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~ Rose's POV ~

Shit. I need to find a park soon or I'm going to be late for my first class. Everyone hangs around the car park making it even harder for me to find a park. Don't you have classes to get to? I find a park right up the back of the lot and rush to make it to class in time.

Thankfully I reach the classroom before the bell rings. I find a seat in the second row and pull my books from my bag. The professor begins by introducing himself and briefly discussing this semester's syllabus.

"Alright, can everyone please take out their books and write a two page argument supporting euthanasia."

I know this is law and it's going to be a lot of work but I didn't think we'd get stuck into it like this on our first lesson. With my pen in hand I scrawl across the pages trying to make my argument seem as valid as possible.

Half way through the lesson the door bursts open and in strolls that stupid Henry guy. He strides past the professor and to the back row of the lecture room.

"Excuse me Mr Styles," the professor addresses him. Henry looks him up and down before answering.

"Yes Professor Hudson?" He says slowly mocking the professor with a smirk. How can he speak to him like that? That boy's lack of respect is disgusting.

"I think you owe an apology to the class for disrupting their lesson," Professor Hudson replies. His voice shows no sign of embarrassment at Henry's lack of respect. I suspect he thinks this will embarrass Henry and I sure hope it does because he deserves it.

"I'm sorry class for disrupting Professor Hubert's snooze worthy class and I hope your work doesn't suffer severely and you can forgive me for my disruption. It was Professor Hubert right?"

Some of the class try to cover their laughs with coughs while others can't hold it in. Professor Hudson's cheeks redden and I'm not sure whether it's because of anger, embarrassment or both. His reply is simple.

"Please take your seat Mr Styles."

The rest of the lesson goes by without anymore disruptions from Henry. I finish my argument before class ends so I pull out my journal and write an entry.


So this morning started out fine. I managed to find a park before class started and I really like my professor. I think he's going to make us work hard which as much as I'm going to hate it I'll know it will be a good thing. That asshole that bumped into me and the same one from the party interrupted our class this morning. He seems like a real jerk. I hope he's not in any of my other classes. Louis introduced me to a few of his friends and I think I'm going to like most of them. Although I think they drink and go to parties a lot but I can compromise. I'm going to promise myself that I'm going to get to know people and put myself out there more even if that does mean going to parties and doing things that I'm not comfortable with people I'm not close to. This could be a real positive thing.

The bell goes as I'm packing my books into my bag. The class, myself included push to get out the doors as fast as possible. I'm glad class is over, I don't know how much longer I could have sat in that chair. My next class isn't for an hour so I decide to go to the nearest coffee shop I can find.

I dump my bag into the backseat of my car and drive around campus until I spot a shop. I find one only fifteen minutes from my next class. I don't actually like coffee so I order myself a hot chocolate instead. There's a spare table at the back of the shop so I take a seat there.

I enjoy going out by myself. Most people find it difficult or embarrassing to go out by themselves but I don't mind it. I wonder if there's going to be another party this weekend or anytime soon. It was a bit of fun last weekend and I'd still like to meet some new people. Although a party probably isn't the most appropriate place to meet the type of people I'd like. Maybe I should invite someone from class to go shopping with me. That sounds like a better idea.

I finish my hot chocolate in no time at all and make my way back to my car and to my next class. The rest of my classes go by without a hitch and I'm glad when I make it back to the comfort of my car. I turn the aircon on and let my hair out. I enjoy the feeling of the air whipping through my hair.

Rather than driving home to get ready I go straight to work. I'll have to change in the staff toilets. I work in a petrol station. It's not the most glamorous job but it pays the bills. After changing I leave my bag in the back room and relieve Mark from his place behind the counter.

It's a long shift with not a lot of customers so after stocking the shelves I find myself listening to my iPod behind the counter. One of my favourite songs To Build A Home comes on so I close my eyes and relax a little as it plays in my ears.

It's 10:30 when I finally get out. The drive home is relaxing and I stop to get some takeaway spaghetti from an Italian restaurant near my apartment. My apartment is small with one bedroom, a bathroom, a small kitchen and a small living room. Since it's only me living here I don't have a dining table so I eat at the breakfast bar.

I study for a while before heading to bed. It only feels like seconds before I fall into a deep sleep.

Harry's POV

I lie awake in bed unable to sleep. All I can hear is moaning from Niall's room. He brought some chick back from some club and is now having sex with her knowing full well I'm in the next room.

I pull a book from my collection and begin to read to block out the noises from next door. Nobody knows I read and I like to keep it that way. It would ruin my reputation if everyone found out. Not that I care what people think anyway.

I fall right into the story and when I check the time two hours have passed. I set the book back under my bed and turn the bedside lamp off. I fall asleep with ease and don't wake until morning.

When I get up it's only six so I pull on some shorts and tie up my runners. The breeze is ice cold on my skin as I run and it feels good. After running continuously for half an hour I stop to catch my breath. My hands push against my knees as I bend over to recover. I have a drink of water from my bottle before pouring some over my head soaking the headband holding my hair back. The run back seems twice as hard as the run out.

I'm relieved when Niall's not home when I get back. I cook myself a decent breakfast with bacon and eggs. I'm not the best cook but I am pretty good. After I put my dishes in the sink I shower with the water so hot it burns.

As I'm pulling on my jeans my phone vibrates and falls off of the bedside table. I lean down and snatch it from the ground opening the message.

Message from: Lou

Get together at mine tonight. Already got the alcohol

I debate whether or not to go. Do I really want to? I may as well since I've got nothing else planned.

Message to: Lou

I'll be there

I pull up at the campus and am so glad it's Friday. I could not go through another day at this hell hole without a break. Today's classes go as slow as ever and I'm ready to shoot someone by the end of the day.

[AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry this chapter is so awful and uneventful. I've written the next chapter and am editing it now so if Poison reaches 100 reads I'll update again tonight. I'm so excited for you guys to read the next chapter! I have big plans for this story but I don't want to rush it. Thank you so so much for reading/voting and your comments! Love you guys :)]

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