Keeping her alive

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Noah's pov.

We are all waiting outside the room Sarah is in.Doctors keep coming in and out.Finnaly a doctor comes over.

The doctor starts speaking "Hello im doctor Char.At the moment im here to tell you whats happening,Sarah is in intensive care.I am sad to say we don't know if her body can handle so much damage.At the moment we have cleaned up her wounds but she is lucky she didn't drink to much bleach or she would of been dead."

I couldn't handle it.So I quickly said "Sarah isn't going to die?" He then says with a fake smile "Unfortunately we do not know.She could survive but right now we are just focusing on keeping her alive.Im so very sorry but I have go to go."

As I see him walk down the corridor. I remember seeing her in the ambulance, that could be the last time I see Sarah.

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