8 Months Pregnant

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          Joe had been home a few days and he was leaving again later today to go on a European tour before thanksgiving. I was up early because I couldn't sleep last night with Josiah constantly moving and kicking me. I was in the shower when Joe got out of bed and came to join me he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. Umm big daddy I said it feels so good to be in your arms I hate that you're leaving again today. I know he said but it's date night tonight and we get to see Josiah at the doctors today. I turned around to face him kissed him and said I know you want me so what are you waiting for.
Roman's Pov
        She was asking for it so I lifted her up as I kissed her neck and had her up against the wall in the shower. As she wrapped her legs around me I put myself inside of her we moved up and down as she bit my neck and said oh god give it to me big daddy. That made my go fast I love it when she calls me that I went faster she feels so damn good I hate having to leave her. We changed positions and I bent her over and smacked her ass as she begged me not to stop I pulled her hair and went faster and faster as I felt myself cum in her. I smacked her ass again as she turned around and kissed me and left the shower but I pulled her back into me because I wanted to hold her.
Kianna's Pov
      As Joe held me in the shower I tried to get out but he didn't want me to leave so I said love you big daddy but jojo will be late for school if one of us doesn't wake her up. When he finally let me go I got dressed and went to wake up jojo as she got dressed I went to go make us all breakfast. After we were done eating breakfast Joe and I took jojo to school and headed to my 8th month check up. Our drive to the doctor Joe told me that he ask my sister to pick jojo up so we could have date night before he leaves tonight for his tour. Once we arrived at the doctors we sat down and Joe held my hand as the girl at the desk was mean mugging me because Joe didn't go over to sign us in so I thought it was time I put her in her place and I got up to go sign us in. Joe told me to be nice and I rolled my eyes and said please. I walked over and signed the book smiled at her as she kept looking over at Joe and I said excuse me can you not drool over my husband in front of me.
      She looked at me and said oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stared, I said yeah sure you didn't as I walked away. Joe was laughing when I sat back down he wrapped his arm around me and kissed me and said your so sexy when you get jealous. We headed into the doctors office I got my vitals taken and got weighted and sat on the exam table. Once the doctor came in she examined me and ask how I was doing this week. I told her that I haven't been sleeping well and about the heartburn I get when I eat. She told me that my weight is good and then wanted to see how dial aided I was so she ask Joe if he wanted to leave to room he said no that he be would fine. The doctor only ask because some men get territorial when it comes to the v jay jay she said. I laughed as she stuck some fingers in me and said well you are dial aided 4 cm this week which is progress from last week.
      Then we moved to the baby I laid back as she put the jelly on me and rolled it around as we saw how big JJ was getting and heard his strong heartbeat. Everything is going according to plan now we just wait he's finally moved all the way down so if you guys haven't had sex yet don't worry about hurting him because he's protect by the amniotic fluid and sack. We left the doctors office and headed somewhere that Joe said was a surprise for me. What surprise I ask him and said if I told you it won't be a surprise now would it as he kissed my hand. We pulled up at my parents house and there were cars everywhere I looked at Joe and said what did you do. He smiled and said nothing as I kissed him and said yeah well whatever it is thank you big daddy. We walked into the house and it was another surprise baby shower for me, as I said hi to all my family cousins aunts and uncles. They were all happy to finally meet Joe and excited about both the baby and the wedding.
                Mean while at the baby shower I sat down as we played games and Joe didn't leave my side at all I was so amazed that he didn't get bored at all. Joe was being very completive with me when we were playing games but it was sweet at the same time. After we were done playing all the games we started to open gifts as people ate food that my mom made. Joe was pigging out and I started to make fun of him and said babe chill out on the food how are you going to lose all that baby weight you gained. He laughed at me and said I'm eating for two so bite me I laughed and said aww I love you to papichulo but I'm the pregnant one not you so you could at least share with me.
                When we finished opening all the gifts Joe sighed because he knew he had to carry all the stuff to the car but luckily we came in the big whip aka my mommy car he got me the escalade. I was getting tired and sleepy so Joe packed up the car as I said goodbye to everyone. We headed home and unloaded the car and put everything in Josiah's room and went to my bedroom to take a nap but Joe wasn't having it he wanted to do the nasty so since he was leaving on a tour I gave him what he wanted. As he was on top of me we started to undress each other as Joe kissed my neck and started fingering me as I moaned he was inside of me. Our bodies moved back and forth as I wrapped my legs around him tight and said oh yeah that's it big daddy give it to me harder. As he went faster and faster I dug my nails into his back as we changed positions. I was on top doing my thing riding my big daddy as hard as I could when I felt something pop and Joe rolled over in pain.
                I got off of him and said omg baby I'm so sorry, fuck baby you broke me he said as I laughed no I didn't shut up but for real though baby are you okay. Don't touch it he said I'm gonna be fine I think I just pulled a muscle or something. I laid my head on his chest and said I'm sorry big daddy I think we got a little too rough, yeah he said but it was all worth it you were doing the damn thing and I was about to cum before you broke me. I rolled my eyes and said well hell now what do we do, as I rolled over he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight and said now we get ready for dinner. I think we both had fallen asleep together because the next thing I knew I was being smacked on my ass by Joe.
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                Even though my dick was killing me baby mama was looking extra sexy all naked so I couldn't help myself I smacked her ass to wake her up and started kissing each other with our tongues in our mouths.  I got on top of her when she rolled over and said I thought you were broken and I smiled and said never when it comes to you mama. I put myself inside of her and we started to move back and forth really fast and baby girl said for me to slow down because I was going to hurt myself again. I stay on top of her as she wrapped her legs around me tight and said oh yeah daddy give me that big dick. I started to go faster and faster as I came inside of her and we stop.
                We got up to shower together and get ready for our dinner date while we were in the shower I held her tight because I knew that I had to say goodbye to her soon and I didn't want to do that. She turned around to face me and said I love you so much daddy and I'm going to miss you and can't wait to see you on Thanksgiving in Pensacola. As she hugged me back we turned the shower off and got out and got dressed for dinner as we listened to John Legend's all of me and sang along to it, man I couldn't wait til I made this woman my wife.
Kianna's Pov
                We were getting dressed and singing along to John Legend's all of me as I did my hair and make up and Joe kept kissing me. Once we were all dressed and ready to go we made our way to the restaurant our drive there was quite because we knew we would be saying goodbye to each other soon. Joe held my hand and said I love you and I wish I could stay because I hate leaving you, I know Joe I said its going to be okay though.  As we arrived at the restaurant we sat outside on their patio and we order our food and drinks we talked about how much stuff we had gotten from both of our families. Joe said that I was right about my family being loud and crazy and he seeing where I get my sexual humor from. I laughed and told him I warned you how my aunts can be you still want to marry me though right. He laughed and said yes of course I do babe.
                After dinner we headed back home and Joe said he had another surprise for me once we were home. There were white rose petals leading upstairs to our bedroom I opened the door and there were candles lit all over and music playing I took my heels off because they were hurting me. Joe ask me to dance with him and I did Whitney Houston's I will always love you played as we slow dance and held each other. Then another song came on it was like I'm gonna lose you by Meghan Trainor and I got sad because I knew he was about to leave.  When we were done dancing we blow out the candles and he went to go say goodbye to JoJo who was in her room watching tv when we got home.
                I changed my into my pjs and washed my face as I got into bed and didn't want to say goodbye to my love. He came in and got into bed with me and rubbed my belly cream on me and talked to our son told him that he loved him and would miss him. We held each other tight until it was time for him to go to the airport I got out of bed and kissed him as he wrapped his arms around me and said I love you mama and I will call you everyday and text once I get to where I'm going. I kissed him for along time and said I love you baby daddy and will miss you text me when you get to London. As I watched him leave I felt JJ kick me I got back into bed and watched tv until I fell asleep.

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