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Rose's POV

"What are you doing here?" I follow Harry into the apartment. As much as I'm glad to have his company he can't just walk in like he owns the place. "You don't live here you know."

"I know but I don't really care. I wanted to see you and I brought you food so really you should be thanking me." He pulls plates from the draws and pulls a bottle of juice from the fridge. "Is juice seriously all you have? Do you not drink alcohol or something?"

He is so forward and it's a quality I find incredibly rude and annoying but at the same time I find it remarkably attractive. I don't think it's so much how forward he is but how confident he is that I find attractive.

"Are you going to answer me? It's rude to stare Rosella." I feel my cheeks burn when I realize I've been staring at him while my mind was occupied with thoughts of him. "Do you have anything other than juice?"

"Oh um yes, it's in the draw at the bottom of the fridge." I tell him and carry the plates of pizza out to the lounge room. "You can't keep making a habit out of this you know."

"Too late for that shit." He mumbles through a mouthful of pizza. That is so disgusting.

"You shouldn't talk with your mouthful," I point out his lack of etiquette. His hair flops in his face and I watch as he pulls a black bandana from his jeans and wraps it around his head. I'm embarrassed by the feeling that shoots through my body.

"You shouldn't act like my mother," he sarcastically replies with a roll of his eyes. How infuriating. I simply respond by returning the eye roll. He chuckles at my response.

I finish my first piece of pizza and that's enough. I don't actually like pizza, I just didn't want to be rude. He takes his time eating a whole pizza to himself and only finishing when he's done so. There's still the pizza with only one slice missing left and I doubt he'll fit that in too.

"I can put this in the fridge for you to take him when you leave?" I offer and close the pizza box lid.

"I thought you were a big eater." He who's his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Well I'm not a fan of pizza. In fact I actually hate it." I tell him the truth. He practically bursts with laughter.

"Then why'd you eat it?" He chokes out between laughs.

"I didn't want to be rude," I shyly admit. His dying laughter at me was taking the small amount of confidence I had.

"You know I wouldn't have taken offense at all if you didn't eat it? He'll I wouldn't have cared if you spat on it." He states trying to keep a straight face. I can tell he's trying hard to hold onto his laugh.

"Well do you want it in the fridge or not?" I repeat the original question.

"Yes please," he nods and I leave the room pizza box in hand. I have to move some things around to make room for the pizza. I grab another two drinks, one for me and one for Harry. We've both finished one each. I retrace my steps and return to the lounge room to find Harry has disappeared.

"Harry?" I call softly waiting for a response. Nothing. The room is silent. "Harry?" I call again.

I wander down the corridor to the bathroom assuming he may have needed the toilet. I knock softly on the door but once again the only response is the eerie silence. He wouldn't have just left would he? Maybe he did. Damn this boy confuses me.

I spin around on my heels to walk back to the lounge but instead am scared by the dark figure standing centimeters from my face. I can't hold in the scream that escapes.

"Calm down petal. It's only me," Harry says through his laughter. He's crouched over holding his stomach.

"God dammit Harry! You scared the living day lights out of me!" I snap and slap his shoulder. "I thought you were some creep I was going to have to seriously injure."

"You? Injure a creepy guy? Seriously? You've got to be kidding!" He laughs even harder. What a jerk. I roll my eyes and storm past him back into the lounge room.

"Oh c'mon, I was only teasing," he pouts when he reaches the lounge room after me. His lips look so good right now. He licks them not realizing how much he's driving my hormones insane. Stop it Rose. He's a jerk. There is a war waging inside me and I know which side is going to lose.

I stride towards Harry with a sudden boost of confidence and slam my lips into his. The fact that I slipped really did make my actions a lot more forceful then I attended.

"What are you doing?" He pulls away rejecting my kiss. I don't know what to say. I'm honesty embarrassed by my spontaneous move.

Harry's POV

"I-uh-well I just thought... Actually no never mind." She blurts out all at once. I don't understand her at all. She was pissed at me for scaring her, calling me a jerk and then she kissed me? I'm not going to complain. It felt good but so wrong at the same time. I can't be like that with her. Not when she doesn't know the truth. I grab her by the chin and tilt her head so I can look her straight in the eye.

"Don't be embarrassed. I want to kiss you so badly but I can't right now." I hint at my mutual feelings toward her. I want more than to just kiss her but that's all she needs to know for now.

"Why not? I know you're hiding something Harry Styles and I'm going to find out what." She points her finger at me before poking me in the chest.

"One day soon I will tell you. I promised." I emphasize the word will. I really hope she lets me explain everything before she leaves me again. Only this time I know it will be different. I know she'll remember how wrong I was. How dumb and stupid and everything else I was.

"I'll make sure of it," she lightly threatens. Her cheeks are still slightly red from her embarrassment or maybe it's from the actual kiss. I don't know but I'd like to think it's the second option.

"Let's watch a movie," I suggest trying to change the subject from such an awkward topic. She nods excitedly and turns to grab her small DVD collection. "You really need to invest in some new movies."

"I have heaps more at home but I just didn't have room to bring them all here." She tells me as she runs her finger over the titles of DVDs. "What do you want to watch?"

"I don't mind. You pick something." I let her choose because I honestly couldn't give a damn about what we watch. I just want to see her happy.

"How about What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" She asks pulling the case from the small pile.

"Sure," I nod. I think I've seen it before but I'm not sure. She puts the disc in, turns the light off and goes to sit on the single seat once again. "Do I smell or something? You can sit next to me you know?"

"It's fine really. The couch isn't very big." She mumbles. She is so timid yet so infatuating.

"Rose. Get your but up off that tiny chair and sit next to me before I have to come and get you." I threaten and she laughs.

"Okay, okay." She sighs and fills the space next to me. I watch as she becomes fully engaged by the movie playing on the screen until just like last time she falls asleep.

This time I decide not to try and move her and instead just bring her bed to her. Well sort of. I grab a pillow from her bed and pull the blanket from where it's tucked in. I lay it over her on the lounge and prop her head up onto her pillow. I find a notebook stored away in a draw and pull a piece from it's many pages to write a note. I leave her snoring lightly and make my way back to my car thankful tonight hadn't ended badly. She's going to realize soon. I need to tell her before she does.


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