My Day with Romance Reigns

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                We had flown back to Austin after Thanksgiving once my doctor said it was okay for me to fly. It was Joe's last day before his tour in Mexico before Christmas and we were both up because Joe wanted to take me to San Antonio for our date night but we were really spending the whole day together. After we had showered together and had sex in the shower like always we got dressed and got Jojo so she could go to my sister's house for the day. I got dressed in an all black maxi dressed and some red heels because red black and green are Joe's favorite colors. I also packed a bag with sexy lingerie in it all with other clothes because Roman said that we would be staying the night at a hotel on the river walk. Once we were all up and dressed we ate breakfast and took jojo to my sister's house.
                After we dropped jojo off at my sister Joe and I headed to San Antonio for the day, it's a 2 and half hour drive which was that bad but me pregnant Josiah clearly does not like road trips because he kept kicking me and my Braxton hick started again and Roman was getting worried that I might go into labor when he is gone. I told him that I wouldn't let that happen and I would call him as soon as I did if it were to happen. He held my hand and kissed as we listened to this cd I had when I was younger about 20 years old it was a cd I made when I was in love and dating an ex boyfriend. It had nothing but old 90s and 2000s love songs on it like return of the mack Joe started laughing when that song came on he said damn baby what do you know about this song. I laughed and said we are only a year apart so I think I know more about this song than you do.
                As we kept driving we were almost in SA and I had to pee really bad but Joe said that I needed to hold it and I smacked him and said you can't ask a pregnant girl to do that I have to go and now just stop at the gas station right there. I waddled my pregnant self to the restroom as fast as I could and went pee and got back in the car and kissed Roman on the cheek and said thanks big daddy I love you. He said yep but I could tell he was a little upset because I made him stop I can't help it that I have to go when I have to I told him.  We had finally made it to the hotel I opened the door to our room and there were all different kind of roses everywhere on the bed the floor and in the bathroom along the tube. It was just like our first date at Disney land it kind of took me back a little bit to that day and how in love we both were and still are. I put my bag down and turn and face Roman and said aww big daddy you didn't have to do all of this for me but thank you it's beautiful I love you so much.
                When headed out to the river walk after we got situated at the hotel we went to go eat at a Mexican restaurant we sat down at a booth and order some food to eat. We talked for a little as we waited for our food to come, we talked about Jojo's birthday being next week and how Joe was going to missed it because of his tour in Mexico so he said that he wanted to spend a day with her when he comes back. He ask me to buy her a gift from him and give it to her on her birthday I told him that I would and that I would make her birthday extra special. We also talked about the house in Pensacola and how things were coming along and Joe said he couldn't wait til we could move into in next year after WrestleMania. Once our food came we ate it and stared into each others eyes and Joe said that he couldn't believe how far we have come in just about a year of being together. I told him I know its crazy but when you truly love someone you will make it a priority to keep that person in your life if you truly want them in it.
                Once we were done eating we took a walk along the river walk and hit up some places to shop at and we got Jojo birthday gifts too. Joe held the bags for me I know how much he hates shopping so I tried not to take forever. Once I was done shopping we continued to walk along the river walk when we came to the bridge we stop and put our bags down and Joe sat me on the edge of the bridge and wrapped his arms around me as we looked out to the river and just held each other as Roman stole kissed from me again. Then Josiah started to kick me and Joe put his hands on my belly and poked him back he thought it was funny because every time he would poke my stomach the baby would kick him in the exact spot. I didn't find it funny at all so I gave Joe a look like I was going to kill him if he didn't stop so he laughed and said aww baby I'm sorry but I couldn't help it he was talking to me, yeah yeah whatever I said. I was getting tired to so Joe said for us to get back to the hotel and rest before dinner.
