the couch with a cold beer to hopefully mellow my thoughts.


[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello everyone! I tried so hard not to write authors notes but I can't do it! So you guys are just going to have to put up with me. Thank you so much for reading! I love checking to see how many reads Poison has gained over time. I do it way too often... Thank you to everyone who has been voting, commenting and messaging me on twitter. It really means so much! I want to know what you think Harry's hiding. Don't be shy and comment what you think! Oh and if you're any good at making fanfic covers I would love a new one! Until next time beautiful readers, cya!]

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