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Rose's POV

"Who wants more pizza?" I ask the girls. I've found a new love for pizza. Between El, Perrie and I we've eaten nearly two whole pizzas. We've been watching movies for a while now and we're on to the third one, Titanic.

"I think I'll explode if I eat anything else," El says shaking her head.

"Yeah, I'm way too full too," Perrie agrees.

"Suit yourselves," I shrug and grab another plate of pizza for myself. After throwing up so much yesterday I've definitely worked my appetite up. I return to my seat on the couch next to Perrie. El has taken the cushions from the single lounge chair and piled them on the floor in front of us.

"So what's the go with you and Harry?" Perrie asks. I've kept the girls updated, well sort of. I told them I was taking him to my mum's house with me but they don't know what happened there or about last night.

"I'm not really sure," I admit. I know if this conversation gets any more in depth my cheeks will begin to turn red. I'm not usually one to talk about my relationships.

"How can't you be sure?" El asks, turning her neck in an awkward angle so that her body is still facing the TV and she can see me.

"Well sometimes I want to strangle him and other times I just want to rip his shirt off." The girls laugh at my answer and I can't help but do the same. I'm glad I invited them over. I'm having so much fun.

"I know what you mean," Perrie agrees with me. "But that's part of being a couple."

"We're not really a couple though," I look down at my hands. I wish we were though.

"Sure you're not!" El rolls her eyes. "You took him to meet your mum, you've kissed and you definitely like eachother!"

"How would you know if Harry likes me or not?" I ask. I want her to tell me that he told her. Then I would know she's not just making it up.

"Trust me, he wouldn't have gone to your mum's if he didn't." She turns back to the movie when she's finished speaking.

"She's right you know," Perrie backs her up. "He was only into one night stands and drinking before you. He never would have gone to anyone's house let alone their mums!"

I simply smile at her in response. What if they're right? What if he really does like me? But Perrie mentioned one night stands. I don't want to be just another girl he can add to is fuck list. I want a relationship. I need him to be in it for the long run. I'm going to test him. Next time he I see him I'm going to ask him out but I'll make sure we don't have sex until, until his birthday. If he sticks around that long I'll know he's not in it just for sex.

"I'm gonna get a drink, does anyone else want one?" I ask the girls when I've finished my last plate of pizza.

"Yes please," El smiles.

"I'll have one too!" Perrie calls after me as I stroll to the kitchen.

I grab a bottle of coke from the fridge and three glasses from the cupboard. I could almost swear I hear the front door open and close but I must be imagining things unless one of the girls needed to leave. Before I bring the drinks back to the girls I make a quick trip to the toilet.

On my return to the lounge room I hear two deep male voices. I nearly spill the three drinks because it shocks me that much. I recognize one voice as Harry's and the other is familiar I just can't place it. Harry is sitting in the cushoinless armchair while Zayn has cuddled up with Perrie, taking my spot.

"Uh, hi guys," I say when they don't acknowledge my presence.

"Hellooo, babe," Harry says, pausing in between the two words. He smirks as he calls me babe.

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