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Rose's POV

It's been two weeks since Harry and I have been together. In that time we've been on two dates. One to the movies and dinner and the other to a picnic Harry prepared earlier by the beach. The second date was by far my favourite.

I keep replaying the memory of us laying side by side on the picnic blanket surrounded by grass and trees. The sun was setting as we looked up at the sky, treated with waves of pink, purple, blue, yellow and orange colouring the sky. He told me about his life after I left. How he only just passed high school. He didn't go into detail about why he had so much trouble getting the marks he needed but I didn't push him. It was nice just to hear about his life. He told me about how he looked around for different universities but decided on this one because he liked this town the best. I told him about my first boyfriend and he couldn't hide the jealousy that swept across his face. It sent a strange feeling through my body knowing he was jealous over me, I liked it.

It's Christmas Eve now and Harry and I are curled up on the couch in my mum's house. I tried to get him to spend Christmas with his parents but I can't deny that I'm glad he's here with me. If only he knew I have been lying to him for the entirety of our relationship then maybe things would be different. He would probably be as far from me as possible. I feel bad for lying but what else can I do? I don't want things to change between us and this is the only way to keep everything the way it is.

"You want something to eat? I'm gonna grab something from the kitchen." Harry uncurls his arm from around me and stands from the lounge. He looks adorable. The red Christmas sweater he's wearing is something I'd never be seen dead in but mum gave it to him and I forced him to wear it. I know it's making her happy seeing him wear it. She got one for Gary too. Although in my eyes Harry's the only one who can pull it off.

"No thanks," I smile. I like how at home Harry has made himself here. I've never been like that at anyone's place. I'm always so cautious, always asking before I do anything. I feel rude otherwise.

"Alright, well I'll be back in a sec." He leans down and presses a kiss to my forehead. I never thought Harry would ever be this sweet. He exists the room leaving only my mother and myself.

"You can't keep lying to him Rose. He's going to catch on soon enough and it won't be pretty. I understand why you're not telling him but he needs to know." My mum's voice is serious. I know she's right but I'm going to put it off as long as I can.

"Just leave it alone okay? I'll tell him soon enough." I yell-whisper to her. I don't want Harry to hear any of this conversation and he'll be back any second. "Please don't bring it up again," I plea with her. She's making me feel even guiltier than I do already. Keeping this a secret is best for everybody.

Harry returns to the room followed by Gary. They each carry two drinks and Harry has a plate of cheese and biscuits. He smiles and hands me a drink. It's not the nicest tasting beverage in the world but it's the only alcohol my mum seems to have.

"So your mum and I were thinking of going away next weekend. Would you be alright with that?" Gary asks me. I'm glad he wants my approval. Then again, is it my approval he wants or did my mum tell him?

"That's cool. Harry and I were planning on going home before that anyway," I tell him and look at Harry who nods in agreement. As cute as it is I cannot take Harry seriously in that sweater. I dip my head and laugh at him trying to hide my amusement. Harry shoots me a playful glare before shifting to start a conversation with mum.

"So Karen, you're still working as a nurse?" He knows the answer is yes. My mum would never even consider doing anything else. She loves to help people and I admire that. I like to think I'm like her in that way.

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