It's A Boy

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    I didn't really get any sleep last night due to all the stress and nurses who kept waking me up to check my vitals and to see if the baby was in distress or not. Joe was still asleep in the chair when I got out of bed to use the restroom my moving around woke him up he quickly helped me walk to the restroom. My phone to my room was ringing as I got back in bed it was the nurse asking what I wanted to eat for breakfast I ordered my food and let her know that I had gone to the restroom and she said that she would let my doctor know. As I sat up in bed Joe asked me how I was feeling I said I'm fine I'm just tired because I couldn't sleep and I'm ready to go home. I was waiting for my breakfast when my cell phone was going off everyone had been texting me asking me if I was okay my family Joe's family the Bellas it was crazy.
    I replied back to all their messages saying that I was fine and not to worry that the baby and I are doing good. As I sat and ate my breakfast I ask Joe if he wanted some of it he said he was fine. We really didn't know what to say towards one another so I said to Joe I guess we need to finish the conversation we were having last night. He said yeah I guess we do but I don't know what to say to you to make things better he said. Your not gonna like what I'm gonna say so I'm just gonna get right into it I said  I think we should spend some time apart. Why he ask because we both have way too much on our plate right now and you need to spend some time with your dad and be there for your mom I told him. What about you and the baby he said, Joe we are gonna be fine I'm just saying you need to deal with your issues on your own because it's just to stressful for me to indoor right now. We just bought a house together he said and you just want me to move out, Joe we aren't breaking up I said we just need some time alone. Then why does it feel that way to me he said, Joe come here I said as he sat next to me on the bed he sighed and that's when tears started to fall down his face. I ask him why we was crying he said because he feels that he will lose me if we spend time apart.
    We both sighed as I said I'm not going anywhere Joe if anyone should be afraid of losing the other it's me you keep pushing me away yes I understand I'm pregnant and you don't want to overwhelm me but we are in this together we will get through it together. I just want to ask you something why in the hell would you be taking pictures with jojo or even out at a bar with her in the first place I ask him. Nothing happened he said but still just answer my question please, we were just hanging out as friends. What makes you think you can be friends with her after you cheated on me with her why would you think that would be okay I said as tears fell from my face. How am I supposed to trust you or her around you if you do things like that without telling me I said. Look he said I'm sorry I didn't think you still didn't trust me, really Joe I may have forgiven you but I haven't forgotten the way you made me feel, how do you think it made me feel when I saw that picture of the 2 of you. As he wiped the tears from my face he kissed me and said he was sorry but he's a grown ass man and doesn't feel the need to run everything he does by me and he is tried of walking on eggs shells around me.
    That's how you want to be than you can go to hell and don't let the door hit you on the way out because I'm done making all the sacrifices in this relationship. I'm done you can just leave now I told him he said I was over reacting and that he wasn't gonna leave me alone like this I just cried even more and said I can't do this any more I'm not gonna risk losing my child again. Just clam down he told me that he was sorry for saying that to me and that he loves me more than I could never know he wrapped his arms around me held me tight and said I really am sorry and I really do love you and I'm sorry you feel like you are alone in all this I never wanted you to feel that way. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep he rubbed my belly as he talked to it and said I guess mommy is really mad at me this time buddy daddy really messed up again and he's not too sure if he can fix it this time as he kissed my belly. I turned to face him I put my hands on his face I kissed him and said I'm just hurting right now but everything well turn out for the best just give me some time and I do think you should go see your dad and your mom because you never know what the future will bring. I want you to be there with me when I go see him though I don't want you to be out of my sight, that's fine Joe I'll go with you I told him.
