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Rose's POV

"Is this a date?" I ask Harry a rhetorical question. "No it's not so I can pay for my own lunch."

"You're right it's not a date but I'm still going to pay." He frowns at my noncompliance. I will not let him pay for this. He already bought me ice-cream.

"Look Styles." He raises his eyebrows playfully at my use of his last name. "I can pay for my own lunch and if you don't let me we can never hang out again."

"You like to resort to blackmail don't you?" He laughs. I like his laugh. It's contagious so I giggle with him. "Fine. You can pay for yours but I'm paying for mine."

"Deal." He says and sticks out his hand for me to shake. I laugh at his gesture but return the shake.

"Okay now that's settled do you have anything else planned or are we going home?" I ask. I really do want to continue hanging out with him but only if he wants to.

"I have nothing planned but we're not going home." He answers.

"I want to pick where we go then." I want to be in charge and make the plans. Maybe he'll let me drive.

"Sure thing. Where are we going then?" He asks and finishes off his lunch.

Harry's POV

Today has been good so far. Better than I had imagined. I don't want to take her home yet so if she has something in mind I am all for it.

"Let's go surfing. My boards back at mums but I'm sure there's somewhere we can hire them." She grins enthusiastically.

"No. No way." There is no fucking way I'm going surfing. Roller skating was embarrassing enough. My balance is shit so there is no way I'm going to try and stand on a board.

"Oh c'mon! Please Harry," she begs. I'm not going surfing. Never will I ever even attempt it. "I'll teach you!"

"No. Sorry Rosella but no. I'm not fucking surfing. Never." Hopefully I'm getting my point across. I can't be much clearer.

"It's easy! I promise I won't laugh. It'll be fun." She tries to convince me but it's not going to work.

"No. I'm not going to stand on a board and try to balance on a wave when there's other people watching. It's not going to happen."

"Please Harry. We can go to a secluded beach and I'll teach you. Then if you don't like it we can go. Just please try it." I don't have any other ideas and I don't want to take her home.

"Okay. I'm only promising you one wave though." I give in but plan to stick to my promise.

"Can we drop by my place first though? I need to grab some swimmers." She asks. I have a better idea.

"Why don't we just buy some from the surf shop? It'd be a lot easier." Her smile falters as her cheeks redden. I don't understand her reaction.

"It's just hiring a surf board is already pretty expensive." Her voice trails off. Oh. She's worried about the cost.

"I'll pay for them." I tell her and climb into the car.

"No you will not. Can you please just go by my apartment?" Fucking hell just let me pay for them.

"Trust me Rosella, I have enough money to feed a whole army for a year. Just let me pay." She sighs at my response but nods anyway.

"Okay but I'm paying you back." She promises. I'll let her think that but I'm not taking any money from her.

After buying swimmers, hiring surfboards and driving to the beach car park we're finally walking down the hot sandy path to the beach. The water looks cool and I want to dive in straight away. Without the board that is. I follow Rosella until she finds a spot with good surf and we drop our stuff.

"Okay before we go out I'll teach you the basics." She smiles and lays my board facing the surf. "So first off I want you to lay on the board."

"I feel like a dickhead." I moan and look up and down the beach for bystanders who may be watching.

"Just do it," she complains. I don't follow her instructions and instead lay her board next to mine so she has to do it to. She seems to understand without me saying anything and lays on the board next to mine.

"Okay so lay down." She waits for me to be positioned next to her. "I want you to hold the rails of the board which are the sides."

Her hands move to where she told me to put mine. I follow her movements and wait for her to continue.

"Now you're going to push off and jump from your stomach straight to your feet. You don't want to be too far forward or you'll nosedive." Great. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I ignore my thoughts and jump to my feet as instructed. She claps when I do it and as childish as it makes me feel it also makes me feel good. "Okay let's go!"

I carry my surfboard under my arm and follow her to the water. The water feels like ice on my feet and I don't want to imagine how cold it's going to feel on my bare chest. We paddle out to where the waves are beginning to break and I decide to watch her catch a few first.

"Here I'll show you how to do it first." She smiles and shifts her body as she begins to paddle onto a wave. I'm careful to keep my balance as the wave passes and it's amazing to see how natural this is for her. She jumps straight up and I watch her move in time with the wave. It truly is magnificent.

"Now it's your turn," she smiles encouragingly after paddling back out to me. I don't make any effort to move so she continues. "I'll help put you on to a wave first."

She hops off of her board and walks over to me. The water covers her chest reaching her chin when there's a wave. She nods at me to lay down on the board. I'm so fucking nervous. I don't want to embarrass myself in front of her or anyone for that matter. A wave comes and she pushes my board as hard as she can. I take one last look at her reassuring face before focusing on where I'm going. I go over the steps in my mind. I grab the rails as tight as I can and jump to my feet. I'm up for a split second before crashing back down into the waves. Fuck. She better not be laughing. I resurface from the water to see her smiling at me gesturing for me to paddle back out.

"That wasn't too shabby for your first ever wave." She compliments. Her words make me feel better and want to try again. Actually I don't think it's so much her words but her voice. I've missed it so much.

"Can I try again?" I ask wanting her to push me on to the wave again. I need more practice before I can paddle onto one myself.

"Of course. I told you you'd like it!" She cheers victoriously. I never said I liked it. I just want to be better than her at it.

"I don't. I'm just competitive," I shrug.

After a heap of waves and a lot of falls from my behalf we decide to head in. We return the surfboards and are on our way home when I realize I don't want to leave her yet.

"I know we've spent all day together and you probably won't want to but could we go back to your place and watch movies or make dinner? I've had a really good day but I don't want to sound rude." I pretty much invite myself to her place. I can see her considering it but I knew she wouldn't want to. "It's okay really. I didn't think you'd want to."

"No, no. I'd love to! On one condition." I raise my eyebrows at her waiting for her to continue. "You cook dinner."

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Sorry it's taken me longer to update! I usually write on my way to and from school but I've got no credit so I've had to fit my writing in elsewhere. I hope you're enjoying the story! I'm going to try and make things interesting and maybe a little more intense in the next chapter so stay tuned! ;) Remember to follow @fanficpoison on twitter! Please comment and vote! Love you guys xx]

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