My Mom's Birthday Celebration

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        We were up early to due to an early flight to Texas as I slammed the alarm off I rolled over to wake up Roman as I kissed him on his cheek. We got in the shower together and then got dressed as I took my prenatal pills I packed up our luggage. Joe hugged me and said he loved me as we checked out and made our way to the airport. I couldn't wait to see my family it really has been forever since the last time I saw them. Our drive to the airport we listened to music of course my love started to sing to me when like I'm you gonna lose you came on the radio he's so cute that he made me blush. I held his hand as we sang the song to the each other when it ended we laughed as we headed into the airport. Joe hugged me and kissed me as we told each other that we loved each other. We headed to the terminal once we had all our luggage checked in it was a 5 hour flight to Texas we boarded the plane and sat down at our seats we took some selfies with fans that ask us.
        Joe rubbed my belly and kissed it and told JJ that his sister was coming today. I kissed Joe on the lips and put my head phones in and put on my Adele playlist and closed my eyes and went back to sleep because it was 5 in the morning. I wasn't sure how long I was asleep when I had the urge to pee so I got up and used the restroom. When I headed back to my seat Joe was asleep so I lifted my arms rest and cuddle up next to him and went back to sleep. Once I did that I could feel him wrap his arms around me as he kissed my head. After the plane had landed Joe woke me up saying that we are home so I got up and headed inside the airport. Joe gathered our luggage as I waited to see if jojo's flight had landed yet Joe came over and said lets go home woman. Keep your pants on she's here I said as I started smiling and waving at her we walked over to her terminal. Joe dropped our luggage down as little Jojo ran into his arms and they hugged each other forever they missed each other so much.
        After the happy reunion with princess jojo we headed home because I needed to start setting up for my moms party. Once we got home Joe took our luggage up stairs and I let the dog out and feed him and put music on as I started to make us breakfast seeing that it was 10:30am I made eggs and bacon and toast. As jojo and Joe finished eating their breakfast I started setting up for my moms party. I had Joe hang up the birthday banner as I set up outside and than stated to bake a really huge birthday cake. Roman was really impressed with the fact that I could bake he said damn mama I didn't know you could put in work like this. I laughed at him and said I'm just full of surprises I guess but I've always do stuff like this you just haven't known until now. Just wait til thanksgiving and Christmas I told him You think that baby weight you  just gained was bad yeah those two holidays won't even compare to this. He laughed and said damn I can't wait I'm gonna go workout right now because just thinking about is making me gain weight.
      It's okay love I said I'll still love you no matter what weight you gain we all have an inner fat girl in us as we both laughed. As he went to go work out in the basement my sister showed up to start setting up and she was surprised to see me home because mom told her that I was gonna be in Florida. My sister and I kept setting up when we started to cook food and sides my dad called asking if our pit was set up so he could come over to cook the steaks and burgers I told him I had to ask Joe for him to hold on. I yelled for Joe, babe yes beautiful he said my dad wants to know if you set up the pit yet, I yeah I did let me go turn it on if he's gonna use it okay I love you I told him. I let my dad know and my stomach was really itchy from the baby stretching out my belly so I ask jojo to ask her dad where my belly cream was. My sister ask me if I wanted her to grabbed it for me I said no he will do and than he will put it on he's so adorable you have to see how he is. Joe started to rub my cream on my belly and kissed it and talk to our son as he did it.
     Than we started to sing to Mariah Carey's fantasy Joe said I'm out there is definitely too much estrogen going on in here for me. We laughed at him and I said aww baby it's okay I promise you won't turn into a woman. When the door bell rang joe went to go answer it, it was the usos Joe was like what are y'all doing here. They said we were invited bro he looked at me and smiled at me. My sister told me how cute Joe was when he was rubbing my belly she said its crazy how babies can change a person. I know I told her as I said hi to the usos and their wives the kids ran outside to get in the pool. I was checking on the food and taking the cake out of the oven to let it cool when my Samoan superman hugged me from behind and said do you need me to help you with anything. No babe I got it you can go hang out your cousins as I kissed him and handed him a beer. Boys to men on bend knee came on when the usos said what's with all the lovely dovey music. Don't touch my music I said because pregnant scarface will come out real quick. Man where's your nephew at they said, he's working he'll be here later.
      They went outside with Roman as I started to ice the cake trinity and Josh's wife ask me if they could help. I showed them what I needed them to help with when my brother and his family showed up and my parents too. I hugged everyone and said hi as people rubbed my pregnant belly. I hugged my mom for along time and wished her a happy birthday and she ask me what happened I thought you weren't gonna be here. Well someone finally came to his senses she laughed and said good how's my grand baby she said. He's doing good kicking me like crazy I told her, I told my mother to go have a seat and handed her something to drink. After I was done in the kitchen I headed outside to join everyone and put sun screen on the kids. I changed the song to the cha cha slide song to get the kids attention. As soon as I put it on they all got in a line and started dancing so I went behind them and sprayed them down and than moved to their front and told them to close their eyes as I did it.
