Raw in Green Bay

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The next morning I was up already I was in hair and makeup for the total divas filming as I let Joe sleep I ordered us room service. When I was finished I got dressed as Joe and I had breakfast in bed together we kept kissing each other and telling each other how much we loved each other. Joe and I headed to the airport to head to Green Bay for raw once we had all our luggage checked in we headed to the terminal to wait to board the plane Joe was so excited for my appointment on Wednesday as we waited to get on the plane Joe started to talk to my baby bump he said hey my child I just wanted to say how much I love you and your mother and I can't wait  until you starting being more active in there so we can rub your moms belly more I laughed at him as we boarded the plane.
As we sat down at our seats on the plane I felt sick so I got up and went to the restroom to go throw up. I headed back to my seat and Roman ask me if I was okay I told him that I was as he kissed me and held my hand. I must have fallen asleep because I was being woken up by Joe kissing me on the cheek and saying baby mama we are here as he rubbed my belly. We exited the plane we went to go grab our luggage and headed to the hotel. As we made our way to the arena once we arrived there we headed to our dressing room to put our things away with the cameras in toe. Joe and I got ready for our busy schedules I had my interviews to do and a signing to do as well and I would be appearing on an episode of unfiltered with Renee young.
I changed my clothes I sat on Joe's lap before I headed to do my interviews. We talked about the baby and this whole jojo custody thing and how he wish we were married so he could get full custody of jojo and I told him how could he ask me to give up my dream of being women's champion. He ask me what I meant by that I told him nothing because I didn't want to fight with him I said we can talk about this later after I have the baby and he said that would be too late. I rolled my eyes and said I love you and will see you later. And headed to my interviews I was interviewing John Cena and the usos and Naomi and tamina. First up was the usos Kianna: so I have here with me the usos guys tell me about this on going feud you seem to have with Anderson and gallows? Usos: well Kiki you know how we do but as for Anderson and gallows they just trying to make a name for themselves they just picked the our tag team to mess with. Kianna: with that being said what is your game plan for going into summer slam this Sunday? Usos: We really don't have a game plan we are just gonna go out there and give it our all and do what we do best. Kianna: thanks for your time boys Usos: see ya around uce.
I moved on to my next one with Cena and that's when things got interesting. Kianna: Now I have with me the man who will be facing both Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns this Sunday at summer slam John Cena. Cena: it's always a pleasure to see you Kianna. Kianna: how do you plan on defeating the 2 men that you are up against this Sunday? Cena: well I'm gonna do what I do best and that is to never give up and rise above. As I laughed Kianna: Seth and Roman have been feuding with one another since money in the bank what are your thoughts on that? Cena: They can go at each other and I'll just wait around for my opportunity and than go in for the kill. Kianna: well thank you so much for your time. As Cena walked away Nikki Bella walked up to me and slapped me in the face if I wasn't pregnant I would have laid that bitch out on the ground were I stood. Kianna: what the hell was that about I ask Nikki: that's for all the crap you were talking on Twitter. Naomi and tamina came over and drop kicked Nikki in the face as tamina Samoan dropped her on the floor.
I went on to interview Naomi and tamina and thanked them for taking out the trash that Nikki Bella is. They said girl you family now we take care of each other could it be a start to something new in the works. After I finished my interviews I went to my signing of thousands pictures of myself after spending about an hour signing photos I was done and as I was heading back to my dressing room Nikki came up to me and said I'm sorry we should have really told you that was gonna happen but they said that it would have been better if you didn't know. I laughed and said yeah they tend to fail at mentioning things like that to me because of me being pregnant they think the reaction would be better. She laughed and said yeah I guess so but you know I really didn't want to slap and pregnant woman. As we hugged and went our separate ways I headed into the dressing room and sat down to check my emails and my social medias not too much going on there so I decided to take a nap when Joe text me asking why Nikki Bella slapped me I said it was just the set up for my return and the revamping of team bad that's it wasn't personal it was work related. Joe wasn't to happy that the writers had Nikki slap a pregnant woman I told him that Nikki wasn't happy about doing it either.
