Life Four Months Pregnant

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    Four months later and things between Roman Reigns and I are going pretty amazing. I am now four months pregnant and it's really starting to hit me that I have a little human being living inside of me. The morning sickness comes and goes but it is not as bad as when I first found out I was pregnant. Joe and I are more happier now than before we don't get to see each other as much but when we do we don't take for granted the time that we have with each other.
    Joe and Galina are still in this custody battle over Jojo I wish they would come to an agreement because this is unwanted stress for me and the baby. I can't see why Joe won't agree to seeing Jojo during the summer when she's not at school that way she can come on the road with us and still stay in school. Joe wants full custody of Jojo and wants us the live on the road until I have the baby, I told him he is crazy that I have enough going on in my life right with moving into our new house that we got together in Austin. Yes that's right I talked Roman into moving to Austin so my family could help me with jojo and the baby when he's on the road.
    A lot has happened since Joe's birthday in Hawaii like my contract for total divas will be ending in two months and the cameras are still following us around like normal and the fans reactions to the show is amazing nothing has really changed except they are coming to terms with Roman and I being in a relationship together. As I'm at home doing some last minute unpacking I get a phone call from Lisa Joe's mom she ask me how things are coming along and if I have talked to Joe today. I told her that I talked to him this morning but that's the only time I ask her why what was going on? She said that she has been trying to get in touch with him because his father is sick seriously sick with brain cancer my heart literally dropped when she told me. I talked to her for about 30 minutes and told her that I would let Joe know and that I would keep Sika in my prayers as tears fell from my eyes. I called Joe to tell him the news his phone just rang and rang so I hung up and sent him a text saying baby I need to talk to you it's important call me as soon as you can.
    As I went back to doing what I was doing before that phone call I couldn't really concentrate because all I could think about was Joe and his dad. I finished putting all the dishes away in the kitchen and went to sit down and take a break I still hadn't heard from Joe yet I know he's busy since it's getting close to summer slam this Sunday Roman has been feuding with Seth Rollins and John Cena for the wwe title. Nikki Bella and I have been having words back and forth with each other on Twitter really wish we could go at it at summer slam but I'm pregnant so we can't even though our guys are feuding Nikki and I still are friends but we can't help but support our men and hoping they win at summer slam. I really do miss being in the ring but this baby is the best thing that has ever happened to me so I'm really enjoying my time away from work.
    After I finish unpacking what was left I head to my bedroom to start packing up luggage to head to Monday night raw tomorrow it's the final raw before summer slam so I'm still doing back stage interviews for the wwe website it's nothing compared to being in the ring but at least I get to spend some time with Roman and my work family I have missed them all like crazy. I put some music on like I always do as I was picking out outfits to bring is when Joe finally called me back. I answered and said hi baby how's everything going, he said its going fine but was calling me back because of the text I sent him he wanted to know what was wrong. I told him to sit down if he wasn't already he was freaking out asking me if something was wrong with the baby I told him no the baby is fine. It's your dad Joe your mom called me because she has been trying to call you anyway your dad is really sick it's bad Joe baby I'm sorry he has brain cancer. He was quite and didn't say much so I told him he should call his mother and get more details about his dad and I told him the I loved him and would see him soon and that everything was going to be okay. He ask me how his mother sounded when I talked to her I told him that she sounded like she was trying not to cry. He told me that he loved me and couldn't wait to see me tomorrow for raw and hung up.
    When I was done packing my luggage I went to head out to do some last minute errands. I went to the nail salon to get my nails and toes done once I was done there I went to the grocery store to stock up the refrigerator because we didn't have much to eat and Joe would me home on Wednesday. After all the running around I did I was tried so I headed home to relax after I unloaded all the groceries I sat down and watched a marathon of total divas. I really don't know how to feel about my contract coming to an end for the show Joe and I haven't really talked about me continuing to be on the show. I was watching an episode and got hungry so I made something to eat as I was eating outside not only is it a nice beautiful day out but it is also hot as fuck and being pregnant with long black hair doesn't really help the situation. I went back inside after I was done eating and took a nap.
    I was about to go fall asleep when Joe text me asking if I would bring him something that he needed this week I said yes of course babe I love you see you soon kissie face. Since I couldn't fall asleep right away I decided to put my baby book together for when the baby arrives after about 30 minutes I finally got tired enough to laid down. As I laid down I rubbed my belly and started to talk to it I said hi baby boy omg really Joe has put the idea in my head that this baby is going to be a boy and we won't find out the sex until my appointment on Wednesday. He wants a boy so bad that I just have become used to calling the baby a boy anyway as I talked to my belly and say hi baby boy it's your mommy here I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and how I can't wait to see you and hold you in my arms. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I was being woken up by my alarm on my phone reminding me to about my flight I have in 2 hours I hurried out of bed and said shit I slept too long and now I have to haul ass to get ready to head to the airport.
    I'm making my way to the terminal and I text Joe to tell him that I'm boarding the plane now and would see him at the hotel. He replied back saying be safe and see you soon love you, I boarded the plane and sat down at my seat. After getting my luggage and driving to Joe's hotel room I check in and made my way to his room he is still at the house show. I put my things away and head to the arena to catch Roman's match and say hi to a few people. I head to the viewing area and find everyone sitting there I say hi to trinity and tamina first they hug me and rub my belly and say omg now you can tell that your pregnant you look so adorable. I laughed and said thanks girls I have missed you all and than went and said hi to the usos. I went over to Joe wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek and said hi baby I love you and I'm really sorry about your dad how are you doing? He stood up and turned around and hugged me tightly and said baby I have missed you so much as he lifted me up by my butt I wrapped my legs around his waist. He said he's worried about his dad but can't dwell over it because he needs to focus but he definitely wants to go see his dad soon.
    As we sat and watched the show together I sat on Joe's lap as we kissed and he rubbed my belly and started to talk to it in front of everyone he as not done that before its just usually him and I when we talk to the baby. Joe said to my belly hey baby boy it's your dad again I just wanted to tell you that I have missed you and I love you and you need to hurry up and get here so we can hold you already. Everyone just laughed at him and said aww he's excited you can tell the usos said and than that's when jimmy uso ask if he could talk to the baby too I rolled my eyes and said sure. What up little uce he said as he touch my belly we can't wait to meet you he told my tummy. After the show was over we headed to Roman's dressing room so he could shower and head back to the hotel.
    When Joe got into bed with me he wrapped his arms around me and said I love you so much baby as he pulled me closer to him and held me tight he started to cry about his dad I rolled over to face him wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight and said babe it's gonna be okay I promise as I kissed him on the lips and wiped his tears away I told him that no matter what the come out will be with his dad we will get through it together. He held me tighter and said I know mama I just hope he gets to see the baby being born because when I talked to him last he was excited about it. He will Joe I said as he kissed me back we said good night to each other as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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