                Back at the hotel I put our shopping bags away and laid down on the bed I was laying on my side when I felt Joe cresting my body as he massaged my back and started to kiss my neck. All I wanted to do was take a nap but this man was killing me with all the sex that he wanted don't get me wrong I love nothing more to please my man but I look and feel like a whale. His hands feel so amazing though so I couldn't help but to give in to him, he started to take off my panties as he started to put his tongue inside of me. I moaned saying oh god baby it feels so good please don't stop give it to me he smiled and ripped the slit on the side of my dress until I was naked. When he was inside of me our bodies moved back and forth and we both moaned out Joe said fuck baby you feel so damn good as he grabbed the bed post as we went faster  and lifted one of my legs in the air. It was uncomfortable because of my stomach in the way but it felt so fucking good at the same time I moaned out saying fuck big daddy give it to me harder. We changed positions I got on top and started to ride that Samoan dick as harder and as fast as I could my nails started to dig into Joe's chest as he smacked my ass and told me to give it to big daddy faster and not to stop when we both came to a stop.
                I rolled off of him and went to the restroom to pee because Joe's dick kept hitting up against my bladder its bad enough that Josiah's head presses up against it. After I peed I got back into bed with an already sleeping Roman. I was so exhausted that I was mad at the fact that he was asleep and I couldn't sleep if my life depended on it. I was even more mad at the fact that he bought me that dress that he felt the need to rip. I wanted so bad to slap him in the face but he looks so peaceful when he sleeps so I didn't have the heart to be mean to him like that. So I just laid down next to him and watched him sleep as I would crest his face once in while that made him smile and he woke up and said why aren't you asleep baby girl. I can't sleep after all that sexual activity we just did he laughed and said aww come here baby as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me and held me until I fell asleep in his arms. I love being in his arms and I need to get some sleep as much as I could because once Joe is gone I wont be able to sleep at all.
                After our nap we showered together again and got dressed for dinner we must have slept a long time because I couldn't believe that it was time for dinner already.  As we listened to music I got dressed once I got out of the shower as I was getting dressed I smacked Joe on the arm for ripping up my dressed. He said what was that for that fucking hurt, I said that's for ruining the dress you bought me he laughed and said baby I can always buy you more dresses. So I put on the new one I had gotten earlier it was a all green cocktail dress and my black heels and did my hair and make up. Roman took one look at me and said damn baby why you gotta look so fine in that dress come here he said as he kissed me and smacked my butt. I told him to behave before he gets himself in trouble he laughed and said you're right I'll be good I promise I'm just gonna miss you that's all so I need all of you while I can still have it. I smiled at him and said lets go big daddy before we make baby #2.
                The romantic man that Joe is we went on a gondola ride before we ate dinner; we looked up at the stars as Roman held me in his arms. He bought me some roses and the tour guide said it's so nice to see such a couple so happy and excepting a baby, we both said thank you. Then the lady asks us what we do for a living we told her and she said OMG, I thought you guys looked familiar we both laughed again. She said I really do hope the both of you are enjoying your time together as the ride came to an end we headed to eat dinner at an Italian restaurant that Joe said he wanted to try when we walked by it earlier today. They ask us if we wanted to sit outside I told Joe that it didn't matter it was kind nice out so we sat down at our table out on the patio, I need to pee again so I had Roman order for me what I wanted from the menu. When I came back from the restroom Joe was on his phone texting someone I sat back down and wondered why he was being so secretive, so when I asked him who he was text he didn't answer me. So I decide not to say anything else about it and ate my food when it was brought to us.
                We went on another walk after dinner and Joe still didn't tell me who he was texting it was starting to piss me off just a little bit I thought maybe he didn't want me to know because he didn't want to fight with me. As we held hands and talked about how much we were going to miss each other when he leaves in the morning. We stopped at the bridge again and stood there as Roman put his arms around me again and just held me tight and said that he loved me and kissed my cheek. We headed back to the hotel once we got back there candles were lit and music was playing in the bathroom I walked in there and a bath was drawn for me I looked at Joe and said before I get in here I want you to tell me who you were texting  at dinner. He sighed and said that it was Offerman texting him saying that she needed to talk to me for me to go to her hotel room. My heart stop and I was quite for awhile Joe came over to me and ask if I was okay, I said what do you think I'm trying to keep myself from going into labor right now. I got into the bath to help myself relax he ask me if I was mad at him I said that all depends on what you told her, let me see your phone because I'm done with this shit I'm done with her trying to come between us.
                He handed me his phone as he got into the bath with me and started to massage my back I looked at the text messages between them and JoJo was wanting to talk to Roman about something important and he had text her saying that he's in SA with me and that there was nothing to talk about for her to leave him alone. Then she replied back saying that she is pregnant and that I was his, I wanted to punch her in her damn face so I texted her ask her how far along is she. She replied say 3 months so I ask Joe If he was having sex with her 3 months ago and I told him to be honest with me he said that it was possible because we were broken up then. I got out of the tube put my robe on and sat outside on the balcony I tried so hard to keep it together because I was done with this Roman and JoJo thing for the last time. Joe hugged me from behind and said he doesn't believe her that she was trying to come between us again because she has nothing better to do in her life because her Boyfriend doesn't want her back. I was taking deep breathes and counting to 10 so I wouldn't lose my shit and go into labor.
                Joe ask me to talk to him I couldn't say anything because I was trying to figure out If JoJo was lying or if my soon to be husband was. He said mama talk to me please; all I could manage to say was I can't. Jojo kept texting Joe's phone she ask if he was going to tell me and I texted back saying I already know bitch and you need to stop with all the lies and bullshit because its not working I did the math it doesn't match up with your story even if you guys did have sex you wouldn't be that far along so go cry me a river somewhere else and leave my husband and I alone this is the last time I want to have to tell you this he doesn't want you. Please understand that and if you continue with this you will leave me no choice but to bring all of this to Stephanie McMahon's attention.  Once I hit send I block JoJo from calling or text Joe again I handed him his phone back and I went to go put on the lingerie I brought with me it was red so I knew he was going to like and now with this drama I wanted to send him off with a bang so he wouldn't forget who runs this shit.
                When I was finally changed and had my hair down and my make up off I got into bed with Joe who was already in bed. He turned to face me on his side as I was laying on my back and said I'm sorry mama that all this happened I'll understand if you're mad at me for getting her pregnant. She not pregnant I said, how do you know that he ask me because I ask her how far along she was and she said 3 months and I did the math it doesn't match up with her story and beside you know my girl Mercedes has my back and her and I were texting the whole time I was texting her from your phone she was caught in a lie. Sasha text her and ask her if she was pregnant and JoJo told her that she is but she is not going to have it because it's her ex Boyfriends and that he doesn't want kids, than Sasha ask her why was she trying to pass the baby off as Roman's, Jojo said because I know he would leave Kianna if I was pregnant because he told me that once before, before she got pregnant. Joe was livid he said I have never said something like that to her ever!
                Calm down Joe I'm just telling you what Sasha told me look its over and done with let's just finish our night here together I took my robe off and he said oh wow damn baby, I guess your not mad at me anymore huh. I was never mad at you big daddy just this bitch trying to fuck shit up. I climbed on top of him and feed him chocolate covered strawberries then he sat up and put whip cream all over my boobs and he started to lick it off as I giggled he bit my neck. I was getting so turn on that I pulled off his underwear because that's all he had on and had my way with his dick in my mouth. As he moaned and his eyes rolled in the back on his head he said fuck yeah baby big daddy loves it when you deep throat that dick. I came up for air and Joe took off my bra and ripped off my panties damn it Joe I said again I just bought these panties he laughed as I put him inside of me I was moving up and down as fast I could on his big Samoan dick he kept smacking my ass as we changed positions. He was on top of me I wrapped my legs around him tight as our bodies moved back and forth as we went faster and faster Joe gripped the bed post as I dig my nails into his back as I felt big daddy cum in me.
                As we lay in bed together Joe smacked my butt again and held me in his arms and said goodnight to our son as he rubbed my belly cream on me. I told him that I loved him and said goodnight and kissed him JJ kicked me as to say goodnight and I fell asleep as Joe crested my face and told me he loved me and said that he got me a gift and forget to give it to me so he woke me up to give it to me. It another pair of earrings they were my birth stone, I thanked him as we fell asleep in each other arms. 

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