I couldn't go to sleep so I wrote down some baby names for Joe and I to over and pick I had about 5 girl names written down and 5 boy names too. I changed my outfit again to head to my taping of unfiltered with Renee young. When I got there we didn't waste any time and got right to it after I hugged Renee and said hi to her she rubbed my belly and said I looked so adorable. Renee: I have you here with me today and we are here outside on the balcony of your hotel suite here in Green Bay how's life on the road being pregnant? Kianna: well Renee its very stressful at times but the time that I do spend on the road I get to spend it with people I love and care about like you and Dean and Roman and his crazy family I said as I laughed. Renee: with you being pregnant how does that affect your day to day routine? Kianna: it really doesn't affect it that much the only difference there is is that I have a little human growing inside of me. Renee: do you know the sex of the baby yet?
Kianna: We do not know yet but Roman is really hoping that it is a boy. Renee: we all know about your relationship with Roman Reigns and we all had a glimpse of it watching total divas how are things now at this point? Kianna: things are going pretty well I am truly happy and can't wait to bring this little bundle of joy into the world. Renee: I know women around the world are dying to know what's it like being in an relationship with the world heavyweight champion? Kianna: omg I'm sure everyone is dying to know but he truly is amazing and so caring and loving he's my superman I couldn't ask for a better person to be in love with. Roman: she better say that as he walked in and sat down next to me. Renee: Roman reigns how nice of you to join us tell me what is it like being in a relationship with Kianna? Joe: well Renee its really great waking up to this beautiful woman every morning she is my support system. Renee: what's your sex life like I'm sorry this is not me asking it's the fans. As we both laughed and said well you can tell how our sex life is with us being pregnant. Renee: Roman can you tell us how you and Kianna met? Joe: I remember it like it was yesterday we actually met back stage it was the Monday night raw after wrestlemania 32 in Dallas and the second I laid eyes on her I knew she was the one for me. Renee: well thank you both so much for hanging out with me today and I can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy.
We headed back to the arena as we made our way to catering Joe and I held hands I went to go sit down at a table with Sasha and the usos as Joe went to go stand in line to make us plates. As we sat and ate our food we talked about summer slam and my birthday next month and what we planned on doing I told them I didn't know because my birthday is on a Monday and we will be working. That's when Sasha told Joe that he better be planning a nice surprise for me or she was gonna put him in the bank statement. We all busted out laughing and Joe told Mercedes not to worry that he has my birthday covered but didn't go into detail about what it was he had planned. When we were done eating we went over to the viewing arena to sit and wait for the show to start Joe needed to go finish getting ready for his match/promo with Seth and Cena. He kissed me goodbye and headed to his dressing room.
The show was about to start when I saw Joe about to head to the curtain so I followed him to wish him luck he was starting to show off with his promo as I smacked him on the butt and said give them hell out there as he hugged me and kissed my belly and said I will and take care of my son and he headed to the ring. As Roman was out there doing his thing seth's punk ass headed to the ring to stand off with my boo. They were both out there talking back and forth to each other. When John Cena made his way out to the ring then that's when Seth and Roman both started to attack Cena and then Roman and Seth started to go at each other it took 4 refs and 5 other superstars to break them up. After the commercial break Joe headed backstage I went to go check on him but I was told not to because him and Seth were gonna continue their brawl back stage. I rolled my eyes and just stood back and watched my man get attacked by his friend. Seth was laying into Roman and Roman would lay into Seth back until Seth put Roman into a table and was about to hit him with a chair when I decided that I couldn't watch anymore so I went over and laid myself over Joe and begged Seth to stop hurting him and that he wouldn't dare hit a pregnant woman with a chair. Seth laughed and said what kind of man hides behind his pregnant girlfriend that's when I slapped Seth in the face and said he's more of a man than you will ever be.
