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Rose's POV

I told Harry to pick me up at ten because I didn't want to be out tonight when I have classes tomorrow. I'm starting to wish I'd told him twelve because he will be here in half an hour and I'm not even dressed.

I have a dilemma. I don't know where we're going so I have no idea what to wear. I've been staring blankly into my wardrobe for the last ten minutes unsure of what to do. I decide to do my makeup and come back to my clothes situation afterwards. I decide to go light with the makeup only wearing foundation, mascara and a strawberry flavoured lipgloss. When I'm happy with my face I head back to my wardrobe to make a last minute decision. A knock at the door startles me and when I look at the time it's only quarter to ten. Surely this won't be Harry.

I look through the peephole on my apartment door and am surprised to see Harry standing outside my door. He's wearing dark denim shorts and a plaid shirt with only the bottom few buttons done up. His butterfly tattoo stands out on his toned chest. I didn't know he had a tattoo there but I guess I don't really know him at all.

"Um hi." My smile is small when I open the door. I feel really awkward standing here in my pajamas.

"Well someone looks a little underdressed." He smirks. I hate that he's making fun of me but the smirk on his face is awfully attractive. I guess that makes up for it.

"You're early. And I didn't know what to wear." I admit a little embarrassed about the current difference in our attire.

"Anything will do." He shrugs not understanding my dilemma. I frown at his lack of help. "Just something casual. Just go off what I'm wearing."

I groan at his male attitude towards clothing and spin on my heels facing my bedroom. I begin to walk to my wardrobe but stop before I leave the room.

"Wait here." I instruct before making my way to the bedroom.

Harry's POV

It takes all of my willpower to not follow Rose into her bedroom and watch her change. Her ass is ridiculously attractive. To take my mind off what Rose may be doing in the next room I go over my plans for the day.

I stayed up to early hours this morning planning what we would do. I want her to have such a good time that she won't even consider going out with Liam. I remember all her favourite things. I hope they haven't changed.

We're going to go roller skating this morning and then we'll get lunch. That's all I've got planned but I really want to spend all day with her. It's a horrible feeling knowing she doesn't remember me but I have to keep it that way, for now at least. She'll never forgive me for what I did. I need to make it up to her.

"I'm ready." She interrupts my thoughts. Fuck she's hot. She's wearing a loose pair of floral shorts and a white singlet tucked into them. She has a black cardigan draped over her shoulders making her frame look even smaller. She's beautiful.

"Let's go." I say and head to the door. I don't hear her footsteps behind me so I spin to find she hasn't moved from her spot near the bedroom door. "What?"

"I don't know what we're doing or we're where going but is this okay? It doesn't look bad does it?" She looks down at the floor and I can tell she feels awkward asking me this. This is the shy Rosella I remember.

"It looks good." I don't have a lot of experience giving compliments but her face lifts at my words. That's a good start. "Now can we go?"

She nods and follows me to my car. I open the door for her and she seems surprised. I don't know whether to take offense to that or not. I jump in the drivers seat and start the car.

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