      Then I said alright who's next as the adult raised their hands mainly the usos my nephew finally arrived because the music changed to club music and the adults started dancing and drinking. As only girl by Rihanna played I walked up behind Roman and sprayed his back with sun screen it made him jumped I laughed and said I'm sorry baby I just don't want you to get a sun burn. I sat down next to him by the pool as he kissed me and said do my front to he said of course I said as I sprayed his chest and rubbed it in. I almost forgot that I wasn't dressed to be in the pool because I hadn't changed my clothes since I've been home. I got up and Joe said baby where you going, to change I said you don't need to change he said as he hugged me from behind the food is gonna be ready soon. I'm not going to take long I just need to put a bathing suit on I said alright hurry up he said as he smacked my butt as I walked away. I went upstairs to change my clothes it's 97 degrees outside but it feels more like a 103 I put on a blue bikini and a all white see through cover up and some blue flip flops and put my hair up in a some what messy ponytail.
     As I made my way back downstairs and outside to the back yard my nephew started playing big booty by Jlo I rolled my eyes and laughed. My dad said lets eat as everyone got in line I said here we go again these people. So I got in line in front of everyone and made my mother a plate and my dad put her steak for her on the plate and I took it to her. After everyone had their plates we sat down and ate as everyone talked amongst themselves, Joe kissed me and then kissed my belly. I could hear all the women say aww as he did that I just smiled and kissed him back. Marvin Gaye got to give it up started to play so I knew people were done eating so started i to clean up. Roman told me to just leave it and sit down that I have been on my feet since we got home and that's when my nieces and my sister and sister in law got up to help me clean and my dad said girl sit down and let them do it. I grabbed Joe another beer and thanked everyone for helping and sat down on Joe's lap as I handed him his beer, thanks baby he said your welcome I said as I kissed him.
       Everyone was dancing and having a good time the kids were having a water balloon fight as my loving fiancé was massaging my lower back for me. When Jey usos wife came over to talk to me and ask how I was feeling and if I was ready to have the baby, I told her I'm feeling good other than the swollen feet and aching back. Joe wrapped his arms around me as Josiah kicked and they both saw it and jey's wife ask to feel the baby kick. When she put her hand in my belly the baby kicked and than my belly become public domain to everyone wanting to feel him kick. Once everyone was done feeling on my belly people started to leave it was getting kind of late so I started to say goodbye to the people who were leaving. The usos were staying over because we had another kid day planned tomorrow and I was getting tired anyway. Jojo and Noah came running over asking if Noah could stay the night and I looked at Joe and said its up to you I don't care, so I said if your mom says you can than its okay.
        As I was about to walk my mom out to the car Joe handed me a box and said it was for my mom to give it to her, I looked at him like he was crazy. I grabbed him by the hand and made him come with me as I said good bye to my parents I handed my mom the box and said your son in law wanted you to have it. She opened it and said thank you it's beautiful it was a yellow gold sapphire diamond pendant necklace. He told my mom that it was his gift to her for giving him me I hugged him as I waved goodbye to my parents as they drove off. I kissed Roman and said babe you didn't have to do that but I know my mom appreciate it. We headed back inside the house we sat down in the living room as we watched the kids play twister Joe was trying to get Josiah to kick so I said just give it up already he's not gonna do it. So I gently pushed my hand into the side of my belly and grabbed Roman's hand so he could feel it I put his hand where mine was and the baby kicked, I smiled and said see told ya. The kids were having so much fun playing twister that they were making us laugh so much with all the crazy maneuvers they would come up with.
       After about 2 to 3 hours of watching the kids hamming it up with their craziness it was time for bed as the kids headed to bed I went to my room to use the bathroom and change my clothes as I wasted my face and brush my teeth I got into the bed and waited for Joe. As he and jojo entered the room jojo wanted to say goodnight to me and the baby so she hugged me goodnight and kissed my belly and said goodnight baby I love you as her brother kicked her she giggled and said it tickles. Jojo headed to bed as Joe changed and joined me after wards he pulled me close to him as he wrapped his arms around me. He accidentally hit my boobs with his arms and it hurt like hell, ahhhh Joe that hurt I said. Oh my bad I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to he said.
      It's okay babe my breast just feel like rocks that's when he said I'll take care of that for you as he smiled at me I just rolled my eyes at him. He took my top off and started to massage my breast then he started to lick them. I felt my body getting hot as goosebumps started to form I moaned out ummm baby that feeling so good. I quickly got on Joe's lap and took his clothes off and we stared to have sex. Our bodies started to move up and down as we would go faster Joe smacked my ass. My nails dug into his chest as we kept going the bed post hit the wall I felt so amazing that I couldn't help but to moan out loud. That's when Joe got a text from Jey usos saying really uce we can't go one night without y'all having sex. Joe laughed and showed me the text I took his phone and replied back saying when your about to be 6 months pregnant and horny as hell then you can talk but until than bite me. That's when we stopped because my mood was ruined and Joe wasn't happy either because I left him hanging.
     We held each other in bed for awhile Joe said goodnight as he kissed me and said goodnight to our son. I rolled over on my side as said I goodnight to Joe and kissed him we felt Josiah kick Joe held me tighter as I drifted off to sleep and started to dream I could feel Joe whispering in my ear I love you mama. I whispered back I love you more baby daddy as I sighed.

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