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Rose's POV

I think I need a girls day out. I don't have many girl friends here. In fact I don't really have any. The only girls I'm remotely connected to here are Eleanor and Perrie. I decide to text Louis and ask for their numbers. He replies within minutes and I add both their numbers to my contacts.

Message to: Perrie, Eleanor
Hey it's Rose.
I asked Louis for your numbers, I hope that's alright. Anyway I was wondering if you'd be interested in a shopping day?

I finish eating the terrible pancakes I made from scratch as I wait for a reply. They taste awful. I end up throwing half of them in the bin before I wash the dishes. My phone vibrates interrupting my cleaning.

Message from: Perrie
I'd love to! Where should we meet?

That's a relief. I was worried they'd see me as a pest and not want to hang out with me.

Message to: Perrie
How about we meet in the food court at 10?

My phone vibrates again letting me know I have another message.

Message from: Eleanor
Sounds good. Where and when? :)

I text Eleanor the details and after receiving a reply from both the girls we've decided on a time and place. It's eight o'clock now so if I get changed, do my hair and makeup and leave by nine thirty I should be good.

I don't waste time getting ready as quick as possible. The drive to the mall is relaxing as I listen to We The Kings. Rather I jam out to We The Kings. Finding a park isn't too hard with many vacant spaces. I choose one close to the entrance but still shaded by the car park cover.

"You're looking good!" Perrie smiles and greets me with a warm hug. I really like her. She seems like one of the nicest and most welcoming people here.

"Thank you," I smile pulling away from the hug to greet Eleanor. Her hug doesn't feel as genuine as Perrie's but I don't say anything.

"Hey Eleanor," I try to feel as comfortable and unaffected by her lack of enthusiasm as I can.

"Hey," she smiles weakly. They both look extremely pretty. Perrie has her hair tied back in a loose bun while Eleanor's brown waves hang loose. "Call me Ellie."

"Sure thing." I smile at her. I'm not sure what to do now so I leave it up to them. "So where do you's wanna go first?"

"I need to get some new swimmers so maybe Sea Folly or somewhere like that?" Perrie asks.

We wander around the shopping complex until we find the shop Perrie is looking for. We split up raking through the racks of swimwear. I wasn't planning on buying anything but I find a black bikini and fall in love with it.

We meet at the change rooms each with at least one bikini in hand. Perrie has a gorgeous red one piece that splits down the middle and Ellie has a strapless navy and white striped bikini. The shop assistant gives us each a change room and I take the one on the far end.

I slip my clothes off and onto the floor and pull on the black bikini. The top has slight padding making my chest stand out. I tighten the straps to prevent them from falling off my shoulders. I love these swimmers but I'm not sure whether I'm comfortable with the way my chest looks. I mean I love how it makes my boobs look bigger but I don't want that to take people's attention.

I unlock the door and step out of the small cubicle to get the girls opinions. The red one piece looks incredible on Perrie. The deep colour against her fair skin is gorgeous.

"That looks so good!" I compliment her. She smiles at my remark and does a twirl laughing lightly.

"Well thank you," she smiles and looks in the mirror at herself before turning back to me. "You have to get that. It looks amazing!"

"Really? I don't know... Is it too revealing?" I reply, still unsure whether I want to get it or not.

"No! El come have a look at this. She has to get it!" El walks out of her change room already dressed again. She mustn't have wanted our opinion. Perrie looks from El to point at me. "See!"

"It does look good." She compliments.

"Please please please get it!" Perrie practically begs.

"Okay," I agree with a smile. We take our items to the counter and pay. "I'm hungry."

"Yeah let's get something to eat." Perrie responds. I can't stop my stomach from grumbling and Perrie laughs while El only cracks a smile.

"I think I'm gonna have to get going. I'll see you girls later." El waves and strides off in the opposite direction. That was sudden.

"I don't think she likes me very much," I admit to Perrie. We both watch as El vanishes from sight.

"Don't take it personally. I think her and Lou are going through a rough patch at the moment."

Harry's POV

I can't concentrate on this damned assignment for legal. All I can think about is how much I want to spend time with Rose and how much she's going to hate me when I eventually tell her the truth. If I was her I would fucking go off when I found out. I know it's selfish but I'm going to hold back on telling her for as long as I can. I don't want her to leave me. Not again.

"Harry, you want a drink?" Niall calls from the lounge. I definitely do and I'm more than happy to drink with him knowing Erica's not here.

"Yeah." I utter the word when I enter the room. Niall has the footy playing on the tv and from the looks of it Australia's winning. I take the drink Niall hands me and sprawl out on the couch.

"I put money on New Zealand to win. I'm fucking screwed." He says and nods at the tv screen. I can see the frustration plastered all over his features.

"How much did you bet?" I ask curious at how much he's going to lose.

"Way too much." He mumbles obviously not wanting to admit out loud how dumb his actions were. I look at him almost demanding him to tell me. "Five hundred dollars. I thought they'd win for sure."

I can't help the laugh that escapes me mouth. How was he so sure they'd win when there is such a difference in the scores?! It's not even close!

"I've told you before not to bet more than a hundred." I remind him of all the times before he's made a similar mistake.

"I thought this time would be different." He defends. I chuckle at him and take a swig from my drink. "So you going out tonight?"

"Maybe." I haven't actually got any plans but I want to see Rose again.

"Well if you're not doing anything you're welcome to come out with me and Erica," he offers.

"I'll pass," I reply and finish the last mouthful of alcohol in my bottle. Niall chuckles at my response as I head back to my bedroom. I take a long hot shower trying to push the thoughts of Rose when she finds out the truth to the back of my head.

I pull on a pair of tight black jeans and a grey t-shirt where the sleeves are short enough to expose all the tattoos on my arms. When I return to the lounge room Niall has already left and the apartment is silent. I'm not sure what to do so I grab my keys and make my way to my black SUV.

I blast music through the car speakers as I drive, not really driving anywhere particular. I decide to get some takeaway pizza so I pull over on the main restaurant strip. I order enough pizza for a family knowing I could probably eat the lot.

I make the spontaneous decision to turn up at Rose's apartment without letting her know hoping that she'll actually be there and let me in. I grab the pizza from the passenger seat and make my way to the lift. I quickly slide my phone out and type a message.

Message to: Rosella
Meet me at the front door

She will probably be very confused by my message but I don't want the awkwardness of waiting at her front door. If she's already there I'll just let myself in and that way she won't be able to stop me from coming in.

When the lift stops at her floor I stroll to her door where she's standing in her pajamas.

"I brought pizza," I inform her and stride past her just like I'd planned.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey guysssss! I'm going to try and stop doing authors notes from now on because I know they're annoying! I just wanted to thank you all so much for reading! Sorry this chapter is so lame and it took so long for me to update, I've just been really busy but schools over soon so I'll be trying to update everyday! Please vote and comment because it honestly means so much! If any of you guys have fanfics you'd like me to read feel free to message me! Anyway I hope you're having an amazing day! God I used so many !'s then. Sorry! Haha anyway bye for now :)]

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