WrestleMania 33

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            I was still so exhausted from last night that I didn't want to get up but the baby was crying and he needed to be fed. I got up and pumped to test my breast milk and see if there was any alcohol in it before I feed the baby the first pump I did had alcohol in it so I dumped it out and kept pumping until I got a bottle full of breast milk that had no alcohol in it. Joe woke up to help me but we both were so hung over that all we wanted to do was go back to bed. After I feed the baby and changed him I ordered us room service as Joe got jojo up and dressed I took a shower and left the water running so Roman could take a shower. Once I was dressed and had the baby dressed I pack up my bags and the baby's as I waited for Joe to finish getting ready.
            We made our way to the arena and headed to our dressing room as we said hi to people we kept running into. When we finally got to our dressing room Joe put all of our bags down and I set the baby down on the couch while he was still in his car seat man he was heavy. It's the day of WrestleMania and we had such busy schedules so first thing first I put on my new ring attrite I got just for mania it was all black with cris cross straps and had a little bit of purple on along the steam sliver Jewels for the top. The bottoms shorts were boy shorts and Joe like that my ass was hanging out they were all black and purple on the steams and sliver jewels. My boots were all black with black knee pads one I got dressed. Roman took one look at me and said damn baby your attire looks good your boobs are so huge and that ass mmmm he said, as he smacked it and shove his tongue in my mouth as he kissed me.
        I took the baby with me to hair and makeup as I left jojo with her daddy I kissed them both goodbye. I had a press conference to do another photo shoot and a make a wish. After hair and make up I headed to my photo shoot with the baby in his car seat this damn thing is so huge I really need to work out my arms more. When I arrived at the photo shoot I set the baby done on a table and started to take pictures as music played. The baby started crying during my photo shoot so we stopped I changed him and fed him good thing I pumped a few bottles this morning because I wasn't about to go through the trouble of taking my top off to breast feed him. When Josiah was done eating I burped him and kissed his cheek I was about to put him back in his car seat when the rock walked by and did a double take and came over to say hi. Grabbed the baby and held him in his arms and started talking to him as I went back to taking pictures. Josiah flashed a smile at the rock when the rock raised his eye brow at him I was still taking pictures when the rock looked at me posing and said now I see why my cousin is whipped we both laughed as he handed the baby to me and walked away.
          After my photo shoot I went to go find Renee young so she could watch the baby as I did my make a wish. I couldn't find her she wasn't in her dressing room so I decided to leave the baby with Dean but I really didn't want to he was the only person I could find at the time. He was really nice about it I thanked him and headed to my make a wish I sent Renee a text saying I couldn't find you so you left me no choice but to leave my baby with Dean find them before I put out an amber alert on my child. I walked into the make a wish room and greeted the family I was scheduled to meet. I took some pictures with them signed a few autographs and passed out my new merchandise and the new team bad merchandise. After about 45 minutes with the family I needed to head to my press conference but I wanted to check on my baby first. I got a text from Renee saying he's fine I have him now but that text was sent to me right before my make a wish. As I made my way to catering I stopped at Renee's dressing room but she wasn't there I prayed to God that someone responsible had my baby.
        I continued to walk towards catering when I saw the big show holding my baby, show I said omg think god he's okay. Why wouldn't he be because I felt him with Dean and I thought Renee young was with him she had interviews to and Dean had a meet and greet. I thanked show for watching him and took Josiah from him and went to go find one of the Bellas or Sasha to watch the baby while I was at my press conference. I finally ran into Brie who was just here to support Nikki and Daniel so I ask her to watch the baby for me and she was more than happy to. I hurried to my press conference because I didn't want to be late as I was running down the halls when I heard someone calling me saying hey mama where you running to, mommy wait for us, it was Joe and jojo I stopped and said I love you guys but I'm gonna be late I gotta go the baby is with Brie. When I finally got to my conference Dean was just finishing up and I was up next my music hit and I headed out I was still walking out to iggy azalea's fancy but tonight team bad would have a new theme show stopper by Dainty Kane.
     The conference was under way the first question I was ask, interviewer: the last time we saw you, you made an announcement about returning tonight what can we expect to see? Kianna: shaking things up in the women's division stayed tune to find out. Next question interviewer: how's the new baby? Kianna: he's amazing I'm so in love with him I can't wait until he starts crawling and talking. Interviewer: since you renewed with wwe do you plan on having more children in the future? Kianna: yes of course I do but I just renewed for another 3 years so maybe after that. Interviewer: how does Roman reigns feel about your renewal? Kianna: he's actually the one who talked me into renewing he's such an amazing man he's so supportive of me. Interviewer: we know that your gonna support Roman tonight but besides him who would you like to see come out as champion? Kianna: anyone but Seth Rollins as I laughed but I have faith in my man he will retain tonight, thank you all so much for your questions enjoy the show tonight.