          The doctor finally came in to talk to us she said that she wanted me to do nothing but rest when I got home and try to stay in bed on my days off and to stay away from stressful environments. With that being said lets see if we can finally determine if we are having a boy or a girl as she rubbed the gel around my tummy we could hear our child's heartbeat beating so loud Joe ask if it was supposed to be that loud. She said well since mom is a little stressed the baby is gonna feel the way mom feels  so if mom is sad the baby will be too and if she's happy the heart beat will be more slow pace but after last night the baby is a little stressed I'm sure the next time I see you guys it will be more normal. She kept moving the cursor around to see if she could tell if we were having a boy or a girl when she finally found it she said well there it is she took a picture for us and it's a boy hope you guys have a name picked out. We do I said Joe kissed my cheek and shook the doctor's hand and thanked her, she said see you guys in a month and I'm writing you a prescription for new prenatal vitamins to start taking I'll let them know that you are ready for discharge.
          As we left the hospital and headed to the airport to go home to Texas the drove there Joe held my hand as he kissed it and said that he is happy that we are having a boy and can't wait for the day he's born. I didn't say anything to him I was so happy on the inside but didn't show it on the outside because I wanted Joe to know that it wasn't gonna be easy this time. He said baby please don't stay mad at me I love you with all my heart. I don't want to fight with you anymore Joe I'm not mad at you I'm just trying to keep myself calm. As Whitney Houston I will always love you played on the radio Joe wrapped his arms around me as our driver drove us to the airport. Joe whispered in my ear go out to dinner with me tonight as I turn on my side I cuddle up to him and said sure I would love to he held me tighter. We arrived at the airport we checked in our luggage and went to the terminal to wait to board the plane. Once we board the plane Joe was hungry so we ordered food and I was exhausted so I went to sleep on the plane.
           Once we landed Joe woke me up and said baby mama we are home as I stretched I headed to the car as Joe grabbed our luggage. Joe drove us home I fell asleep again so when we got home he carried me inside the house and up the stairs laid me on the bed and undressed me and tucked me into bed. After he brought our luggage in he took off his shirt and got into bed with me he pulled me close to him and said I love you baby girl as he held me tight. I could feel Joe cresting my face as I slept and rubbing my belly he would talk to it he said hi Josiah we are so happy that you're  a boy and we can't wait to meet you I love you and your mother so much and I want the both of you to know that I'm not going anywhere that my heart belongs to the both of you. I wasn't sure how long I slept but when I woke up Joe wasn't in the bed with me so after I went pee I went downstairs to look for him I could hear him playing music loud in the basement I opened the door to see what he was doing blessed his heart he was putting all our work out equipment together.
           I went to go grab him a beer out of the refrigerator and went back to the basement I walked in and he was still working hard I wrapped my arms around him tight and set his beer in front of him so he would see it and kissed his cheek and said aww my superman is hard at work. He kissed my hands and said your in a better mood so I take it your not mad at me. I laughed at him and said I was never mad at you I was just hormonal and moody and tired but I still love you just the same. He stood up and helped me up and hugged me and said I'm glad you're not mad anymore as we kissed each other Joe lifted me up by my butt I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to the couch in the living room and laid me down on it as he kissed me I could feel his tongue in my mouth. Then he kissed my neck as I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist as I kissed him back I stuck my tongue in his mouth and bit his lip. That's when he stopped and said we better quit before you end in the hospital again. We laughed at each other as I sat on his lap and watched tv together until it was time for our date tonight.
          We sat and watched some episodes of total divas and than Joe changed it to soccer because he likes watching it but doesn't play it because he isn't good at dribbling the ball I laughed at him and said that my nephew Noah loves to play soccer I'll have him teach you. He laughed at me and said yeah that's all I need is for a 9 year old to teach me how to dribble. I laughed again and said I was only kidding geez calm down he kissed my cheek and said I know my phone rang and it was carano so I put it on speaker so Joe could hear hello I said hi Kianna I was just calling to check on you I heard about last night I'm doing much better and I'm at home now so thank you for asking and I did get your flowers, I'm glad I was really calling because we wanted to talk to you about renewing with total divas the fans really love seeing how your life plays out this could really help your branding when you return to the ring, the Producer wants to do a birthing special as well if you choose to renew for 6 more months. Well I'm not too sure what exactly I want to do but I definitely need to talk with Roman about it first if I could get back to you by Sunday or Monday, definitely just let me know what you decide to do, thanks mark as we hung up.
            Joe and I headed up stairs to get ready for our date I put on music like I always do I went into the closet put on a blue dressed since we found out that we our having a boy. Then I went to go do my hair and make up I'll never break your heart by the back street boys came on Joe laughed as I started to sing along to it. Joe was shaving his beard as I was doing my makeup when my mom called to check in on me I told her I was fine not to worry about me I had her on speaker so I could finish my makeup. She wasn't too happy about me being so stressed out she started to blame Joe and I told her that he's dealing with a lot. She told me not to make excuses for him I told her that I wasn't it's the truth so to keep myself from arguing with her I told her that I had to go and would see her tomorrow. After we finished getting ready we headed out to the car our drive to the restaurant Joe held my hand and said we our here as he opened my door for me he held his hand out and help me out of the car.  We sat outside because it was nice out and Joe looked so hot in his dress pants and button up it was blue and white striped he also was wearing a light grey sports jacket.
           We order our dinner and sat and talked as we waited for them to bring it out to us. Joe said he wanted to go see his father next week I told him that was fine we could also see jojo too if he want to. We ate our food and talked about what I wanted to do for my birthday since we have to work I told him I didn't care as long as I did it with him but he did say that he had a surprise planned for me on our day off. I said oh really is it gonna top Hawaii he said possibly I laughed and said I'll be the judge of that. As we headed back to the car Joe wanted us to go for a walk because he has always wanted to see the night life in Austin but has never had the chance to. As we walked down 6th street holding hands I got cold so Joe put his jacket over me as we kept walking he said that it was crazy how there was so many people out here. We went back to the car after about 30 minutes because my feet started to hurt.
         When we got home I took my shoes off let the dog out and went upstairs to change my clothes when I had not noticed before all the flowers I had gotten I ask Roman if any were from him he said yes he had pointed to 3 dozen roses white ones pink ones and red ones. I read his card that said thanks for giving me a son I love you more than my own life and I can't live without you and I know it doesn't seem like it but one day you will know exactly what I'm talking about. I turned around jumped in his arms and said I love you too as he smacked my butt I read the other cards I got from the Bellas and Sasha and trinity and Jon. Then Joe and I headed up stairs to go to bed I went to bathroom as I changed and took my makeup off I had to throw up apparently our son didn't like the Italian food I ate Joe laughed and ask if I was okay.                              
         After I brushed my teeth I got into bed and waited for Joe to come to bed with me after he had changed he climbed into bed with me he started to rub my feet so they wouldn't hurt so much the more pregnant I got the worst my feet started to swell. When he finished he moved to my shoulders as I started to fall asleep I felt him kiss me goodnight I woke up and said thank you for dinner tonight and the walk we had we should really have date night more often I told him. It made me feel special like I wasn't alone. He turned to me and said we can do whatever you want to do you just let me know and I'll make it happen. I kissed his cheek as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him and said I love you baby and I think you should definitely renew for total divas, really I ask him you don't mind having the cameras around I mean they just got everything that happened today and yesterday on camera. He said I don't mind because I'm doing it for you and I only want what's best for you and I want you to be successful in your career.
           I put my head on his chest and kissed his neck as I said I love you too babe and I know you do make sacrifices for me even though I tell you that you don't. He held me tight and said that I don't have anything to worry about that while I was sleeping earlier he talked to galina and they came to an agreement about jojo galina said she would let us see jojo when we were in Florida and on ppvs and he agreed to having jojo stay with us during the summer. I hugged him back and said its about damn time I'm proud of you for being the bigger person and comprising. He laughed and said i did it for you and Josiah I don't want anything else to happen to the both of you. He rubbed my belly as he kissed it and told our son goodnight, he kissed me too and said goodnight I squeezed him and said goodnight as I fell asleep in his arms.

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