That's when everything ended and I helped Joe up and ask him if he was okay but I could tell he was mad at me for getting involved and putting our child in harms way. He said woman are you crazy Seth could have hurt you to get to me, I said I know he could have but he didn't because he knows better. We went to go sit back down and watch the rest of the show when Carano came over to talk to me and said that was very ballys of you Seth could have hurt you and not to mention the liability we could have faced if you did get hurt. I know I said and I'm sorry sometimes my hormones get the best of me but it won't happen again besides weren't y'all the ones who had Nikki Bella slap me earlier today and no one told me about that what if I had attacked her than what? He laughed and said no one told me about that but I will definitely be keeping an eye out that we keep you out of physical alternations.
I went to go sit back down and finish watching what was left of the show when I got word that I was gonna get to go out and distract Nikki Bella during her match with my girl Sasha banks so excited! Joe wasn't to happy about it but he knew how much I have missed the reaction of the crowd so he walked me to the curtain as I waited to go out there. Joe hugged me from behind and said protect my son out there woman or it's gonna be your ass as he smacked my butt I turned around and kissed him and said I will I got this don't worry. My music hit and the crowd was on fire they were on their feet when I headed out there my heart was pounding I stood on the ramp and the crowd chanted my name over and over. I slowly walked down the ramp slapping hands with the fans as I rubbed my belly I made it to the ring and when the ref wasn't looking I slapped Nikki in the face as hard as I could and headed back stage. The crowd was still chanting my name and saying we miss you Kiki it made me want to cry as I raised my hands in the air blew kisses to the crowd and went back stage.
when I got back to the viewing area I couldn't help but to cry because I really wish I was back in the ring but I know I will be as soon as my doctor tells me I can. Joe hugged me tight and said baby it's gonna be ok you will be back in the ring before you know it. I said I know as I sat on his lap and kissed his cheek I fell asleep in his arms as we watched the rest of the show joe woke me up because it was main event time it was him against Seth with Cena as ref. We made our way to the curtain holding hands I prayed over him and hugged him tight and said be careful out there his music hit and he was gone. I sat back down and watch his match of course it wasn't going to good for Roman then he got the upper hand and went for a pin but Seth kicked out and he curb stomped Roman and went for the pin but Cena wasn't pay attention so that gave joe time to kick out. After going back and forth for awhile Roman got the win and than Cena and Seth laid him out in the ring.
Joe made his way to the back stage area holding his back I went to him and ask him if he was okay he said that he would be fine and said let's get the hell out of here. We headed back to the hotel as Joe carried in our bags I went to change my clothes and use the restroom I got into bed I waited for Joe to join me. When he finally got into bed with me he wrapped his arms around me I rolled over on top of him as he kissed my tummy I leaned in to kiss him I put my hand in his shorts and started to crest his penis with my hand as Joe started to moan I put my mouth over it and moved it up and down. As Joe started to undress me I stuck it inside of me our bodies start to move up and down. The bed post started to hit the wall as we went faster we switch positions Joe was on top of me and I could feel him inside of me as our bodies moved back and forth I told Joe to go deeper as he said I don't want to hurt my son I laughed at him and said just do it as I started to moan he went faster and deeper omg it felt so good. We switched positions again and I was on top as Joe moaned out he smacked my ass as I went faster and faster we came to a climax.
I rolled over to my side of the bed as Joe kissed my cheek he said damn baby your gonna give my son Brain damage with all the motion in the ocean. I laughed and said I am not he's gonna be just fine it's not my fault that when we have sex it feels so good and I want to feel it more. He wrapped his arms around me and said I know as we laid in bed together we talked about baby names we couldn't decide on a girls name but we did like Josiah Joseph as a boys name. I laid my head on Joe's chest as he kissed my head and said good night I wrapped my arm around him and said goodnight as we fell asleep in each other arms.

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