Back off

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Dedicated to •cryinder•

Monday morning..

I wake up earlier than my alarm for once.I look around my room watching some sunlight seep through the curtains.I get up and turn off all my alarms and grab underwear and my blue top with black jeans.

I go in the bathroom and brush my teeth.I gi in the shower and hum.To my mum playing kill em with kindness. Down the stairs.I get out and wrap a towel around me.I quickly get my clothes on and head to my bedroom.

I look at my phone and brush my hair and Dry my hair with my hair dryer.I scoop all my hair up into a ponytail grab my bag and bus fare and phone and head down the stairs.I start stuffing my mouth full of honey nut ceral.I don't know why but today I'm starving.When my mum says" Slow down Honey you'll get a sour stomache."I know though she would be delighted to see me in any pain.I groan and rush out the door just in time.The bus come round the corner and stops.I pay the bus driver and sit down.

I sigh.Finnaly I can listen to music.


I hang round with Amy.Ive got to admit im surprised Amy is really popular. She isnt mean though which suprises me the most.As we head up to the benches to meet Ryan and Rick.Maria and Courtney comes over.

Why is Maria suddenly hanging round with Courtney?!? Maria comes over and smiles wicked and then says."Soooo Rick,How's your new friend?"I stare at Rick.He says" yeah shes cool."He says with annoyance attached to it.

Courtney starts laughing her head off.this is embarrassing now.Yh were not friends but they dont need to do this!Courtney then screams "So she hasn't tried kissing you yet!"They start howling.Amy stands up."You know what yeah she might of done it or not but at least she's nice.Not a fake horrible disgusting brat like you two are."Omg go for it Amy!

Then Maria says I would watch out she will probaly eat all of your food!What Maria?!?I know I like my food but I'm not fat all!I'm perfect size.I then suddenly hear"Back off" I look around me and there are Luke,Ryan,Lucy,Amy,Rick and some other girls.They said back off again and Courtney look at me with widened eyes."You just messed with the wrong girl, Sarah."

Her and Maria scurry off to these, so called popular girls.Like that, all Rick,Ryan,Luke,Lucy and Amy hug me.She's gone away.I know Maria though and Courtney .They like a good challenge they will NEVER BACK OFF.

Authors note...

Hi guys, I think this was a kinda good chapter but it does effect the book later on.

I dedicate this chapter to •Cryinder• .The author because they responded to like my book and th

ey commented!!!

Please comment!!

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