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Rose's POV

This Saturday morning could not have come quick enough. I sleep in until eight which is unusually late for me. Since Harry ate my last tub of yoghurt and I haven't been shopping since I'm left to have toast for breakfast.

The smell of Vegemite wafts through the kitchen as I butter my third slice of toast. I'm unusually hungry this morning and I have no idea why. To counterbalance the extra toast I've eaten I decide to go for a run. Well more like a half walk half jog type of run.

I slip on an old pair of yoga shorts and a loose singlet to exercise in. I make sure my laces are tied in double knots before leaving the apartment.

The streets are nearly empty when I first leave the building. There's only the odd car and the occasional pedestrian around. As eerie as it is for this city to be so quiet I find the silence relaxing as I run.

As I'm jogging I come across a small park and choose to take a break. I sit down on one of the many vacant benches and close my eyes. This feels so nice and peaceful. I think I might make a habit of this.

The birds whistle in the trees and the breeze creates a soft humming sound as it flows through my hair. I'm glad I chose to move to this place. This is just a beautiful reminder.

"What are you doing out here this early?" Harry's familiar voice makes me jump.

"Running," I answer him shortly and return to my closed eye state. He's ruining the serenity of my morning.

"It sure looks like it." His voice is full of sarcasm. Would you just shut up?

"I'm taking a break and enjoying the quietness of the park." I try to shut him up but to no avail.

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself when there's hardly anyone around. Who knows what grubby old men are out here." He sounds like my father. Well what I can remember of him anyway. He left when I was only seven.

"You're not my mother." I retaliate. He can't tell me what to do. "Can you please just leave me alone. I'm trying to relax here."

"Alright, alright. Stop whining. I'm not leaving you by yourself but I'll shut up." He rolls his eyes being his usual rude self. We hate each other so I don't understand at all why he is sitting here, why he was at my apartment and why he asked me to meet up to talk about my necklace. None of this makes sense to me at all.

After sitting in silence for ten minutes I think it's time to leave. I stand up from the chair as quietly as I can and Harry doesn't seem to notice. I tip toe away until I'm far enough away that I don't think he'll hear me. I begin to run again and it feels good to stretch my legs after sitting for a while. I don't look back and I don't stop running until I make it home.

I think I'm pretty funny leaving Harry at that bench. I wonder if he's even realized I'm not there anymore. The feeling of being silly and cheeky like this fills me up and I'm sure it's making my face glow.

I take a long hot shower to rinse all the sweat off of my body. I'm certainly not the best singer but I love to sing in the shower. I can't help but almost yell the words to songs from Grease. They've been stuck in my head since we watched the movie.

Harry's POV

I can see why Rosella was sitting here. It is relaxing not that I'd admit to that aloud. I open my eyes to ask her when she plans on leaving but she's not there. I scan the park of her yellow singlet and black shorts. Damn it! She must've left while I had my eyes shut. And everyone always says I'm the mischievous one. Fuck. First day trying to keep her safe and I've already lost her.

I continue with my own run traveling towards home. When I make it back Niall is in the kitchen cooking breakfast. He acknowledges me with a simple nod.

"I hope some of that's for me." The smell of bacon and eggs fills my nostrils and I can almost taste it in my mouth. I pull two plates from the cupboard, one for him and one for me. Erica walks out of Niall's bedroom just as I place the plates on the bench. "On second thought, I'll pass."

I don't worry about showering and change into a pair of tight knee-length denim shorts and a white t-shirt. I grab my keys from my bedside table and continue to my car. I decide on a small cafe for breakfast. The bacon and egg roll makes my mouth water as I finish every piece of it including the scattered crumbs on my plate.

What should my next move be? I need to get closer to Rosella without her questioning it or finding out. Without anyone questioning it actually. Hm, maybe I'll try my hand at reverse psychology with Lou. That could either work well or completely backfire.

I pay for my breakfast not bothering to tip the waitress. The drive from the cafe to Lou's is spent listening to The 1975. I pull up out the front of his house and surprised to find Zayn mowing the lawn. I can't help but burst into laughter. I never thought I'd see that. He's the type of person I would expect to hire someone else to do that. He's got the money for it.

I wave to Zayn as I pass him and let myself inside. I call out to Lou from the living room and climb the stairs two at a time when his voice comes from upstairs. He's got a towel around his waist when I enter his bedroom.

"No privacy at this place ever," he sighs then laughs. These boys are like my brothers so no there's no privacy and besides it's not my fault he didn't lock his door.

"I'm in the mood for one of your famous parties." Hopefully he gets my very obvious hint. He leaves the bedroom for the bathroom. He returns fully clothed much to my pleasure.

"I've been thinking of having one next weekend but we could probably do it tonight instead." I'm glad Lou is nice. If this was anyone else I'm sure they would have told me to wait and I'm not the most patient person, not even close.

"Sounds good. Don't invite Rosella though." I say in a serious tone. Okay c'mon Lou. I know you want to do it to spite me. C'mon.

"It's my party and I'll invite who I want." He smirks believing I honestly don't want her there. Maybe this will work.

Rosella's POV

Message from: Louis
Party tonight at mine. Be there of be square ;)

Another one already? I had a great time last time but what if Harry's there. I haven't been with him and his friends together since he embarrassed me. I know it was partly my fault but I'd rather blame it on him. I really do want to hang out with Louis though.

I'll go but I'm not going as early as I did last time. Not making that mistake again. I shower and heat up some left over spaghetti from the other night. I finish my makeup and check myself out in the mirror.

The tight black jeans I'm wearing along with the relatively high black heels I have on make my legs look longer than usual. I'm sporting a loose red shirt that hangs off my shoulders and has a piece cut out down the back. I still have an hour before I want to leave so I call mum.

"Hey mum!" I smile when she picks up. I love talking to her, especially when I hardly get to see her.

"Rosie! I'm glad you called. I've been meaning to call you all week but I've been busy. Guess what I've been up to!" The excitement in her voice is evident. I wonder about all the things she could of been doing but come up with nothing.

"What have you been up to?" I smile. I love seeing her this way. Well rather hearing her this way.

"I've been speed dating!" She yells into the phone. Oh my. I'm so happy for her finally getting back out there.

"Aw mum I'm so proud of you. How's it been going? Any cuties?" I question wanting to know every detail. We chat for a while longer about her dates and one in particular. I heard lots about Gary. I have to cut her short so I can actually make it to the party on time. I tell her I love her and hang up.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: POISON HIT 200+ READS!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!! Sorry this chapter is so bad. It's really just a filler so I can give you guys an update. Through writing this story I've realized I have a terrible vocabulary! I think I need to start reading the dictionary... Anyway, I've been so busy lately and this is the best I could. I really hope you're all enjoying this story. I love to hear your feedback so please please comment and vote! It really means so much! I wanna know what you think Harry's hiding! I'm not going to give any hints away just yet ;) Remember to follow @fanficpoison on twitter. Have a great day beautiful readers xx]

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