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Harry's POV

The light shining through my window is not what I wanted to wake up to with this pounding headache. I roll over to check the time. Fuck. It's ten. I drag myself from bed and into the shower. Breakfast is only a slice of toast because I don't think I can keep anything else down.

After throwing on a pair of black jeans and a white T-shirt I grab my keys and head to my car. I've already missed my first two classes.

By the time I make it to school second class has just finished and students are piling out from the rooms in the building. My head is still pounding as I try to steer clear of the people traffic. While I'm walking I scan the area for Niall but can't see him anywhere. As I turn back my body crashes into someone else.

"Watch it!" I grunt as I look to see the girl picking up her books. She looks familiar but I don't know why.

"Not you again" She growls back. Now I know where she's from. She's the chick that ran into me yesterday!

"You really need to get your eyes checked. This is the second time in two days you've crashed into me."

"I crashed in to you? Excuse me! You're the one that wasn't watching where you were going. Now if you can manage to stay out of my way for one second I'm going to my next class." She huffs and brushes a stray piece of hair behind her ear. Feisty, I like it.

"Whatever," I keep my eyes on her ass as she walks away.

The rest of the day goes by in a blur. The whole week until Saturday's party actually goes by in a blur.


The music is pumping and I can feel the base run through my body. I love this feeling. The alcohol is running thick through my veins and the heat from everyone in the room creates buds of sweat on my forehead.

I take a seat on the brown couch in the living room. The crowd is shrinking as more and more people leave to go to the bedrooms. I scan the room for someone familiar but don't recognize anyone.

"You having fun?" Louis slurs as he flops onto the couch next to me. I must have missed him somehow.

"Yeah, the party's great Lou but it needs more chicks!" I speak loudly over the music. I can tell something is ticking through his mind.

"Come with me" He mumbles and stumbles out of the room. I follow him slowly so I can see where he's taking me. He stops when he reaches two girls. One I have no idea who she is and the other is that damn chick that continues to run into me and then blame me for it.

"Harry, this is Ellie and she's very pretty and this is Rosella but she hates that so call her Rose. Girls this is Harry and he wants more girls." He gestures between us with his introduction. Rose's eyes go wide when she sees me. Louis' arm is slung around Ellie's shoulder and I'm sure his fingers are already tangled in her hair. "We'll give you and Rose some alone time."

"What are you doing here?" I laugh. I never imagined I'd see her at a party. I mean it's not like she seemed that socially retarded but still.

"I might as well ask you the same thing." I can see the anger burning behind her eyes.

"Well I never expected to see you at a party. You're awfully uptight."

"Awfully uptight? You don't even know me so you can keep your mistaken judgements to yourself." She snaps.

"I'm just saying" I smile at how worked up she's getting over my small comment.

"Well I am just leaving." She ends the conversation and brushes past me. Before she can leave the room I call out to her.

"See you around Rosella"

Rose's POV

What a jerk! If he is one of Louis' friends then Louis's friends are horrible. How did he even think Henry and I would get along? Was that even his name? Actually it doesn't even matter. He's a dick and I'm not going to let him ruin my night.

I turn into the kitchen to get another drink. I don't usually drink but I think a second drink will be fine. I look around for someone to talk to. Louis did introduce me to a few other people so if I could just find one of them that would be good. I spot the one called Liam in the living room. I head over to him hoping he'll be fine with me talking to him.

"Hi," I smile slightly when I reach him. He seemed nice enough before. I hope he doesn't tell me to go away.

"Hey," he returns the smile. "Rose wasn't it?"

"Yeah that's me. I hope you don't mind me hanging with you, it's just I don't really know anyone else."

"That's fine. It's nice to have someone new around."

After hanging out with Liam for a good hour I decide it's time to head home. I can't drive because I've been drinking and Louis drove me here anyway so I pull up google maps and make my way home. The walk takes at least an hour considering I live a half an hour drive from the party. The fresh air feels nice on my skin. I finally welcome sleep at two but not before showering and forcing myself to have something small to eat.

[AUTHORS NOTE: I really hope you're all enjoying reading the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it. Once the story really starts to get into it I promise the chapters will get better and more detailed! Just wanted to let you know that you voting and reading my story and all your comments from twitter really make my day. Thank you so so much for reading! xx]

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