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Rosella's POV

"Can you grab some milk for me?" I ask Harry as I push my trolley past an elderly couple. We've almost got everything on mum's list. Harry nods and walks off towards the fridge at the back of the supermarket.

He's been really helpful with this shopping. I've hardly had to grab anything because by the time I find one thing on the list Harry's already brought the next two items back to the trolley. I'm just assuming he has experience when it comes to grocery shopping.

"Here," he says when he returns and places the two milk bottles at the back of the trolley.

"Can you go unlock the car and open the boot while I pay? I've just got to grab one more thing." I need to get tampons and I certainly do not want him coming with me to get those.

"You sure? I can help get whatever it is you need and I can carry more groceries to the car." I know he wants to help but that would just be too awkward.

"It's fine. Can you just unlock the car for me?" I'm not going to let him come with me. No way.

"Okay, see you soon." He grabs the keys from my hand and strolls to the shop's exit. I weave my trolley through the crowded aisles until I reach the women's health and hygiene section. I grab a packet of pads and a packet of tampons and throw them in with the rest of my shopping. It's awkward enough buying these alone let alone with somebody so I'm thankful Harry left when I said.

"That'll be eighty-seven dollars and fifty-five cents," the cashier rings up my bill. The girl serving me is quite scary. She has greasy jet black hair slicked down across her face and the look on her face is deathly. She's a lot shorter than me but I still find her intimidating. I pay her my money and make a beeline for the car. When I get there Harry insists on putting the groceries in the car himself so I just climb into the drivers seat and wait for Harry to join me in the front of the car.

"Let's go," he says and does his seatbelt up. I pull out of the car park and we're on the road again. I don't feel like talking so I turn the radio on instead. Once again Jack Johnson fills my ears.

It's only a short drive back to mum's through quiet streets. Harry refuses to let me carry any groceries inside so I pack them away as he brings them in. The silence is filled with small talk between Harry and I. I think mum might be taking a nap.

"I, uh, I bought you something while we were out," Harry says. "Wait here."

What could he have bought me? Actually no, when did he buy me something? I hate receiving gifts for no particular reason because I feel bad for not buying one for them too. I mean it's okay if it's for a birthday or something but why just out of the blue?

I ignore Harry's words and wander to my bedroom leaving the wooden door open behind me. I'm so exhausted and I have no idea why. Maybe it's all the driving we've done today. I relax my legs and slouch onto my bed, back against the wall.

"Rose?" I hear Harry's voice from the kitchen. I deliberate whether or not to tell him where I am.

"Bedroom," I call out to him. His hands are hidden behind his back when he enters.

"Well I thought, no I decided, we're going to go out this afternoon and I," he pauses for a moment. "I bought you flowers." His hands slide out from behind him to reveal a bunch of roses.

"Roses? Really?" I laugh at his choice of flowers. I don't think I've ever received any other type of flower.

"Well yeah, are they to cliche?" He laughs with me now. It feels good to laugh with him.

"A little bit but that's okay, I can work with that." My smile is wide as I speak. "So where are we going?"

"I don't really know what's around here but I thought we could do something fun like going to the drive in maybe?"

I can't remember the last time I went to the drive in. "Sounds good." My car's not the best for the drive in so we'll have to borrow mum's four wheel drive.

"Then we'll leave at five. I already looked it up, it starts at six and it's half an hour away but I thought we should get there early," Harry rambles on. It's cute how he's acting really nervous about this. I honestly have mixed feelings toward him. I want to hate him, I really do but I can't. Every time he smiles, every time he brushes my skin by accident and every time his eyes crinkle when he laughs my want to hate him is replaced with a need to be with him. It's driving me insane. He's driving me insane.

Harry's POV

I wanted to drive to the drive in but Rosella refused to let me. We've taken her mum's car and Rosella keeps saying her mum doesn't trust me driving it. She seems to stereotype young men as reckless drivers. At least that's what Rose said.

"There it is," I point to the sign that reads 'Drive In'. The three movies showing are Frozen, Catching Fire and Enders Game. I actually really want to see Catching Fire.

