Big Daddy Comes Home

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                Jojo and I had flown to Tampa the night before so we could be here When Roman got home so we were both up early after our normal morning routine. We went to the kitchen to make breakfast and I put on my john legend playlist and waited for my man to come through the door.  Jojo and I had the music playing loud and were singing at the top of our lungs so we didn't hear him come in. I felt him wrap his arms around me as he started to dance with me from behind he kissed my neck as I turned to face him I hugged him tight and said baby your home and shoved my tongue in his mouth.  Jojo was setting the table when Joe went over to her and hugged her and she got all happy and said daddys home as she hugged him back and ask me if she could give him the gift we got him. I said yes but lets eat breakfast first as we sat and ate and talked Joe rubbed my belly and told JJ that he was home and how much he missed us.
                After breakfast Jojo went and got the gift we got Joe for working so hard and as a home coming gift. We watched him open it and it was a plaque that we had made of him winning at wresltemania 32 its was like the one they sell on the website it was different it was just him holding up the title in the air. He hugged us both and said thank you both so much I love it this is awesome your welcome I said and then JoJo hand him the one she had made for him it was a picture of the 2 of them at wrestlemania 32 when he was carrying her to the back with him after he won. He kissed us both and said that we were the best girls he could ask for and that god really has blessed him this year and couldn't wait to see what the new year would bring us.
                As JoJo and Joe played the Xbox together I started to bake the deserts for thanksgiving tomorrow as we kept listening to music and I was dancing to Prince Royce and Pitbull's Back it up that's when I felt those damn Braxton hicks again and I need to sit down a minute as Joe counted how far apart they were and than ask me if I was okay. I said I'm good I don't think we need to go to the hospital yet. When they finally stopped I went back to baking and Joe told me not to over do it as he went back to playing the Xbox I told him that I was almost done anyway. Once I finished I sat down on his lap and started to kiss his neck as I kissed his lips and bit his bottom lip. He said umm baby I missed you so bad your gonna get it later just wait, and I said with a sad face but I don't want to wait big daddy as I whispered in his ear fuck me now.
                That's when he grabbed me up and carried me to the bedroom and told Jojo to go play outside for a little bit I laughed and said we live on the beach she cant be out there alone. Then he said okay fine turn the tv up and don't mess up my score I'll be back to finish playing. Joe laid me on the bed shut the door and locked it behind him and put on John Legend's Tonight and we started to undress each other. As Joe started to kiss my neck and make his way down south he started to crest my boobs as he moved his tongue up and down in a circle motion. He stuck his fingers inside of me as I moaned out for him to give it to me then the next thing I know his big Samoan dick was inside of me. Our bodies moved back and forth I wrapped my legs around him and we went faster and faster I bit his shoulder. We changed positions I got on top of him as my body move up and down as Joe moaned out saying yeah baby give it to big daddy he smacked my ass as I went faster and faster I moaned oh yeah big daddy that dick feels so good then we climaxed.
                We held each other as we laid in bed together Joe said damn baby I missed you as he kissed me and smacked my ass again. I hugged him back and said I missed you too daddy as we both kissed each other and we got redressed to check on jojo to see if she was still in the house. We called out to her and she was in her room and ask us if we could take a walk on the beach we said sure as Joe changed his clothes and Jojo got some toys to take with her. When we got on the beach the 3 of us sat down as JoJo played Joe and I talked about Thanksgiving and Christmas and ask me if I got Jojo's Christmas list yet, I said yes and then he ask me what does mama want for Christmas. I said I just want what I already have you and Jojo and Josiah, as I laughed and said oh and maybe some more diamonds would be nice, he laughed and said I got you the biggest diamond I could find. I was just kidding babe there isn't really anything I do want just surprise me because you are really great at doing that.
                He smiled and said I got you babe don't worry as he held me tight as we watched JoJo build a sand castle. After we spent about an hour on the beach being one big happy family we headed back to the apartment and pack over night bags for Pensacola because we were going to be staying at Jon and Trinity's house for thanksgiving. After we had all our bags pack Joe said all he wanted to do was be lazy the rest of the day and hang out in bed with Jojo and me. So Joe and Jojo went to go pick out movies for us to watch as I went to go take my deserts out of the oven. When jojo and Joe came back home with movies and snacks I looked at what movies they got and one of them was southpaw. Joe we really shouldn't watch this one with jojo he said nah that's when she goes to bed. We headed into our bedroom put on ride along 2 as we all cuddled together in bed and watched the movie. I was surprised that Joe let jojo watch this with us because of all the cussing in it.
                    After that movie was over we put on zootupa for jojo to watch as Joe and I cuddled with each I was laying in between him and jojo. Joe was behind me and jojo was in front of me, Joe had his arms around me and started to kiss me on my shoulder. Then rubbed my belly and started to talk to the baby and that's when Josiah felt the need to kick me repeatedly in the ribs. Joe laughed he thought it was funny I smacked him and said it legit feels like someone is kicking you in the ribs it hurts. He held me tight and said I'm sorry babe it's getting late are you getting hungry again you want me to go get you pizza. I rolled over to face him and said yes big daddy I love you, okay he said I'll be back and ask jojo if she wanted to go with him. When they came back with the food and drinks we ate pizza in bed and watched a record Smackdown. After we were done eating pizza we made jojo go to her room to watch her other movie as Joe and I cleaned up our mess from dinner. We put jojo in the room to watch her movie until she fell asleep. I put southpaw on as Joe tucked jojo in and got back into bed with me and handed me a tube of cookies n cream ice cream.
                 I ate the ice cream as we watched the movie Joe put his chin on my shoulder and ask me if I was going to share with him. I looked at him and he had a sad puppy dog eyes so I said here finish the rest of it before I eat it all. I handed him the ice cream and I laid down to finish watching the movie as Joe did too and wrapped his arms around me. Kissed me and said I love you baby when we got to the part in the movie where the wife dies. Joe held me tighter and said don't ever leave me like that, the kids need you more than they need me. Joe baby stop talking crazy neither one of us is going anywhere and if something were to happen to me I know you will get through it because of our kids. Then he said you were right to not want jojo to watch this, we kept watching the movie Joe said that he hadn't realized how much this movie makes him think about what he has and how he never wants to go through something like that. I kissed him and said I love you and I don't want you to go through that either.
               When the movie was over with Joe took it out and went to check on jojo as I got up and changed my clothes and went to the bathroom and got back into bed. Joe was locking the place up and turning off all lights when he got back into bed. Rubbed my belly cream on me as we laid in bed and talked about the movie. I started to get sleepy so Joe massaged my back for me told me how much he loved as he told JJ goodnight and wrapped his arms around me and said goodnight baby, goodnight big daddy I said as we fell asleep.

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