New Year's Eve

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          It's New Year's Eve and I was up getting dressed for my last Lamaze class as I let Joe sleep in. I went to go wake up jojo once she was up and dressed we went to go wake up a sleeping Roman Reigns. Jojo ran into my bedroom jumped on the bed and started tickling her daddy to wake him up. I was laughing at the two of them and Joe looked over at me and he was mad that I let jojo wake him up so I said alright jojo enough lets go make breakfast so your daddy can get dressed. I was about the leave the room when Joe got up and grabbed me and pulled me into the bed with him and kicked jojo out. She laughed and said I'll be outside with the dog when y'all are done Joe and I both laughed. As Joe had me in bed with him he started to tickle me I told him to stop before I peed myself and that he needed to get up and get dressed before we are late. He told me no and pulled a jojo with his sad face.
            I laughed at him and said your worst than jojo he wrapped his arms around me then he pulled down my workout pants and stuck his dick inside of me as I laid on my side our bodies moved up and down as I moaned Joe kept going faster. Then I laid on my back and he was on top of me I wrapped my legs as tight as I could around his waist. We went faster and faster when we both moaned out as Joe gripped the bed post and I dug my nails into his back we had stopped. After I use the restroom and got redressed and fixed my hair I went downstairs to make breakfast as Joe took a shower. I told him to hurry up because we had a lot to do today he said like what, omg Joe this party we are having since wwe is in Texas this week. I walked away and went to make breakfast once I was in the kitchen I told jojo to come help me. Joe had joined us by the time I was done making breakfast we sat down and ate like a family.
          When we were done eating I made Joe and jojo clean up as I answered the door my older niece Adrain came over to help me set up for the party and to do my hair and makeup since she wanted to practice for cosmetology school. She handed my the baby as I kissed his cheek he hugged me and I was in love it made me wish Josiah was here and I couldn't wait til he gave me baby hugs. He's getting so big I can't believe he's gonna be a year old soon I sat down on the couch as I held my great nephew. Joe came to sit with us as I was talking to Malachi and kissing his big chubby cheeks Malachi started talking back to me. Joe started to rub my belly and said that he couldn't wait for when Josiah was this age and I handed him the baby. After Joe and I had fun with the baby and talking with him we headed to our Lamaze class as My niece said she would watch jojo for us and start setting up.
                When we arrived at our Lamaze class we went in and sat down on the Lamaze mat and waited to for the class to start. This was my last class but Roman's first he couldn't make it until now due to work but I had other people come with me like the bellas and my sister and Sasha and trinity. The class was under way we started practicing our breathing Joe started laughing I looked at him and said pay attention.  He smiled and said yes ma'am then the teacher said for all the men to tell their wives something encouraging.  Joe laughed and said when your yelling and screaming at me that you hate me and it hurts and you never want to do this again, how the hell am I suppose to encourage that. I laughed and said shut up and breathe with me it was only an hour long class so once we were done we headed to the supermarket to get things that we needed for the party and hit up the liquor store before they closed.
                Once we left the class and got to the store I texted my niece asking how Jojo was and she said that she's is fine that they were dancing and singing and setting up the decorations.  Joe hates shopping regardless what it is I told him to keep his pants on that I was almost done getting the things I need and I also told him I don't know why you are complaining for since its all your people who are coming. He said yeah but this was your idea, oh okay blame me for everything why don't you I said. After I got everything I needed we checked out and went over to the liquor store Joe pick out stuff he wanted and I grabbed some champagne for the New Year toast. Then we headed home to start cooking and getting ready our drive home we talked for a little bit as Joe held my hand. He kissed my cheek and said that he loved me and was sorry for getting mad at me at the store, I told him that it was okay and that I still loved him.
                After we were home Joe unloaded the car and brought everything inside the house and I put all the alcohol in the small fridge and started to cook the food I was planning on making I made guacamole and queso and put some chips out while Joe did nothing to help me but play Xbox.  Joe at least order pizza to eat for lunch that seems to be the only he could manage to do today, my hormones had me all moody and annoyed with him for some reason. After I was done cooking I headed upstairs to get ready for the party and my niece was a life saver for coming to help set up she had almost everything done. I headed to my closet once I was upstairs I tired on several different outfits and couldn't really decide on one I would want to wear because I looked like a beached whale and felt ugly.
                Joe had decided to come up to get ready too as I was still trying to figure out what I wanted to wear. He came up behind me in the closet and smacked my ass as he wrapped his arms around me and said I love you baby and I cant wait to spend another year together with you. I sighed and he ask me what was wrong and I started to cry and  I said nothing looks good on me anymore I'm too fat and feel like a whale. He said aww baby girl your beautiful just the way you are, well I don't feel beautiful I said I don't know what to wear and its making me mad.  So Roman decide to pick something out for me to wear and I put it on to see how it looked and it wasn't bad so I decide to wear it and move on the something else. It was an all sliver top that had jewels on it  and an all white maxi skirt with a slit on the side of it and he wanted my to wear flats but I put on heels instead I put on some sliver Mary janes.
                I was in the restroom as my niece was doing my hair when Joe was next to us shaving his face and he took one look at me and said woman why you are in heels. Bite me I said I'll just take them off if they start to hurt me. People started to show up as I could hear them all talking and music playing some of them came looking for us to say hi and ask how we were doing. My niece had move to my hair when Joe was done getting ready so he told me that he would see me down stairs and that I looked beautiful as ever. I kissed him and told him that he looked so damn sexy all clean shaving and he smiled and said only for you mama. I kissed him again and said your gonna get it tonight big daddy, he blushed and walked away as my niece said yall some freaks that's how babies are made. I laughed and said I know hints the baby bump I have been rocking for nearly a year, she laughed too as she finish up my hair.
                As I headed down stairs to greet everyone and play hostess I really do hate having these parties but I didn't for Joe and when will the next come around for all of us to be together and have fun. I started to make drinks as everyone talked and laughed and started dancing. I passed out drinks and talked a little bit with Sasha and Naomi as all the kids were running around upstairs and playing in JoJo's room.  As I continued to chat with people I started to have Braxton hicks contractions and they were really bad I tried to play them off but when I grabbed my side jey uso's wife could tell something was wrong. She came over to me and asked if I was okay and said yeah I think they will stop soon but they didn't and I was trying not to worry. She counted the minutes for me and then they finally stop and she said girl you had me worried you were about to have the baby right now I laughed and said yeah I know me too.
                The guys came over to check on his and ask what we were doing and if any of us needed anything. We all said no but Kiki might go into labor tonight and Joe almost passed out as he spit out his beer and said what, he came over to me and said what happened. Nothing I said it was just Braxton hicks that's all but they got really bad not like before I told him. His face went pale and he said I'm not ready for you to have the baby yet, I hugged him and said well you better get ready because he's coming wether you want him to or not . Then the damn usos said welp uce looks like we on baby watch tonight and started to rub my belly and said hey little uce we cant wait to meet you. I got up and went for a walk outside to clear my head and get some fresh air because everyone had me nervous as hell. It was getting close to midnight when Joe came outside looking for me he held my hand.
                He said baby don't worry everything will be just fine come inside and dance with me like we use before your belly got in the way. I laughed and said you will do and say anything to get laid tonight he smiled at me. We went inside and I yelled let's get this party started and everyone said aww shit there she is that Kiki we all know and love! I busted out laughing and started dancing with my girls to Rihanna's rude boy. Everyone was having a good time getting shit faced and laughing and dancing as I kept dancing when  Lil Jon's get low came on and it took me back to that time I was dancing with Roman at Brie's retirement party. So I started to bump and grind on my baby daddy like I didn't have a care in the world I was basically giving him a lap dance in front of everyone and we both didn't seem to mind.
                The song changed to a slower one and Joe and I danced together until it was time for the count down for midnight. As we all gathered around and started to count down we all said it out loud 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! And the ball dropped and fire works were going off outside as Joe and I wrapped our arms around each other and kissed. He kissed me like it was the last time he would ever kiss me again it reminded me of our first kiss we had and how I felt butterflies afterward I hadn't felt like that in a really long time it was nice feeling that way again. The place was bumping and everyone went back to dancing as Joe and I went outside to talk once we were outside and alone Joe ask me what I wanted the new year to bring us.
                I sighed and said well I want us to be happy I mean really truly happy with no more drama and I want to trust you again and I want you to let me in and for you to trust me. I do trust you he said and I want you to trust me too, I want to be a better man to you and give you everything you could ever want.  I want us to get married and stay married and have more babies I told him and he said I want all of that too. He promise to take me out on more date nights and to always buy me flowers like he use to because I told him that when I got pregnant he stopped doing that. He said he wants to love me like I love him and that he would work on it if I promise to never leave him again I did as we held each other tight and kissed and said that we couldn't wait to see what the new year brings us as we went back inside.
                Everyone was getting restless and started to leave as we said goodbye to everyone Joe took JoJo to her and put her to bed as I went to ours. I changed my clothes and washed my face and got into bed and waited for Joe once he changed he got into bed with me and kissed my belly and rubbed my cream on it for me. He held me tight and said I love you baby goodnight and I can't wait to spend the day with you and JoJo in Corpus Christi tomorrow for Raw. Me too I told him I love you more Joe and I can't wait til we start planning our wedding goodnight big daddy. He held me tight all night long that we fell asleep like that and I started to dream about me planning the wedding and being so happy.

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