Six Month check up

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    The next day I was up because I need to get to the doctor and the book a flight to Austin. Once I had my flight booked I went to shower to get ready to go have breakfast with Nikki and than go to my appointment. After I got dressed and went to have breakfast with Nikki downstairs in her big kitchen it was really beautiful it made miss being at my own house and than I realized that I was going home to an empty house with no one waiting there for me. As Nikki and I sat and talked we ate our breakfast I finally told her what happened with the jojo thing and she said that she couldn't believe how the two of them lied to me like that, I'm glad your staking your ground because it's about time that he knows how much he hurt you. I could tell Cena was listening in on our conversation, I told her yeah I know but I can't help but to still love him I mean last week we were just discussing wedding songs and now we are here.
     I was trying to hold back my tears when Cena said look it's none in my business but from a man's point of view I truly think he does love you despite that you got pregnant and I don't think he really meant to say it the way he did. It sounds like that he's going through a lot with his divorce and wasn't thinking clearly it happens to us all but you have stayed with him through his divorce and cheating and when you ended up at the hospital, he knows he was in the wrong and he doesn't want to lose you Cena said. I think that he knows he needs to give you your space he just doesn't want this to be the end of it all. Trust me I know because I went through it with Nicole when we broke up y'all wouldn't have created a child together if y'all didn't mean anything to each other he said. I really hope your right Cena because I know I do love him I wouldn't have built a life with him I'm just doing this for the well being of my son I can't take anymore stress.
       That's understandable he said and I'm sure you guys will work things out its just so much to take at one time. After having a discussion with Cena and Nikki about my relationship Nikki and I headed to my doctors appointment Nikki was so excited to get to see the baby being with her made me feel a little better about things. Once we got to my appointment I signed myself in and Nikki and I sat down waited to see the doctor. That's when I started to get text messages from Roman asking me what time my appointment was I told him that I was already here and that he didn't need to come. Why are you being like this he ask me, I rolled my eyes and said I'm done I can't do it anymore I can't handle this stress please just respect that and give me my space. So your going to keep me from my son he said omg Joe you know I would never do that I told him you can come if you want but Nikki is with me now.
      Once I sat on the exam table Nikki and I waited for the doctor when she came in she said hi to us and ask what happened to Roman I told her that he couldn't make it this time. I laid back on the table as she examined me she put the ultra sound on my belly she moved it around until we heard the baby's heart beat Nikki was in amazement at how cute the baby looked and how strong his heartbeat is. The doctor said he's looking really good and healthy he's getting bigger which is good dad would be proud and that's when I saw him enter the room he came over hugged me and said he was sorry as the doctor told him that the baby is doing good and is getting bigger and stronger and that he is very healthy. I scheduled my next appointment for next month and headed out to the parking lot with Nikki because she was going to take me to the airport. When Joe ask if he could talk to me and I said only if you want to take me to the airport. Why are you going to the airport, just come home with me he said you know I can't do that Joe. Why it's not the same without you there I can't sleep I can't eat I'm a mess without you.
     It's sucks doesn't it I told him now you know how I felt when you cheated on me to have everything you worked so hard for be ripped away from you. He said I'll take to the airport if you want to go, I said goodbye to Nikki and thanked for coming with me and letting me stay with her. As Joe and I drove to the airport he wanted to hold my hand so I let him we talked he said he was sorry for everything and taking me for granted and he understands how I feel and will give me my space but I just ask that we still do date night once a week so we can get back to normal again because I love you and I still want us to get married as he kissed my hand and rubbed my belly. I sighed and said I'm only doing this for the kids they shouldn't have to suffer, he smiled and said do you still love me? What do you think I said he said that he didn't know anymore, yes Joe of course I still love you I have always loved you even when you hurt me. Then why are you going back to Texas he ask because I need to for our sons health and for myself.
    At the airport Joe walked me to my terminal and ask me to not shut him out that he's trying to make things right and work on himself because he knows if he doesn't he will lose me. I'm not shutting you out we just need some time apart to work on ourselves I told him. Jojo keeps asking me if your going to come back because she loves you, that depends on her daddy I said. Baby I'm sorry I love you so damn much I don't know what else to do to get you to believe me. Actions speak louder than words Joe and you know that, why do you think I'm here I'm fighting for my life he said. Fight harder I told him fight for me like how I fought for you, he got down on his knees and wrapped his arms around me and said why do you think I gave you this ring. He kissed my belly talked to Josiah and said daddy is trying to make us a family again I promise I'll never hurt you guys ever again just take care of mommy for me. He got up put his hands on my face and kissed me as much as I didn't want to go I knew I had to.
   As I boarded the plane I watched Roman as I left I could tell he had tears in his eyes once I found my seat I sat down and before I could sit down my phone was going off repeatedly. I sighed and looked at my phone and read all the messages that Joe had sent me it was a really long massive text saying. I know you want your space and I'm willing to give it to you just don't give up on us, I love you I love our son and our life together and I'm sorry that I messed up majorly, I know I made some promises I couldn't keep. My heart hurts when your not here I can't sleep when your not in my arms I miss watching you sleep next to me, I miss hearing you and jojo singing along to songs together. YOU ARE MY WORLD superman is nothing without Wonder Woman! And that's why I love you so much because you are truly Wonder Woman Ive put you through so much and you stayed when no one else would have. I want you in my life I need you in my life so does my daughter. I know your trying to teach me a lesson I swear this time I know it's for real I'll be a better man to you and a better father for our kids, I just want you to trust me again. I love you baby come back to me I'll talk to you soon.
    I wanted to sleep on the plane but after reading Roman's long text I couldn't sleep at all I could do was think about everything and if what he was saying was true. The plane landed and my nephew was waiting at my terminal for me. Once I had my luggage we headed home I was so tired that all I wanted to do was go the sleep. So I changed my clothes and got into bed watched tv and ate a sandwich and finally text Joe back saying I made it to Austin all I have ever wanted was for you to be honest with me and to just let me in I'm not going to hurt you because I know how it feels to be hurt. And in return I was the one who ended up getting hurt over and over again I'm exhausted physically and emotionally if you want me back in your life you need to prove to me that you want me in it show me don't just tell me. I'm going to get some rest Joe and you should do the same.
    I put music on to see if it would help me relax but every song I heard just made me cry and miss Joe even more I think I made a mistake in leaving him I think I'm the only one that is taking it the hardest. I was about to fall asleep when my phone rang it said Joe was calling but I knew it was jojo. I answered it saying hi princess jojo, she said hi I miss you how's my brother doing, he's good I told her getting big and strong. When are you coming home she ask me, soon I told her. Then she handed the phone to Joe I miss you he said I could hear the sadness in his voice, I love you please just come back. I sighed and said I miss you too you don't even know, he said I do know it's like your missing a piece of you, your heart aches. As I cried I said yes it is and I'm done crying Joe I want it to stop I'm tired of hurting, I just want you to love me love me like I have loved you like I still love you. That's when he broke down and cried and said I hate myself for hurting you it was an honest mistake with jojo that night if I could undo it I would. I was fighting demons of my own and I'm sorry that I let myself take it out on you, you didn't deserve it because all you did was love me.
       It's been a long day Joe and all I want to do is go to sleep for tomorrow is another day, stop worrying and start working on yourself and fixing our relationship. He said how can I do that without you your my support system my biggest fan, if I don't have you I'm nothing. Joe please we will get through this its just going to take some time I miss you too and this isn't easy for me as you think it is. Go on a date with me tomorrow I'll get Galina to pick jojo up from school, how can we do that when I'm in Austin and your in Tampa, I'll come to you he said. Fine whatever Joe I'm tired and ill see you tomorrow goodnight I said, I love you baby goodnight and take care of my boy he said. As I hung up the phone my door bell rang and my nephew had brought up a flower delivery it was from Joe I put the flowers by the window and read the card that said I'm sorry please forgive me. I rolled over hugged my pillow and went to sleep.

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