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Harry's POV

Maybe Lou didn't invite her. Damn it. I should have just told him to invite her. I take another mouthful from the cup of alcohol in my hand and slouch back into the couch.

"How about a game of beer pong?" Louis asks me. I open my mouth to answer him but something stops me. Rosella walks through the door looking the sexiest I've ever seen her. Her hair is loose and falling down past her shoulders. Her legs are looking insanely long and I imagine myself I between them. Stop it Harry, you can never be like that with her. She looks at me then turns and walks into the other room. This is going to be harder than I thought.

"Um excuse me," I mumble awkwardly to Louis. I make a beeline for the door but am interrupted by a small red head. Her face is familiar but I can't put a name to it.

"Hi Harry," she slurs. She's eyeing me up and down while biting her lip. Usually I'd be all over her in seconds but not tonight. I need to find Rosella. I look up to see if Rosella's still in sight and the girl slams her lips against mine.

I can't help but reciprocate the action. My hands travel down to her ass and I squeeze as she tugs at my hair. My mind finally catches up to what my body is doing and I pull away immediately. I look up to see Rosella looking at me in I don't even know what that is. Disgust? Confusion? I can't tell. This isn't what I'm here for. Not tonight. I stride away leaving the red head behind.

I've lost Rosella again amongst the crowd. I use my height to my advantage and scan the room over the top of everyone's heads. I spy her sitting with Liam and I'm not fucking okay with that. We've been good mates long enough for me to know what he's like with girls. He's worse than me. He makes them fall for him but he can't commit to them so he leaves then heartbroken. No ones going to fucking break my Rosella's heart.

"Hey." I let the two of them know I'm there. Rosella smiles awkwardly and Liam replies.

"Hey. Rose and I were just about to go for a walk. We'll talk to you later." He tries to brush me off. Over my dead body.

"I'll come." Like hell I'm leaving her with him. Liam rolls his eyes and grabs Rosella by the hand and pulls her towards the front door. I follow along not caring how much this will annoy Liam. He probably just thinks I want to fuck her but he's wrong. Sort of.

"So you were saying you want to travel when you finish uni?" Liam asks her politely. What a boring conversation.

"Yeah, I've wanted to since I was little. I've just been trying to save the money." I can tell she's enjoying this conversation from the smile plastered on her face. "Do you?"

"Yeah there's a few places I'd like to visit. Maybe we could be travel buddies?" Like hell that's what he means.

"Maybe," she laughs. Her laugh is beautiful. The three of us fall silent and I decide to break it.

"Well isn't anyone going to ask me?" I rudely ask. I'm not offended in the slightest but I just want to remind them I'm still here.

"Oh sorry I forgot you were here. You were so quiet," Rosella apologizes. Liam rolls his eyes once again and I can tell he's getting frustrated.

"You weren't really invited on this walk so maybe you should just go back inside." He almost spits.

"Liam," Rosella tries to shush him. "I'm sorry Harry. Would you like to travel?"

"I've already been to a lot of places and I didn't enjoy any of them. It's not where you are it's who you're with." My answer is true. My parents took me all over the world to try and make up for their shit parenting. I hated it. Going on holidays with my parents was always the same. Every single time. They'd go out together and leave me at the hotel with one of their many credit cards. Anyway that's how I ended up here. Well sort of anyway.

"That's nice. I wasn't expecting such an intriguing answer." She smiles. I'm a little embarrassed by my answer but I don't let it show.

"So do you have a job?" Liam asks taking Rosella's attention from me. He thinks this is a game but I won't be played.

"She works at a service station. Rosella would you like to hangout tomorrow? Just the two of us that is." I smirk when I see Liam's face. I know she's considering it, it's written all over her face.

Rosella's POV

I don't really want to go out with him and I don't want to rub it in Liam's face. I really like Liam. He's so sweet and he's been nothing but kind to me. Although I don't want to reject Harry and embarrass him in front of Liam. I would like to feel his lips again to. It felt so good to kiss him.

"Um, sure. We can talk about it later though okay?" My voice is soft hoping Liam isn't too concerned by this. I really do want to get to know him better.

We continue our awkward walk for only ten more minutes before returning to the house. I think it's time to go home so I find Louis and thank him for inviting me. I actually managed not to drink tonight so I can happily drive home.

I start the car and am startled by a knock at my window. Harry's familiar handsome face is peering through the glass. I open the window confused. The white shirt he's wearing shows off his muscles making him even more attractive than usual.

"Can I get a lift?" I almost gasp at his request. First he asks me to hang out and now he's asking for a lift. This is weird.

"Uh, sure." I smile weakly and he climbs into the passenger seat. "So where am I going?"

He gives me directions before a loud silence fills the car.

"So where are we going tomorrow?" I'm curious as to what he has planned.

"I don't care." He hardly seems interested in the conversation.

"Back to your usual self I see." I frown disappointed with his response.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant I don't mind. You can choose." He looks up from his phone at me. His eyes are beautiful colour and they remind me of the spring.

"Just surprise me. Pick me up at 10." I instruct him as I pull up at the address he told me. He leaves the car with a thank you and I'm left feeling as excited as ever for tomorrow.

[AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! Thank you so so much for reading. Sorry this chapters pretty short but I've been really busy. Please comment and vote!! Get excited for 1d day! I can't watch it because I'll be dancing all day which I'm really upset about :( If any of you plan on spamming the boys for 1/5 if you include my username it would mean so much! It's @sunshinxstyles if you're feeling generous haha. Anyway I'm off. Have a good night/day!]

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