The Kiss

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I ask Amy if she could show me where the kitchen is she nods and says go straight ahead.I follow her directions and get a glass of water and look around the room.Its got black sparkling surfaces and its got grey stone work on the walls.As I set the glass down James is leaning against the door frame.

I groan and try to get around him but he wont move.Why are you here then?Oh yh your amys friend.He then turns me round so my back is against the wall.what is he doing?!?He puts his arms both by my head and leans in.I yelp help.Then Ryan comes in and grabs James and holds me Leave her alone.Almost in a growl.whoooaa.

Fine then James smirks and leaves the kitchen. I look up at Ryan with a smile streched across my face thank you so much!!He hugs me.O.m.g ok calm down its just a hug Sarah a FRIENDLY HUG.He then stares at me and I go to exit the room but he grabs my arm and pulls me around and presses his lips against mine.

I dont know how to describe it.It tastes sweet but it feels full of passion.I feel amazing.He then pulls away and walks away.I stand there confused.Wow.I compose myself and walk into the living room.I try to not look at Ryan but its so hard not to.

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