On the way

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Picture above is Sarah's dress ^^

Saturday night...

At the moment it is 7:30 and Ryan comes to pick me up at 8.I look through my wardrobe and pick a blue floaty dress which goes down to my knees.Its got blue sparklrs on the top part. I go in the shower for 15 mins and come out.I put my dress on then spray some perfume and get a dark blue handbag and put my phone in there and some money just in case.

When ive just turned off my straighterners,Tyler shouts" someones at the door Sarah!"Here we go. As I come down the stairs Ryan is in the living room talking to Tyler.He stands up and his mouths widened a bit but he quickly composed himself.

"Are we ready?" he says.I nod and we go out side.Im glad that im wearing a dress its quite a nice cool night.Ryan heads out to the drive and there is a old car.He opens the door.As he starts the car its really awkward silence.

He finnaly speaks up."Ill ring you around 10:30 to 11:30.So I can take you home."I nod sure you look nice by the way.He starts laughing I look at him confused.did I say something wrong?I dont think so.

He smiles "it because your not the person who I thought would say complements."As he turns the corner I hear music pumping through the street.Then we turn another corner and I notice were at the rich part of town.Then we stop at the gates me and Ryan look at each other with raised eyesbrows but with smiles on our faces.

Love Is So HardTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon