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Rose's POV

"I'm absolutely stuffed," Harry moans while patting his stomach as we retreat to my room. We just finished Christmas dinner which mum spent all day preparing. The food was delicious and there was so much of it.

"Me too. I don't think I'll need to eat for the rest of the week." I've grown comfortable changing in front of Harry over the Christmas break as long as it involves me keeping my bra and panties on. I drop my pants to the floor and slide a pair of blue and white spotted pajama shorts on. Like your typical couple I've also started wearing his shirts to bed so I pull my shirt overt head and discard it to the messy floor. I'm rarely a tidy person and Harry hasn't been much better. I wait for Harry to pass me his t-shirt but instead he just stares at me. His eyes are a deep shade of green and I feel as though they can see right through me. Right through my lies. Hopefully he won't have to face the truth until it's absolutely necessary. His eyes rake up and down my body intimidating me. I move my hands to cover as much of my torso as possible.

"Don't do that." His voice is deep as he advances towards me. His fingers lace around my wrists and he pulls my shield of arms away to reveal my not so subtle stomach and breasts. I've always hated my stomach. I know I'm not huge but I'm still self-conscious about it. "I want to see you. All of you."

I can't handle Harry's intense gaze so I let my eyes wander everywhere but at his. He still has his shirt on and all I want to do is see it on the floor next to mine. Before he can make a move I grab Harry's shirt and pull it up. He's a lot taller than me which makes this job a lot harder. He has to let go of me to finish lifting the shirt from his body. I frown at the loss of his touch. I take my time eyeing his body. His abs are perfectly sculptured from just the right amount of working out. The skin not hidden by dark ink is tanned from his water aerobics classes I assume. Each and every one of his tattoos intrigues me and I can't help but trace them with my fingers. The beautiful butterfly on his chest is the largest of them all. My finger slowly moves over each of the wings.

"Is there a reason for all your tattoos?" I whisper and look up at him. We're standing closer together now. So close that I can feel his breath on my face.

"Some of them mean something and some of them I just like," he shrugs. His hand soothingly slides up and down my upper arm. His touch makes me feel safe. Feel like everything is okay and always will be.

"What's this one mean?" My fingers still trace the butterfly tattoo unable to focus on anything else. He sighs and presses his lips to my hair on the top of my head. We stay like this for a moment. Me tracing his tattoo lightly with my pointer finger and him, his hands now still on my arms with his lips still positioned on my head.

"It's your tattoo." His lips retract from my head and I look back up at him.

"What?" I'm sure he had this tattoo way before we were reunited and it's not like he would have gotten it for me when we hadn't seen each other in years.

"Well I didn't know what happened to you after you left and after everything that happened I wanted you to have a second chance at a happy life. I figured that a caterpillar has a second, better life as a butterfly so I got it." His voice is a low whisper as he speaks. I'm surprised and overwhelmed with Harry's confession. He does care for me. He always has. "Then when I found you it meant something completely new. It resembled my hope that you would give me a second chance and you did. I love you Rose."

This is the first time Harry has said that. That he loves me. This moment is perfect. I softly plant a kiss in the centre of his butterfly tattoo. Of my tattoo. "I love you too."

As soon as the words are out of my mouth Harry's lips are on mine. This kiss isn't slow or gentle like all our others. This kiss is hard, fast and intense. This kiss is full of our desperation for each other. We need to be close, we need to be together and we need to be one.

His tongue tangles with mine as they move together. I thrust my hips into Harry and a moan escapes his mouth. I want to, no I need to hear that sound again. I repeat my actions this time with my hands flat on his back pulling him even closer to me as I rub my hips against his. The moan that escapes his mouth this time is louder and I smile as we kiss.

Harry's POV

Rose knows exactly how to turn me on. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist, her hands on either side of my face. She moves one hand from my face to push against the wall directing me to the bed. I can't see clearly where I'm going and I trip when I reach the bed. We fall together onto the mattress, me on top of her. She pulls her lips away from mine keeping our foreheads touching as she giggles at our stumble. Her laugh is beautiful. I could listen to it all day. Before I know it her lips are on mine again and her nails are digging into the skin on my back pushing us closer together. With one hand on the bed beside her head to keep my weight off of her I cup her breast in my hand and squeeze gently. I grind my hips into hers just like she did before and she moans my name.

"Harry." Her breaths are rapid and uneven. In between the kisses she plants on my neck she whispers, "We have to stop. My mum is in the other room."

"It doesn't look like you want to stop," I chuckle. Despite her words she still continues to feel my body with her hands and kiss me anywhere she can reach. She pulls away and smiles, biting her lip.

"We need to stop," she says again. This time she props herself up with her elbows bent by her sides.

"Your mum's not gonna care. It's not like we're doing anything she hasn't done before," I whine. I don't want to stop. I want to feel her, be inside her.

"Gross Harry!" She shoves my shoulder. "I don't ever want to think about what my mum has done!" I laugh at her response and climb from the bed. I reach down as grab my white t-shirt from the floor and chuck it to her. Without me saying anything she pulls it over her head. I like seeing her in my clothes. It reminds me that she's mine. After all these years I've found her and she's mine.

"Can we go to sleep now? I'm exhausted." Her voice is slow and filled with sleepiness. After changing I climb into bed next to her. The second I'm lying next to her she curls up into my side and I wrap my arm around her.

"Sweet dreams," I whisper and kiss her temple. I don't fall asleep right away. Instead I lie awake listening to her deep breathing, the occasional snore. With my finger I draw circles on her lower back where my shirt has ridden up revealing her skin. Tonight she told me she loved me and I never want to forget this so I lie awake going over every detail of the evening in my head. I can never forget this.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: AH GUYS I'M SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS SO SHORT! I'M GOING TO A DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY TO MAKE UP FOR IT :))))) I've been super busy lately and I'm going out again soon but when I get back I'll write another update for you guys! I just wanted to give you guys something to say sorry for being so slack! The next update will be normal size I promise :) THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING, VOTING, COMMENTING AND POSTING ON MY MESSAGE BOARD! It honestly means the world to me and if I could I would give each and every one of you a chance to meet your fave! School goes back next week and I'm going to be really mad. Why can't it be holidays forever?!?! I just finished reading the Divergent series by Veronica Roth and I'm devastated! I wish there were more books and I wish it didn't end the way it did like holy shit! If you haven't read it go read it and if you have message me so we can talk about it! Follow me on twitter @fanficpoison and @sunshinxstyles :) Anyway I hope you have an amazing day and smile a thousand times! Please vote and comment! Love you guys xxx

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