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Rose's POV

"Harry?" I'm more than shocked to find him at my front door. I sought through my bag looking for my keys with a grocery bag in my other hand. I look back up at him and he seems lost for words. His eyes are bloodshot so I can tell he's been drinking.

I don't know whether to send him on his way or let him in. I don't want to kick him out and then him get in accident as a result of his drunk state but I don't want to invite him in and him make a habit out of it either. I go with my gut and be the good person I know I should be.

"Would you like to come in?" My voice is soft. Surprise is evident on his face.

"Yes," he slurs. He is really drunk. Now I'm not so sure this was a good idea. I unlock the door and he follows me inside. He eyes the couch and I nod to let him know he can sit there not that I think that means anything to him. He would sit there even if I told him not to.

"Why are you here?" I ask curious as to why he is here. His hair flops to one side and he runs his fingers through it.

"I don't know." He reaches for the remote and turns my small tv on making himself right at home. Surprising me again he walks to the kitchen and helps himself to a tub of yoghurt from the fridge.

"It's polite to ask before taking." I could never do that in someone else's home. He shrugs and pulls a spoon from the draw. He returns to the couch but rather than sitting on it he sits on the floor leaning his back against it. "Why are you so drunk?"

"Your fault." His voice is muffled by the yoghurt in his mouth. I was going to have that for breakfast but I guess not.

"Why are you so rude?" I continue with my questions.

"Your fault," he says again. How can his behavior possibly be my fault? I'm really keen to kick him out now.

"Why is nothing ever your fault?" My frustration with him is starting to increase. "You need to learn to not shift blame onto others."

"Well you need learn to be more polite to your guests!" He booms. His mood changes so quickly.

"I think it's time for you to leave." I tell him, almost a whisper. The anger in his eyes scaring me a little.

"No." He simply says. So this is going to be harder than I thought.

"Please leave," I ask this time trying to be polite.

"No." Damn it. Why won't he just leave? I decide to try another tactic no matter how unlikely it is that it will work.

I walk towards him and grab his arm. I begin to pull as hard as I can towards the door but he won't budge. He begins to laugh at me infuriating me even more.

"You're so annoying." I sigh when I give up on trying to force him out the door. I scold myself for letting him in.

"Why do you want me to leave?" I ponder his question and come up with multiple answers.

"Now there's a list," I sigh. He doesn't say anything waiting for me to continue. "One you're rude. Two you scare me a little. Three I think you may be bipolar and four we hardly know each other."

"One you're as rude as I am. Two I'm not scary. Three you're the one that keeps changing moods and four I know you a lot better than you think." He shoves a spoonful of yoghurt into his mouth when he's finished rebutting what I said.

"You don't know me at all." I respond to his last statement. We've only met recently and in that time we've hardly gotten along so no I don't think he knows me at all. He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Whatever you say," his voice trails off. I want to know what he thinks he knows about me but I don't know where this could go.

"Tell me then. What do you know about me?" My voice is strong.

"It's a secret," he smirks. Exactly what I thought, he knows nothing.

"Exactly my point." I smile triumphantly. I knew I was right. He hands me his yoghurt tub and spoon expecting me to put it in the bin. "You ate it you can clean it up."

"Fine. But can we watch a movie?" He whines. Maybe this can be my way of getting him to leave.

"Only one and then you have to leave," I bribe him. Please work.

"Deal." He sticks his hand out for me to shake. I take it in mine and return the gesture laughing at how serious he's taking this. "What movies do you have?"

"Not a lot. Most of them are back home." I admit and point to the draw under my TV. I watch him as he sorts through them and pulls out one of my favourites.

"I love that movie!" I smile when he puts it in the DVD player. I didn't expect him to be the type of person to watch musicals but I guess Grease is an amazing movie.

"I thought you would." He half smiles. Why would he care what movie I liked? The movie begins to play so I relax into the couch and concentrate on the movie.

This is nice. Not the fact that there's Harry the one person I strongly dislike sitting drunk in my lounge room but the fact I'm sitting watching one of my favourite movies with company. It's been so long since I've done this with anybody and it's a nice reminder of what it's like to have friends. Not that Harry is my friend.

Half way through the movie Harry suddenly stands up blocking my view.

"What are you doing?" I ask while trying to see around him. I'm only half listening when he replies.

"I have to go." He says bluntly and strides towards the door. I'm so confused and I'm sure it's written all over my face. "I don't know why I came here. I shouldn't have actually. This won't happen again."

He finishes his sentences and leaves the apartment shutting the door behind him. Him leaving me completely confused is beginning to become a habit. Watching the movie doesn't seem to be as satisfying as it was when he was here so I turn the tv off and go to bed. Thoughts of him run wild through my mind and keep me up for hours before I finally fall asleep.

Harry's POV

What was I thinking?! Damn it. Why did I rock up at her apartment? Why did I tell her I know her more than she thinks. I picked one of her favourite movies knowing full well it was. Fuck. What if she starts to remember? She can't. I won't let her. I'm so fucking dumb.

I make my way back to my apartment. The ice cold air sobers me up a little but not much. When I get home Niall's curled up on the couch with Erica. What the hell?

"Hey mate, you remember Erica right?" Niall says when he sees me. How could I forget the damned girl that's taking my best mate away.

"Yeah," I mumble and send a glare her way. I hope she takes it personally because I don't want her back here again.

I leave the room slamming my bedroom door shut as soon as I walk through it. I pull at my hair out of frustration and fall back onto my bed. I can't let anything happen to her and she can't know. That's one thing I'm going to make sure of. I go to sleep regretting tonight's decisions and dreading the day to come.

Poison (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon