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Rose's POV

While Harry cooks away in the kitchen with the minimal ingredients I have I pick a movie from my small collection. I don't understand why Harry's being such a gentleman. I can't help but think it won't last. From the small amount of time I've spent with him he acts very differently around his friends.

"Foods ready!" He calls from the kitchen. I put the handful of DVDs in my hand on the floor and follow the amazing smell into the kitchen. "I don't know where you usually eat so I wasn't sure where to put the plates."

"We can eat in the lounge room if you like?" I offer knowing very well how uncomfortable my kitchen stools are. He shrugs as if he doesn't mind so I grab a plate and head back into the lounge room.

"So I hope you like pasta," he says with a mouthful of food. I nod as I finish my the food in my mouth.

"This is so good," I compliment before shoveling another forkful of pasta into my mouth. We continue to eat in silence until we've finished our meals.

"I wasn't expecting you to eat all that," he points to my empty plate. It wasn't even that big of a serve to be honest. I shrug in response not sure what to say. "I mean most girls I eat dinner with wouldn't even eat half of that."

"Well I guess I'm not most girls then." I can't help the jealousy that seeps in when I realize he must take different girls out for dinner all the time. "Can I ask you something?"

He takes a while to consider my request before nodding slowly. I can tell he's feeling apprehensive not knowing what I'm going to ask.

"Why the sudden change in attitude toward me? Like I kissed you and you walked out on me but then you ask to hangout and here we are eating dinner together. I don't get it." This has been bugging me all day. I can't help but think the only reason he wants to be friends is to piss Liam off. He takes his time before answering.

"I don't think I can answer that right now." What? It was a pretty simple question. It's not like it should be that hard to answer. I don't know what to do so I look down at my empty plate. He notices my frustration and continues. "I promise I'll tell you one day. Just not tonight okay?"

I nod knowing he's looking for my approval. I make an attempt to lighten the mood and stick out my pinky finger and he chuckles softly linking his pinky finger around mind.

"Promise?" I try to hold in my laughter at the fact that he is actually pinky promising me something.

"Promise." He laughs and I can't help but do the same. The fact he still hasn't answered my question eats at my insides. I'll make sure to remember to ask him another time.

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" I ask as I clear the coffee table carrying our empty plates along with our used cutlery to the kitchen.

"That was supposed to be your job. I cook and you pick the movie. I am truly disappointed in you." He acts mortified as the words leave his mouth. I giggle at his playfulness that I'm beginning to like.

"I didn't know what type of movie you'd like." I admit and point to the small handful I'd pulled out. "I've got Paranormal Activity, Fast and Furious, The Hangover and a bunch of other ones I don't think you'd like."

"How about we go with the scary one then?" I could definitely go with that. My imagination draws pictures of us sitting on the couch with his arm around me as I lean into his chest. I shake away the images and put the DVD in the player.

I stand up and am forced to choose whether we sit together or not. Harry has already made him self comfortable on the two seater lounge and I can choose to either sit next to him or on the small lounge chair diagonal from him. I decide to sit by myself and I try to not look at Harry for his reaction and focus on the tv.

Poison (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora