My Last Day of Work

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Roman's Pov
               I was being woken up by my beautiful baby mama she was kissing me on my neck and chest trying to wake me up. So I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight and said I love you beautiful good morning. She said good morning big daddy, omg I love when she calls me that it turns me on so bad and now she's gonna get it and we will be late to work but I don't care because she is so damn fine right now. As I kissed her on neck we started to make out with each other she was on top of me and started taking my clothes off fuck man I'm really going to miss not seeing her everyday at work or period. As we had undressed each other I moaned out when she started sucking my dick, Omg baby that's it right there that's how daddy likes it don't stop. She was on top of me as I was inside of her and we were doing the damn thing I smacked her ass for her to go fast and she did, damn it feels so good to be inside of her. We changed positions I was on top of her now as she moaned for me to go faster as she wrapped her legs around me I went faster and faster until she started to dig her nails into my back it doesn't really bother me that much but I could tell that she could no longer handle it so we came to a stop after about 10 minutes.
               Once we got up and showered together because we were running late I didn't want her to get out of the shower because I just wanted to hold her the whole time and not let her go. She told me that we could hold each other later but for now we need to get to work so I smack her ass as we got out of the shower.
Kianna's Pov
               Once I was dressed and finally got Joe off of me we headed to the arena I hate being late and its kind of my fault but I wanted Joe to know how much I loved him and was going to miss not seeing him so I did what it had to do to make sure he wasn't going to turn into bad romance reigns again. Our drive to the arena was bittersweet because Joe was saying how much he was going to miss me and that made me sad because I know I was going to miss him too. At the arena for smack down we headed to our dressing room I put my stuff down and changed my clothes and sat on Roman's lap as we talked about how this was going to suck not seeing each other but couldn't wait to meet our son. I crest his face and told him that I loved him and that I would be back at work before he knew it. He held me tight and said I know babe as we kissed each other I headed to hair and makeup for my interviews I had this was the final smackdown before the no way out ppv.
               After hair and make up I headed to my interviews I was interviewing Nikki Bella and Cena about this feud Cena and roman had with Seth and Orton and attacking me and her. Kianna: I have here with me Nikki Bella and John Cena, Cena can you tell me your thoughts on Seth Rollins and Randy Orton attacking Nikki last night on raw? Cena: You see Kiki I don't really like it when people have to make things personal, yes Nicole is my girlfriend but that does not give Orton or Seth the right to have to involve her in this, just like they did with you and Roman. Kianna: Nikki any thoughts on what was going through your mind when you were attacked last night by Randy Orton? Nikki: I was terrified because Randy is a scary person and I was in fear for my life I didn't know what he was going to do to me. Kianna: I know exactly how you feel, Thank you both for your time.
               Next up was My boo Roman he was gonna talk about Seth and Randy too Kianna: Now I have here with me is the sexiest man in the WWE Romance Reigns I said as I laughed, so Roman can I get your thoughts on Randy Orton and Seth Rollins attacking your pregnant fiancé last week and last night on raw? Roman: Like Cena had said before they like to make things personal but all that does is wake up a sleeping beast and now at no way out in this fatal 4 way match I'm gonna prove to everyone that I'm gonna be the one to face Dean Ambrose for the title because I bring the fight and you can believe that.
               After my interviews were done with I walked over to the viewing area and got in line and made my plate I felt like to hadn't eaten all day that was probably because we didn't eat breakfast this morning. I sat down at a table with Tamina and trinity I talked with them as I ate my food and than Joe came over and sat with us when I heard a familiar voice coming behind me it was none other than Carmella she was finally being brought up from NXT I rolled my eyes and said out loud don't let her come over here. That's when I felt something being poured on me and tamina and trinity looked at me all shocked and than they both stood up as I said what the fuck!! And than Joe turned to see what happened and saw how pissed I was so I got up and turned to see Carmella smiling at me and said hey Bitch long time no see. I was about to slap her when Roman grabbed me and said babe she's not worth it let it go and plus you are pregnant.
               I said fine I'll let it go this time as I pushed Joe off of me and told Carmella to never come at me like that again because next time Roman wont be here to save your ass. As she walked away and tamina and trinity went after her I sat back down as Joe finished eating. He ask me if I was okay and I said yeah I'm fine but I need to go change my clothes since they are all wet. Joe walked with me to our dressing room so I could change once we were in there he kept trying to have sex with me but I told him to behave that we can't be doing this while we are at work. After I was dressed and had my hair and make done again we headed over to the viewing area.
               As we sat down at the viewing area I sat on Joe's lap as he crested my face and I fall asleep in his arms the show had already started when he need to wake me up so he could interrupt Seth's promo. As we walked to the curtain and waited for Roman to go out there when Seth was talking about me. I hugged him and said I love you and he kissed me and said I love you too and his music hit and he was gone.  I sat back down and watched his promo with Seth and the second Seth said my name Roman got livid and attacked him and they went at it and the refs had to break them up. When Randy's music hit and he went out there and started to help Seth attack Roman and I started to worry because the last thing we need is to have Roman get hurt. Then Cena came to help him out and then Stephanie came out and said that Roman would face Seth tonight and that Randy and Cena would face each other and that their match was up next.
               When Joe came back stage I hugged him and ask him if he was okay because he was holding his side. He said no I'm fine just needs ice I think as I made him sit down I went to go get him an ice pack as we waited for his match to be next. I handed Joe the ice pack and sat next to him as he didn't like that so he made me sit on his lap and I held his ice pack for him. He groaned and said aww damn I think I need you to nurse me back to health tonight, I laughed and said haha funny nice try but stop faking like you are hurt because if you were really hurt I wouldn't be sitting on your lap right now. He smiled and said damn I tried though I rolled my eyes and said your so bad that's how I got pregnant just remember that.
               His match was finally up and we headed to the curtains again and he held me until his music hit and then kissed me and said I'll be back soon love you, love you too big daddy as he smiled he walked out. I went to go sit back down in the viewing area and watch his match against Seth. I was getting worried because Seth kept attacking Roman's side and Roman kept holding it. Roman had gotten the upper hand over Seth and Samoan dropped him and went for the pin but Seth kicked out and Roman got back up and superman punched him in the face and got the pin this time and won.  After the show ended Joe and I headed back to the dressing room so he could shower as I packed up our bags.
               Once we got to the airport we checked in our luggage and made our way to the terminal and we waited to board the plane. Joe held me from behind and said I love you baby as he kissed my cheek, I love you too Joe I said. As we got on the plane we sat down and talked about what we wanted to do on our days off since we were flying home to Texas I wanted to get the house ready for the baby. I was getting sleepy so I rested my head on Joe's shoulder as he crested my head and my face I fell asleep.
Roman's Pov
               As my beautiful wife rested on my shoulder I kissed her face and massaged her head and rubbed her belly as she slept and felt my son kick was kind of hoping that he wouldn't because I didn't want mama to wake up I know she has been tired lately and hasn't been sleeping well. When she sleeps is when she is her most beautiful and all I want to do is hold her forever and never let her go, but she was so damn sexy when she got mad earlier at Carmella such a turn on can't wait til we went home so daddy can beat that up right tonight as I smiled of the thought. We had landed so it was time to wake up baby mama so we could get home and go to bed.
Kianna's Pov
               We must have landed because Joe was waking me up by kissing me and rubbing my belly and saying baby we are here let's get you home and into bed. I smiled at him because I knew what he meant by that and we weren't going to sleep we were going to get our baby making on. Once we had our bags we drove home I fell asleep in the car being this pregnant does really make you so tired and I felt bad for Joe because I wasn't sure if I was up for sex again tonight but we will see. Our drive home Joe kept playing tonight by john legend on repeat I just laughed at him as he would kiss me and rub my belly and Josiah kicked every now and then. When we got home I headed upstairs as Joe brought in our bags I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes and took off my make up and brushed my teeth.
               When I was done with my normal night routine I got into bed and waited for Joe to join me after he locked the house up and changed out of his clothes. As he rubbed my belly cream on me and we laid in bed for while and talked to JJ I was tired but I decide to give big daddy what he was waiting for. I made my way down south as I sucked his dick and moved my mouth up and down after while I finally deep throated him and he moaned out oh fuck baby daddy loves it when you do that. I felt him cum in my mouth and I swallowed it and put him inside of me as I started to ride it up and down I said yeah big daddy give me that big Samoan dick. He smacked my ass and said damn baby don't stop as we switched positions he was on top of me. I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed tight as we moved back and forth faster and faster it felt so good I dug my nails so hard into his back as we came to a climax.
               I had to pee really bad so I got up and got redressed and went to the restroom and got back into bed once I was finished. Joe rolled over and pulled me into him and said baby I'm sorry for everything that I have ever put you through and I will never do that again because now I know what I have when I'm with you, you are exactly who I'm meant to be with, God is great for bring you into my life. I started to cry because of my hormones and turn to face him and said Thanks for saying that even though I already knew but it helps to hear you say it and I love you for being man enough to tell me how you feel. He wrapped his arms around me held me tight and said goodnight  I love you with all my heart. Good night my love as we kissed each other I fell asleep in his arms.

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