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Rose's POV

Message from: Louis T

Get together at mine tonight. Already got the alcohol

Should I go? It sounds more low key than last weeks party so maybe it would be okay? I don't have to drink and I could still meet new people. I do need to study though. C'mon Rose make a decision. I decide I'll only go for a little while and not drink so I can drive home.

As soon as all my classes are finished I race home to find something to wear. After trying on a pile of things I decide to go with black skinny jeans and a loose light blue shirt.

I start to panic when I realize Louis didn't tell me a time. I don't want to be the first one there but even more than that I don't want to be the last one there either. I decide to leave now and just hope I'm not too early.

After asking Louis for his address I make my way there. When I pull up to park I look up at his house. I know he shares it with two other guys but how they can afford to rent this place I'll never know. I slowly step towards the door afraid that no one will be home. I build up the courage and knock on the door. A minute goes by before someone answers the door. When the door opens it reveals a tall, tanned guy with his dark hair pushed up. He's wearing a white tank top showing off his muscular arms. He is quite the looker.

"Can I help you?" He asks, seeming to be annoyed by my presence. He rubs his stubble with the hand that's not pressed against the door.

"Um Louis told me to meet here for a get together tonight?" I say uncertainty clear in my voice. I want to sound a lot stronger than what I do now. "I'm early aren't I?"

"Just a bit," he laughs. He seems to become less annoyed by my being at his door step.

"Are you going to invite me in?" I push. I don't want to wait outside here all day.

"You're a pushy one aren't you?" He smirks and moves his arm making room for me to come inside.

The house seems even bigger from the inside than what it looked on the outside. The walls are an off white and the ceiling is quite high. He leads me into the living room and of course there's no one else there.

"You didn't tell me your name." I say, not really asking just saying.

"It's Zayn and you are?"

"Rose," I answer. I look around the room and spot photos sat on the shelf on the opposite side of the room. Curiosity gets the best of me and I have to take a look.

In one frame is a photo of Louis, Zayn and Liam. There's girls dressed in gold bikinis in between each of them. I don't know these guys that well but it doesn't surprise me. Behind that photo is one of Louis and Henry. They're sitting on the couch together, Louis hunched over holding his stomach while Henry's head is rolled back and his eyes are crinkled as they both laugh. I like this photo. It's an odd feeling but it makes me smile.

"You're very nosey," he states. Thank you captain obvious. I turn back to face him.

"Sorry, it's a bad habit." I often find myself nosing around other people's business. I'm quite good at it actually.

"Right, well everyone else is out so it's just us until they get back." Oh. That's not what I wanted to hear. I thought at least Louis would be here.

"I can leave and come back later if you like?" I offer. That does sound like a good idea.

"No, it's fine. Make yourself at home. I'm going to shower anyway. If anyone else comes just let them in." He says and leaves the room.

I take a seat on the couch and pull my phone from my pocket. I have no messages so I sit on Facebook pretending I actually have something to do. After five minutes there's a knock on the door. Zayn hasn't come back from the shower yet but I don't really want to answer the door. Whoever it is knocks again. Okay, I have to answer it.

Poison (discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن