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Harry's POV

I can't get Rosella's necklace out of my head. It's so familiar but I can't pin point why. I swear I've seen it on one of my friends before. Maybe she stole it? She doesn't seem like that type of person but then I don't really know her at all. Maybe she found it? Then why would she say she got it for her birthday. I need to talk to her about it.

Message to: Louis
What's Rosella's number?

I know he has her number because how else would he have invited her to the get together? I finish my breakfast while I wait for a reply.

Message from: Louis
I don't know that she'd want me to give it to you...

Damn it Louis.

Message to: Louis
Give me her number or you'll regret it

I know he knows it's unlikely I'd actually hurt him but he gives me her number anyway. I don't hesitate when it comes to sending her a message.

Message to: Rosella
It's Harry. We need to talk

I know she's going to be confused as to why I texted her considering we have a strong dislike towards each other but that can wait. I have a feeling we may have known each other before. I'm not telling her this though. Not yet anyway.

Message from: Rosella

Why can't people just agree with what I say instead of questioning me or telling my I'm wrong.

Message to: Rosella
We need to okay. Meet me at Starbucks near campus at 12.

I don't care if she has classes then we need to talk. Rather I need to question her about things that will make no sense to her.

Rose's POV

I don't think I'll ever understand this boy. Heck I don't think I'll ever want to understand him. He's so confusing. He hates me but wants to meet up with me. Is this supposed to be like a date? It can't be. He said he needed to talk and that's not how you ask a girl out. God. I don't know what to think I just hope he kisses me again. I want to feel his lips against mine again.

Stop it Rose. He's rude and inconsiderate and not worth your time. I try to convince myself I don't want more of the man I hate.

He's lucky I don't have a class at 12 otherwise I would not be meeting with him. I get changed into a stripy maxi dress and buckle up my sanders. I look casual and the dress accentuates my bum and bust. I don't have the best body so I'm always looking for clothes that make my tummy and waist look small while making my chest and bum look big. I take one last look in the mirror before making my way to my car.

The drive to campus goes quickly and I'm relieved when I make it to my first class on time. I sit with Louis and he admits to giving Harry my number which I scold him for. He makes me laugh more than once and before I know it class has finished. I say goodbye and slide my phone from my bag.

I check Harry's message one last time before heading to Starbucks. When I get there he's already seated towards the back of the cafe. I take the seat opposite him and wait for him to talk. The waitress comes and brings him his coffee and it looks like he already ordered me one as she places two on the small table. It's only after she leaves that he finally speaks.

"I hope you like coffee because I already paid for that." He says and nods towards the cup in front of me. I hate coffee but I feel rude rejecting his offer. I smile and take a sip scrunching up my face.

"So you wanted to talk?" I encourage him to get whatever this is over and done with. I have no idea what this is about and I don't know if I want to find out.

"I need you to remember as much as you can about that necklace." His words are straight to the point. What is with his obsession with my necklace?

"I already told you I got it from someone for my birthday one year." I remind him of our conversation yesterday.

"I want more detail. Who gave it to you?" He pushes. Why is it so hard for him to understand I don't remember?

"I don't know. I can hardly remember any of my childhood. It's all very vague." I admit. I've never been able to remember much of my life as a child and it sucks. I hate not knowing what I was like for half my life.

"Can you remember any faces or names?" He really wants to know who I got this from and I have no idea why.

"Why are you so desperate to know?" I question. I've answered his repeated question multiple times so it's my turn to get an answer.

"Answer my question. Can you remember any names or faces?" I can tell he's getting frustrated so I don't push it. I search my memory hard for anything that relates to the necklace.

"I had a friend and I think that's who I got it from. I can't remember exactly but I think he had curly hair and his name was Thorn. Weird I know." I hope this gets him off my case. It's all I can remember so it's going to have to do.

"Okay." He almost whispers and stands from his chair. His movements surprise me and I jump a little from his sudden actions. He heads straight to the door without saying another word. He is so confusing. I try to push this meeting to the back of my mind as I head back to my second class.

Harry's POV

I knew it. I knew it wasn't a coincidence. Fuck. What am I going to do? I'm pretty sure she hates me but I can't stand that. Not now. Not now that I know the truth. Fuck I need a drink.

I pull my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and dial Niall's number. It seems to ring forever in my ear until he answers.

"Harry," his voice is thick. I must have woken him up.

"I need a drink." I tell him hoping he gets the hint and comes out with me. "Come with me."

"Yeah alright but not for long. I'm meeting up with Erica later." I groan at the mention of his new obsession. I hang up and head straight back to our apartment to pick him up.

He's out the front when I get there and I'm glad. He jumps straight in the passenger seat and I'm off.

"What's up?" He asks obviously noticing my bad mood. I contemplate telling him but then decide against it.

"Nothing." I snap. I don't mean to take this out on Niall but I'm fucking confused. He doesn't push it and we drive in silence the rest of the way. I take us to the nearest club I can find and we're inside ordering our first drink in minutes.

The whiskey feels good burning down my throat. One drink isn't enough. It's nowhere near enough. I call the bartender for another drink. This time I request the strongest drink they have.

I down it before Niall is even half way through his drink. I can see he's surprised to see me drinking like this but he doesn't question it.

"So how's Erica?" I slur after finishing my third drink.

"She's good mate. Really good." He answers. That's not what I wanted to hear.

"Fuck you man." My words almost blend together. Niall seems confused. Why doesn't he get it? "What about our nights out? She'll have you wrapped around her finger soon."

"I'm here with you now aren't I?" He points out. I consider his argument but it doesn't influence how I feel.

"It won't be the same. We won't have sex with different girls at the same time in our apartment." The more I drink the more my words blend together.

"Right mate. I need to go. Do you want a lift?" He's leaving already. What a great fucking friend he is.

"I'm staying." I growl. I watch him leave the way we came. I hope Erica dumps him or he comes to his senses and dumps her.

I spend the rest of the day drinking and I'm absolutely smashed when I finally leave at five. I know I can't drive so I begin to wander the streets.

What am I going to do about Rosella? Fucking hell. Now I know I can't hate her. I won't ever hate her. Damn it! I can't do this. She hates me and there's nothing I can do about it. She doesn't know and when she does I know she'll hate me even more. Far out. She said she can't remember much and it's all vague. Maybe if I don't tell her things will be better. But she won't understand. I know she won't. Fuck.

I look up and am surprised when I find myself at Rosella's front door. What the hell am I doing? I turn to leave when her familiar voice catches me off guard, the surprise in her voice clear.


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