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Harry's POV

~ flashback ~

"It's your fault he's dead." My dad spits at me. Literally. "You fucking screwed up."

"I- I didn't mean to. They were looking for you and I didn't know what they were going to do." I attempt to defend myself. I know what's coming and I hate it. "I'm sorry."

"You're pathetic. You let them kill Rose's dad. You let them hurt her. It's all your fault."

"No it's not!" I scream and immediately regret it. I back up until I'm stopped by the wall.

"Shut up boy!" His voice booms in the small room as his hand collides with my face. The tears fall freely down my face. His actions silence me and cry without another word. "Only weak gay boys cry! Are you a weak gay boy? Who am I kidding of course you are!" He grabs the collar of my shirt and slams me against the wall.

"Ow," I whine. I can't hold it in gasping at the pain in my head.

"You're a disgrace. No one will ever want you. You deserve to live on the streets. You're the reason that mans dead!" He yells his nose only a centimeter from mine. I turn my head to the side and look at the ground. He lets go of my shirt and I fall into a heap on the floor. "You can't even look me in the eyes you freak!"

He storms out of the room leaving me sobbing on my bedroom floor. After a few minutes or what feels like hours mum comes and finds me. She pulls me into her arms and cry into her chest soaking her blouse.

"I'm so sorry baby, one day I'll get us out of here. I promise." She tightens her grip on me and I look up at her. Her eye is still bruised from the last time dad hit her. He's not like this. He's fine when he's not drinking or having drugs. Mum tried to explain it to me. We call it poison. That's why my dad is the way he is, because of the poison.

~ flashback over ~

I feel the sweat begin to form on my head at the memory of my father. He's not like that anymore but the image still sends chills down my spine. It was only hours after Rose's dad was taken away in an ambulance. I tried to explain to my parents what had happened and dad started to panic. He blamed me completely and said we had to keep it a secret. He said he'd hurt me and mum if either of us told anyone. He never even considered that it could be his fault. He drilled it into me from that day that it was my fault. I have and always will blame myself for what happened even without his influence.

I hate carrying this guilt around. I thought maybe it might have eased when I told Rosella but it didn't. Not even in the slightest. I don't know how I'm going to make it up to her but I will. I'll try my hardest no matter how much she pushes me away.

I think for now the best thing for me to do is give her some space. I can't even begin to imagine how she must be feeling right now. It's time to make a plan.

Rose's POV

"I'm sorry I called you out so late last night. I wasn't thinking, I should have just waited until this morning." I apologize to Louis. His hands are cupped around the mug filled with coffee as he sits across from me in this cafe.

"It's fine really Rose. Stop apologizing! I pulled you out of class remember," he points out. I guess he's right so I just nod. "So what are you going to do?"

"Avoid him." I look down to my almost empty hot chocolate. I don't know what to do and honestly not seeing him does sound good, at least for now anyway.

"You can't avoid him forever though Rose." He looks me in the eye before I turn away. "You want my advice?"

"Sure," I shrug. Any help right now would be great.

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