I'm a completely different person when I'm with Rose. I know I can be myself around her, my compete self. When I'm with my friends I build up walls and keep things secret like my love for books for example. My friends are all about drinking, partying and having sex. Although I can see their starting to change too. Especially Niall. He hardly goes out and gets smashed anymore. I hate to admit it but Erica has been a good influence on him.

We argue about who's going to pay for the movies but I insist she let me pay. I want this to be like a date. We park the car with the boot facing the screen. Before we left we put two beanbags and a few blankets in the back so we could sit in the boot of the car. We packed food from Karen's house so we didn't need to buy any. Of course that was Karen's idea and Rose thought it was really smart so that's what we did.

"You hungry?" I ask Rose. She's wearing these long, stripy, baggy pants and a white singlet with a sweatshirt on top. As much as I love how cute she looks I would have loved to have seen her in a pair of tights.

"A little bit," she shrugs her shoulders. "Can you pass me the cheese twisties?"

I hand her the snack she asked for before looking back to the empty screen. "Tonight's going to be good."

"It will be," she smiles back after finishing her mouthful of twisties. "Hey! Let's go get popcorn from the shop before the lines to big and we miss the start of the movie!" The enthusiasm in her voice makes me chuckle. I don't think I've ever seen someone this excited about food. "And we can get ice-cream!"

"Sure." I climb from the boot of the car to the ground and offer my hand to help Rosella out. She stares at it for a moment before looking up to me and slowly taking it. It's like this must be awkward for her but I don't find it awkward at all. It takes at least ten minutes for her to pick which flavour ice-cream she wants and another five minutes to pick what toppings. Eventually we head back to the car each with a different ice-cream combination and myself carrying the popcorn as well. Rose has chocolate ice-cream with all the different type of chocolate toppings you can get. That's going to be so sickening. I went with something a lot less exciting with vanilla ice-cream, chocolate sauce and sprinkles. We clamber back into the boot just in time for the movie to start. The credits begin to play and I can't help but watch as Rose shoves mouthful after mouthful of ice-cream in between her lips whilst never taking her eyes from the screen. Most people would probably find her eating habit a massive turn off but honestly I love it. She's not like those twig thin girls who will order some meal with salad and only eat the salad saying their 'too full' to finish the main part.


Just as the third movie begins I watch as Rose's eyes flicker before slowly falling closed. Her breathing becomes slower, deeper and louder. I try to time my breathing with hers, paying close attention to when her chest rises and falls. I want to be one with her and at the moment breathing in time is the closest I have to that.

My eyes return to the screen and I fall into the world of the movie. This movie isn't as interesting as I'd hoped. About half an hour into the movie I hear Rose mumble something in her sleep.

"Harry," her mumble is barely audible and I have to strain my ear to hear her. "Harry." She must be dreaming about me. What would she be dreaming? Maybe this is a good sign. I wait and listen for her to speak again. "Dad. Dad! DAD!" Her voice gets louder and louder. She's having a nightmare.

"Hey, hey. Rose it's okay. You're dreaming." I shake her shoulders to try and wake her while I speak. "Sh, Rose it's alright. Baby, it's okay." Shit. I just called her baby.

Her eyes snap open and she stares straight at me. Her eyes feel like daggers digging deep into my chest. I'm the reason for her nightmares.

"Sorry, I...uh I didn't mean to fall asleep." She tries to brush it off and if she doesn't want to talk about it I'm not going to make her.

"I don't blame you. This movie sucks. Let's get out of here yeah?" I suggest. I'd much rather be somewhere else with her right now. I don't plan on taking her home just yet.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! Let this be my Christmas present to you! Thank you guys so much for reading! The amount of votes I've received in the last two days has been incredible. You guys are amazing! I know I've been giving individual shoutouts but I just want to mention you all! You should all follow everyone who has commented and voted for this story because each and every one of you are beautiful. Anyway, I'm sorry this isn't as long or as good as a chapter I wanted it to be. It's Louis' birthday today! Woweeee. I can't believe he's 22 now! I'll leave you guys to your presents, food and Christmas carols. Have an amazing Christmas guys! I'll hopefully update again before the new year. Sorry it's taking so long but thank you guys for understanding! Love you's :) xx

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