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Rose's POV

I reread the note left by Harry on the coffee table. It's hard to make out his writing but I'm pretty sure it says Goodnight Rosella. The other night was fun. As much as it hurt having him reject my kiss I still enjoyed his company. I kept his note in journal that I've only recently started. It had about two entries in it the second one about our recent night together.

After getting ready for class I make my way down to my small car. As usual the engine takes a few goes before actually turning on. The drive to uni unfortunately goes by rapidly and in no time at all I'm seated in my first class of the day. Hopefully Louis' here today because I haven't seen him in a while. I pull my books from my bag and place them on the table in front of me. I'm happy when I see Louis enter the room and even happier when he sits next to me.

"Hey," I smile at him. There's dark circles under his strained, red eyes. Something is definitely wrong. "You okay?"

"Can we skip class today please?" He asks his words so soft only I can hear them. I've never skipped class before and I definitely don't want to make a habit out of it but Lou looks like he needs it and I definitely need the friends.

"Okay," I nod and pack my books into my bag. We escape the crowded classroom before the professor enters. I follow after Louis unsure of what we're doing. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know. I just need to get my mind off some things. What do you like to do to get your mind off things?" He says not looking at me when he speaks.

"Um, I like to surf and take pictures but I don't know that that would really help." I tell him. I really do want to make him feel better but I don't even know what's wrong.

"I'm no good at either of those things so we need to think of something else." He jumps into the front seat of a car I assume is his. I follow his lead and take the passenger seat next to him.

"Louis if you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" I don't want to make him say anything he doesn't want to but I can't say I'm not curious.

"If I tell you will you promise to do everything in your power to take it off my mind?" He says seriously although the corners of his mouth rotate up by the smallest degree.

"I promise." I say and look him straight in the eye. I mean it too, I really do want to help him. He's been so nice to me since I got here.

"Well Ellie's been cheating on me and I one hundred percent think I know who with." His voice cracks. "I love her so much but I know it's only a one sided relationship. She even told me she cheated but she refuses to tell me who with." He smashes his hands against the steering wheel.

"What a bitch." I say shocking myself with the words that leave my mouth.

"Please don't say that. Don't speak about her like that I mean." He pleads. The tears burning in his eyes trying to escape are obvious.

"Oh, sorry." I apologize. He really does love her. I can tell. There's one more thing I want to know. "Who do you think it was with?"

"Fucking Harry. They used to have a thing ages ago but dammit I knew she always wanted him. Fuck." I can't help the awful feeling that swells through my body. I know Harry and I aren't together or anything but I thought we both wanted it. It hits me. That's what he must have meant when he said not now. That I couldn't kiss him because he was hiding something. I push the thoughts to the back of my mind. This is about Louis.

To change the mood I decide to make a suggestion. "Okay so me taking your mind off this starts now. How about we go do something you've never done before but have always wanted to do?"

"Like what?" He asks raising his eyebrows. Well at least his attention is on me and not on the horrible thoughts that must be racing through his head.

"I don't know. It could be something extreme or something you've just wanted to try. Maybe skydiving or taking up origami." I almost laugh at my pathetic ideas.

"Actually, I've always wanted to go skydiving." He smiles.

"It's a deal," I nod and return the smile. This will be fun. I've always wanted to do this but never did I think I actually would.

"Alright then. Let's go." He starts the car and we pull out of the parking lot. "You might have to Google where the closest place is because I have no idea."

"That would probably be a good idea," I laugh and do what he said. It takes almost an hour and a half to get to the skydiving place and when we get there my nerves really kick in. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. More than anything else right now. You're not going to back out on me are you?" He pouts. I shake my head and follow him out of the car to the office.

We sign multiple forms, pay and are suited up and sent to a small room with a few other first time skydivers. They explain to us how it all works and what we need to do before, during and after the dive. I turn to look at Louis and he's genuinely smiling. I mentally pat myself on the back for doing such a good job.

"We're really doing this hey?" I mumble to Louis as the plane takes off. The butterflies in my stomach reach a whole new level and I swear I'm going to throw up.

"Yep," he nods. He takes me hand in his and squeezes it trying to reassure me I guess. "Thank you for this."

"No worries." I grin as I look up at him. "What are friends for?"

He simply smiles in response and looks back out the small plane window. I follow his line of sight and my stomach tightens even more at the realization of how far from the ground we are.

"I can do this." I squeeze my eyes shut tight as my pulse races. "I can do this. I can do this."

"Aw Rose!" Louis laughs. I don't care that the reason for his laughter is my distress. "It'll be fine."

"I know." My voice barely audible through my fast breathing. "I know."

"Alright we've reached our highest point and now it's time to jump." The instructor informs us all.

"Shit. I can't do this!" I panic in Louis ear. "I thought I could but I can't."

"You can do it Rose. I'll go first or I can go after you so I'm here until you jump. Don't back out now. You'll regret it."

I know he's right. I'll be so annoyed with myself later if I don't do it. I nod and watch as the first jumper goes. Oh my god.

"Let me go first please?" I ask Lou. I think I'd feel more comfortable having something or rather someone familiar before I jump. I mean the worst case scenario is that I die and I'd rather do that knowing someone I know is with me. Shit. Stop thinking about dying Rose.

"Sure thing." He smiles reassuringly.

"Okay, now who wants to go first out of you pair?" The instructor turns to Louis and I.

"Me please," I say staring up at the tall man in front of me. I follow him to the door of the plane. I turn my head and look back at Louis.

"You'll be okay. Just enjoy it!" He cheers me on from behind. "Go Rose! You got this!"

I chuckle at his calls and look at the instructor for instructions. The minutes of waiting seem like hours drawing out my worry even more. And then before I know it I'm propelling thousands of kilometers per second towards the earth.

The feeling of adrenaline surged through my body and I scream of excitement. It feels good to scream. The adrenaline feels good too. I've never done anything like this.

My cheeks feel as though they're going to fly off. That is not such a good feeling but that positives out way the negatives by far.

"THIS IS SO FUN!" I scream to no one in particular. I hear the instructor behind me laugh. This must be such an amazing job to have.

All too soon I'm back on the ground with my feet planted firmly in the grass field where we all landed. I watch as Louis and his instructor slowly come to a stop a hundred meters from where we're standing. I don't know why but I run to him as soon as he's unstrapped and wraps my arms around him.

"That was the best thing I've ever done!" I chime when I pull away. "Thank you for not letting me chicken out."

"No thank you for having the idea to come here. It was sick!" He cheers. "How about I take you back to class now."


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