Our Day Together

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            It felt so good to sleep in on our day off I was being woken up by Joe singing and in the shower as I rolled over and stretched I smiled. I joined him in the shower as we started to wash each others bodies. Roman crested my boobs and started to kiss me all over he turned me around and lifted me up by my butt and we started going at it my body moved up and down as I was up against the shower wall.  I moaned out for him to go faster as I could feel him kiss my neck as the water hit my face we kept moving faster and faster as we came to a stop.  Joe left me to finish showering as he got dressed once I was done I got dressed too and we both headed to the kitchen to make breakfast well I made breakfast as Joe played his Xbox and I listen to some Megan Trainor. I made us ham and egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches as we sat out on the patio because it was such a beautiful day out and a nice breeze blowing.  As we ate our breakfast together Joe ask me what I wanted to do today I told him I had know idea because I'm starting to get pregnancy brain and couldn't think of anything.
          After breakfast we cleaned up the kitchen together as we sang along to all of me by john legend and we talked about having both songs as our wedding song since we couldn't decide on which one we really liked better so it would be something different that no one has done before.  After we were done cleaning up Joe told me to go dressed because we were going to be taking pictures together for our baby showers. So I went to the bedroom to get ready I put on music and started dancing to Rihanna's umbrella as I picked out an outfit to wear Joe wanted us to wear matching outfits so I wore a all blue maxi dress with Khaki colored wedge. Joe wore khaki pants and a light blue button up shirt and put his hair in a man bun he also had on the watch I got him for his birthday. After I did my hair and makeup Joe put on my necklace he got me for my birthday and my charm bracelet as I already had my engagement ring on because I never take it off.
        Once we got to our photo shoot they set us up right away and I ask Joe what about jojo is she not gonna be a part of the pictures yeah she will when she get out of school. As music played we started taking pictures as we posed for the pictures Joe held me from behind and we both put our hands on my stomach and than Joe kissed my cheek. We kept doing different poses and than we started dancing on the beach where we were taking pictures. Joe kissed me as we kept dancing slow than he got down on one knee and kissed my belly. After while Joe left to go get jojo from school as I kept taking pictures by myself I got in the water just my feet and I looked down at my stomach. When Joe and jojo returned we got jojo dressed in her outfit and we started posing for pictures again as family it was so adorable seeing the finished photos. Jojo said she had lots of fun and couldn't wait to get home because she was exhausted Joe and I laughed at her. That photo shoot was 2-4 hours long and I was exhausted and starving because we have eaten lunch.
        When we got home Joe made us peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as jojo and I changed our clothes I washed my face and brushed out my hair. As jojo and I ate our sandwiches Joe went to change his clothes more like change into shorts and no shirt but I didn't mind because he's so damn sexy. After we were done eating we sat and watched all 7 fast and furious movies together in the living room jojo had grabbed her sleeping bag and a teddy bear and laid out on the floor. While Roman and I cuddled on the couch together with a blanket he rubbed my belly and said I love you baby, I love you more babe as I kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around me as we watched the movies we were into the 3rd movie when galina came to pick up jojo so we paused the movie and woke up jojo she had fallen asleep. After we said good bye to jojo we continued to watch the rest of the movies I guess Joe and I had fallen asleep together on the couch because we were woken up by the tv.
         We were done watching the movies I made us dinner and we sat down outside on the patio and ate our dinner together and talked about life our future together and date night tomorrow. Joe cleaned up after dinner as I sat outside and rubbing my belly as my son kicked me. Joe and I decided to take a walk on the beach as we held hands and walked down the beach we stop to look up at the stars. Joe wrapped his arms around me told me he loved me and put his hands on my belly as I wrapped one of my arms around his neck I kissed him. We sat down on the beach as we looked out at the ocean Joe sat next to me and I put my head on his shoulder. We sighed and said we should do things like this more often as our son kicked me Joe rubbed my belly and talked to him. I could tell how happy he is and excited that it was getting closer for Josiah to be born. We headed back to the apartment because it was getting late and I was cold from the breeze.
         Back at the apartment there were rose petals leading to our bedroom and then into the bathroom Joe had drawn me a bath I got in as he locked up the house. Then Joe got in with me and started massaging my body and washing it for me. It felt so good and relaxing he said that he thought it would help me sleep since I wasn't able to because of my baby bump and Josiah constantly kicking me at night. After my bath I got out and got dressed and Joe did too he drained the tube and than carried my pregnant ass to the bed and tuck me in and got in with me. He wrapped his arms around me kissed me and told our son goodnight, I love you babe he told me goodnight, I love you too daddy goodnight. As I closed my eyes Joe whisper in my ear can't wait for tomorrow's appointment and our date night, me too I said back as he held me tight and I fell asleep in his arms.

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