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Rose's POV

He smirks at me as if he's won. Well Harry you've got another thing coming. I lean over the table knocking someone's drink over and fist Harry's shirt in my hands, slamming his lips into mine. I'm not really sure what to do so I just close my eyes and try to let my body take over. His mouth opens so I slip my tongue inside moving at a steady rhythm with his. This actually feels good. How have I never kissed anyone before? My hands have found their way up to his hair and are tugging softly at the ends. This feels really good.

Harry pulls away, stands up and leaves the room leaving me surrounded by shocked people. I can feel my cheeks burning as my embarrassment sets in. Was I that bad? I can't believe I actually kissed him. The fact he just pulled away and left makes me want to cry. I know we hardly know each other and I practically hate him but it was my first kiss and I wasted it on him. I'm never drinking again.

How did I think having a drink would end up okay? I didn't plan on drinking but because it wasn't a party I thought it'd be okay. Boy was I wrong. No one has said anything for a few minutes so I decide to take that as my cue to leave.

"Well uh, I'm gonna go. I'll see you all later." I smile weakly and head for the door. I hear a few goodbyes called from the people behind me but I just continue on my line for the door.

I step outside and the cool air hits me like a brick. Maybe I can drive home? I've only had two drinks, or was it three? I stumble over to my car and search my bag for my keys.

"Shit,' I moan to myself when I drop my keys on the ground. It's dark and I have to feel around on the ground to find them.

"Here," Harry's familiar accent scares me making me jump. He laughs quietly to himself as he shakes my keys next to his head.

"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" I slur, the alcohol starting to effect my speech. "What do you want?"

"I'm not letting you drive home."

Who does he think he is telling me what to do?

"I'll do what I want thank you very much!" I punch the words out at him as I try to snatch my keys back.

"Uh uh uh. I'll walk you home and then you can have your keys back." He bribes me. This isn't fair. I guess I've got no option but to walk with him. I really don't want to.

"You know I hate you," I sigh and follow a step behind him as he walks.

"The feeling is mutual." I can't see his face from behind and that makes this situation a whole lot less awkward. We've been walking for a good five minutes when I realize he doesn't actually know where I live.

"You don't know where I live," I point out. He stops for a second and turns to me. He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it.

"So where are we going?" He asks. I tell him my address and he groans before changing directions. "You could have said that earlier."

"Well I could walk myself but you took my keys." I can tell he doesn't want to walk with me so I don't know why he doesn't just give me my keys. I think I've made it obvious I don't want to walk with him. He's a jerk and he embarrassed me in front of the only friends I've got. Can I even call them my friends? Maybe Louis but I don't know about the others.

"Get over it." He says flatly. He's so rude. How he has friends I'll never know. We walk in silence for a good ten minutes before either of us speak again. I want to know why he walked out after kissing me. Actually what I really want to know is was I really that bad at kissing?

"Was I bad at kissing?" My voice is almost a whisper. I'm not sure if I want to hear the answer. He laughs and I don't know what that's supposed to mean.

Harry's POV

Was she bad at kissing? My god she was like sex in my mouth. I'm not going tell her that though so I laugh. Her face is full of confusion before her eyes drop. It had the effect I wanted it to so why do I feel bad about it?

"You were alright. Not the best." I tell her to ease the strange feeling in my stomach rather than to make her feel better.

"Oh," is all she says. We walk the rest of the way in silence. When we reach her apartment building I hand her her keys and turn to walk away. "I know we hate each other but a goodbye would be nice."

"Goodbye Rosella and don't expect this to happen again." I reply mocking her. Why can't she just go inside her building.

"Goodbye Henry," she says obviously trying to annoy me. I'm not going to give her the pleasure of thinking she got to me. I simply turn and continue walking.

Rather than going back to the boys' house I decide to go straight home. It doesn't take me long to walk from Rosella's to my place. When I get inside I'm not surprised by Niall's absence.

I don't worry about showering and head straight to bed. I don't go to sleep though, I lie awake thinking about Rosella. The second time she bumped into me I thought I recognized her from the first time it happened but for some reason I don't think that's it. I can't put my finger on what it is so I shake the idea away before plugging my earphones into my phone and falling asleep listening to music.


I wake to the sound of my alarm. This is the first time I've remembered to set it in a while. I pull on some pants and head to the kitchen for breakfast. Niall's sitting on one of the stools facing the breakfast bar.

"Morning," he smiles clearly more awake than I am. He downs a spoonful of coco pops before continuing. "We're hanging out this arvo. Just the two of us without any chicks."

"Sounds like a plan." I pour the left over coco pops into a bowl before smothering them in milk. "What're we gonna do?"

"I was thinking some PS3 and takeaway." It does sound like a good idea. I nod my head as I finish my mouthful.

"Your shout." I smirk. I know I get payed a lot more than Niall but that isn't going to stop me from being stingy.

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Poison reached 100 reads! YAAAAY! Thank you guys so much for reading! All your votes/comments etc mean so much to me! I've made a twitter so you can keep updated on the story. It's @fanficpoison if you wanna check it out. I have so many ideas for this story and I'm trying my best not to rush it so sorry if some of the chapters aren't that interesting. I'm trying my hardest to write the best chapters I can. Thanks again for reading. I love you guys!]

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