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Rose's POV

Shit Rose! What are you doing?! I flinch away from Harry remembering where his lips were only hours ago.

"No. I can't do this," I move my gaze from Harry to the floor. He kissed Eleanor, I remind myself.

"I know what you're thinking but I didn't kiss her! She was drunk and came up to me. I pulled away the second I realized what she was doing," he defends himself. I do believe him but that doesn't put an end to the hurt that's tearing me apart the more I let the picture of them together cloud my mind. I made a promise to myself not to dwell on things anymore. I either need to let it go and forgive him now or end things for good. I can't waste time mulling over painful thoughts and memories.

"Okay," is all I say. Harry seems puzzled by my lack of words. Maybe he was expecting an argument from me.

"Okay?" He asks looking me dead in the eyes.

"Okay." This time I say it with a more definite tone, I even add a smile. "Okay."

"So you forgive me?" He still seems confused. I nod my head and relief washes over him.

"If your story is right then there's nothing I have to forgive you for," I say and it's true.

"Really? I thought it would take weeks for you to forgive me," he admits.

"I don't have that much time to waste," I laugh. He frowns but doesn't seem to concerned by my statement.

"Well then, I better let you get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow?" He asks, biting his lip. I can tell he's worried I'm going to say no. He doesn't believe I've really forgiven him.

"Stay the night?" I propose. Even though I did just see him push someone off a two story building I still find comfort with the feeling of safety he brings me.

"I was hoping you'd say that," he smiles relieved. His smile is among the most beautiful I've ever seen. His teeth are straight and look gorgeously white paired with his perfectly shaped, pink lips. It's just as I remembered it from when we were little although now he has no gaps from losing teeth. I loosely take his fingers in mine and tug him through to my bedroom. "Straight to the bedroom hey," he smirks as we enter the room.

"You got a problem with that?" I wink at him. He chuckles as I flop down onto the bed. He sits beside me placing his hand on top of mine.

"I love you. You know that right?" He takes my chin in his hand forcing me to look him in the eye. Do I know that? I mean he wrote me a song and he's told me so many times now but do I really think he means it? I know I love him. I love the person I am when I'm with him. Is it possible he might actually feel the same way?

"I know," I nod although it's barely noticeable since his grip on my chin is so firm. His hands are large and his fingers are nearly as long as my cheek. I lean into his hand taking in the warmth that radiates from his skin.

"Good." He leans in connecting our lips with a soft single kiss. "Now, are you tired or what?"

"More than you can imagine," I sigh and stand from the bed. It's been a massive day and a long night so I'm more than ready for bed. I take my pajamas into the bathroom to change. When I return Harry is in his boxers sprawled across the top of the covers on my bed. He holds out his shirt offering it to me. I don't say anything and take the shirt from him. This time I don't bother going to the bathroom to change and simply take my top off on the spot. Harry slides under the covers and I climb in next to him. I lay with my back to his chest feeling every rise and descent of his chest as he breathes. He wraps his arm around me and I gently play with his fingers.

Poison (discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora