Josiah Getting Baptized

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            Its 3 months later and we are all in Florida for Josiah's Baptism we had to be up early to get to the church. Josiah is 3 months old and we are in July and Roman and I just got back from over seas on a European tour, since it is summer Jojo is not in school so she stay with Joe's sister while we were gone and the baby did too. It's hard traveling with out the kids with us and it was the first time that Joe and I had been away from the both of them. After I showered and woke up Joe and Jojo I went to go make breakfast my family was here staying with us. If I hadn't mentioned before we finally moved in to our house in Pensacola and I am so grateful to Joe's family for helping us move in and unpacking everything for us while we had been gone.
            My house is so beautiful and huge Joe claims that it is bigger than the house we have in Austin. As I made breakfast people started waking up to the smell of food and were getting ready to head to church. We all sat and ate breakfast together as Joe and Jojo cleaned the kitchen so I could get dressed. Once I was dressed and had my hair and make up done I got the baby dressed in his cute little white outfit and started talking to him in baby talk he is the cutest thing ever. He smiles and talks back to you now but it's just baby jargon his smile is so adorable it melts my heart his hair is starting to grow out and he is starting to teethe so he isn't sleeping through the night because of it. After the baby and I were ready to go we headed to the church that Joe's family goes to and Joe was also baptized here.
            Once we got to the church I text Renee to see if she and dean were on their way yet she replied back saying we are heading there now dean was being a baby about having to dress up. I text back saying lol he will get over it just get here already; we headed inside to get seats and sit and wait for the service to start. Dean and Renee finally showed up when the service was about to start the father come out and made us pray as we bowed our heads and prayed Joe held my hand. Then the service started and we weren't sure where we were on the list but the were 3 groups before us and of course all the kids were getting restless and so was JJ Renee was holding him when he started to cry. So I thought he was hungry so I feed him his bottle he is no longer on breast milk and started formula when I was gone.
            He was still being fussy so I thought he was in pain from teething so I gave him some baby Tylenol and changed his diaper. We were finally up next so I handed the baby off to Renee as the 4 of us walked over to the holy water Fountain as the father said his speech and had the 4 of us say a pray. Then he asks dean and Renee if they were ready to take on the role as god parents to Josiah and they both said we do. And the father said I baptize you in the name of the father and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen we all said. We headed back to our seats and wait for the ceremony to end so we could head back to the house and celebrate with our family and friends. We had waited about an hour before we could leave because of the commune service.
            When we got home I went up stairs to change Josiah's clothes and then I headed to mine to change out of the dress I was wearing and put on a green bikini and an all white long skirt that had a slit on the side and some flip flops. I went back down stairs and everyone had already set up everything and music was playing and all the kids were already in the pool swimming and playing I handed the baby to my sister and said hi to all of Joe's family. As my dad and Joe were barbequing I sat down and started talking to Renee and dean and thanked them for taking on the role of being my son's god parents. Dean said no thank you for trusting us enough to be his god parents as dean started to take off his tie and shirt. I went over to talk to my mother in law and Sika to see how they were doing as I sat next to them Sika gave me big hug and said how beautiful I am than I helped him hold Jj because he wanted to.
            It was time to eat and I fix Jojo her plate and she sat down at the kid table, Joe handed me my plate and then sat down next to me he kissed me and said I love you baby as he bit into his hamburger. Joe's mom was holding the baby while we were eating after everyone was done eating people helped clean up and I brought out the deserts and passed them out. Joe came over and hugged me from behind and said that I looked really sexy in my bikini and wanted to take me upstairs to the bedroom and rip it off of me and have his way with me. I laughed at him and said maybe later big daddy but right now there are too many people here for all that. He kissed my neck and whispered in my ear but big daddy has waited all day with sad puppy dog eyes. Its only 2pm you haven't waited all day I told him as we sat by the pool and everyone else was off doing there own thing.
            We had our feet in the water as I put my head on his shoulder and he kissed it the kids were running around like crazy laughing and screaming and playing hide an seek. Music was playing and all the adults were laughing and dancing the usos were drunk like always and I think Joe was getting there too because he was smacking my ass and grabbed and making out with my neck and face.  My nephew came over to hand me a drink I said what this is for he said just drink it everyone else here is drinking except for you. Someone has to be the responsible one here I have kids I need to take care of. Joe told me just to have fun and not worry about the kids that his mother would take care of them, I looked at him like he was crazy and said your mother has been watching the kids since we have been gone I'm not too sure that she would.
            Roman and I got into the pool and started swimming and play wrestling and that's when the usos joined us and started talking shit and I throw a ball and hit jimmy in the face. Jimmy said uce you need to get your woman before she gets hurt and Joe just laughed and said nah bro I'm good you really shouldn't talk mess to her like that now you got what you deserve. I laughed and that's when we all got out and went for a walk to the beach because the kids wanted to play valley ball. So we headed out to the beach and started playing valley ball and I sat and watch as the baby and I sat on a blanket. Josiah and I talked for a little bit in baby talk he's so cute he just lights up my life. Joe came to sit next to us as we talked and then I handed Jj to him and he and Joe started talking and smiling at each other. Seeing the 2 of them like that just had my heart feel complete just being here in this moment with people I love and care about. I looked over at jojo and she was having so much fun with her cousins and making sand castles.
            I just realized that we really hadn't gotten to spend time with anyone since Maina and we missed the 4 of July. After awhile the kids got in the ocean as the adults played valley ball Joe wanted me to play but I said who's gonna watch the baby and he handed the baby to Renee and said watch him while I whop this woman in valley ball. Ummm excuse me you will do no such thing I use to play valley ball baby and you aint got nothing on me. When we were finally done playing after about an hour of Joe losing to me we headed back to the house to say goodbye to everyone and my family was heading back to Texas and I told them I would see them soon. Joe and I cleaned up the house as jojo went to shower and get ready for bed.
            I fed the baby and changed his diaper and put him to sleep in his crib in his own room and grabbed the baby monitor. I headed to my bed room while Joe took the trash out and changed my clothes and put on some lingerie for my man and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I got into bed and waited for Joe to join me as I was about to close my eyes because he was taking to long. I heard music come on and it was of course John legend's Tonight I smiled and Joe slowly got into bed with me. I rolled over to face him and smiled at him and said aww baby you're so romantic with the candles being lit and the baby making music. He got on top of me and started to kiss my body I bit his bottom lip and that's when he noticed what I was wearing. He said damn baby its suck that I'm going to have to rip this off of you right now and I told him you rip this off of me and there is gonna be a fight.
            We both laughed as I climbed on top of him and started straddling him as I took off his shirt and underwear. I kissed his body as he took off my bra and smacked my ass as I sucked his dick. As I was deep throating his deal he moaned out fuck yeah mama that's how daddy likes it as he pulled my hair. I started to ride his dick my body moved up and down as Joe squeezed my ass and I went faster as I moaned oh yeah big daddy give me that big fucking dick. We changed positions Joe bent me over the bed as he smacked my ass harder and jammed his deal inside of me. I dug my hands into the sheets as I moaned and said oh god baby give it to me deeper Joe went deeper and faster and we came to a stop as he pulled my hair.
            I used the restroom and went to check on the kids as Joe blew out the candles and locked the house up and set the alarm. I got back into bed and Joe did too he wrapped his arms around me and said goodnight mama I love you and smacked my ass and told me how amazing the sex was. I laughed at him and said your welcome and goodnight I love you more babe he pulled me closer to him as I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

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