       Once I was done with my press conference I headed to catering to go find my baby and Joe and jojo. Once I got there I sat down at the table everyone was at I kissed jojo on her cheek and asked Joe where my baby was at. He said that Sasha ran off with him somewhere so I got in line and made my plate and then sat back down on Joe's lap while I ate my food. I called Sasha on my phone and told her to bring back my baby from where ever she was at. When I was done eating I threw my plate away and the usos said something about what I was wearing damn Kiki you trying to give uce a heart attack with that outfit. Shut up I said you need to tell them something he laughed and said they are right if you don't want Them to notice than you should probably not wear outfits like that. I smacked him and got up to go get my baby from Sasha the kick off show just ened so it was show time. We all made our way to the viewing area but Joe took jojo to her seat with both our families.
          As I sat down in the viewing area with the baby he was sleepy and hungry so I fed him as all the girl awed over him when he was done eating I burped him and changed his diaper and he was out like a light. I held him as he slept on my chest it's the best feeling in the world feeling his soft baby skin on mine and he still smelt good from his bath this morning. Joe sat down next to me kissed Josiah on his head and then kissed me on my lips I sat side ways in my seat so Joe could wrap his arms around me as the baby slept on me. A photographer took our picture of us waiting for our matches and of the 3 of us cuddled up together it was really sweet they post it on the wwe Instagram. We were 2 hours into the show and my match was after the introduced the hall of frame inductees. I was getting nervous and anxious because the hall of fame inductees were out there now and my match was next I got all dressed up like Sasha wearing her robe and the glasses and jewelry and a pink wig.
         Joe walked me to the curtain as Stephanie ask me if she could watch the baby I told her sure. I don't know something about a baby makes people happy, Joe hugged me and held me tight and whispered in my ear saying I love you baby no matter what win or lose I'm always going to be proud of you. I put my hands on his face and kissed him and said I love you too babe he headed back to the viewing area to watch me in action. I got down on one knee said a pray and watched Sasha and Charlotte go at it I was supposed to go out there when Sasha put the bank statement on Charlotte. After 10 minutes Sasha did her move and her music hit and I went out there with my girls Naomi and tamina. Sasha quickly got up and started talking mess towards me I mocked her and the 3 of us did the unity sign and Sasha got out of the ring and got in my face and slapped me as I laughed at her. Naomi and trinity took her out and I stood over her and took off her robe and the glasses and jewelry and the wig. The crowd went nuts when they saw me standing over Sasha as my music hit. They chanted my name as Sasha got counted out, Sasha grabbed the mic and said its been you this whole time you were supposed to be my friend we go way back, I wanna know why you would betray me like this. Naomi handed me a mic and I said who needs friends when you have family and it's simple I want what you have the women's championship.
         Stephanie came out and resumed the match saying that Charlotte was no longer facing Sasha that I was and team bad was banded from ring side. I got in the ring and waited for the bell to ring once it did it was on Sasha was pissed she started to attack me right away. I countered and dropped kicked her in the face went for a pin she kicked out. She did the bank statement but I broke the hold and did Aj lees black widow on her and got a rope break I started to smash her face repeatedly into the mat and did a fog splash off the top rope. I went for the pin the ref counted 1 2 3 and I won!! I was the new women's champion as Lilian Garcia announced AND YOUR NEW WOMEN's CHAMPION KIANNA! My knees hit the mat as tears of joy ran down my face the ref hand me my championship as I stood up he raised my hand in the air as my music played team bad came back to congratulate me I hugged them. I got out of the ring and went over to where jojo was sitting and I hugged her tight as she said mommy you did it! I know I told her and kissed her head and took a selfie with her I continued to hug my family along with Joe's. I made my way back staged and everyone was there to congratulate me Sasha and I hugged and she said how happy and proud she was for me and that she would be back to reclaim her title. I finally came to Joe he hugged me tight as he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him as I cried. I told him I did it babe I won I'm living my dream, he said I know baby I'm so proud of you as we kissed and he put me down and wiped way my tears.
          I thanked everyone and grabbed the baby and we went back to the viewing area to wait for the main event. I needed to take some pictures with my new championship so I gave the baby to Roman and off I went. I hurried back because Roman's match was coming up I ran to the viewing area and I saw him handed the baby off to tamina. Once I caught my breathe I walked with him to the curtain hugged him and told him that win or lose I am proud of him and will always love him and that he got this. He put his hands on my face and kissed me and said I love you mama and I'll see you soon. I headed back to the viewing area as Joe said his pray. I sat down and watch his match of course Randy and Seth attacked Roman right away I tried not to get up set and wake up the baby as I was holding him. After Roman being knocked out on the floor Randy and Seth started going at it they went back and forth pining each other and kicking out. Roman finally got back in the ring and he and Seth went at each Roman dropped kick Randy by accident and Samoan dropped Seth went for a pin Seth kicked out and pedigree Roman and went for a pin but Randy stooped it and RKO Seth. Roman and Randy went at it Randy went for an RKO but Roman countered and superman punched him went for the pin and the ref counted 1 2 3 as Joe won he retained his title.
          As Joe was celebrating in the ring I got the okay to go out there and celebrate with him and the usos did too so I handed them the baby and told them I would wave for them to come out once I got in the ring. I grabbed my title and ran down to the ring. I got in the ring and jumped up in his arms and kissed him and told him I loved him. He smacked my ass as I got down and I waved for the usos to come out as Joe and I raised our hands in air while holding our titles in the air. When the usos got in the ring they handed Joe the baby as I got out of the ring and grabbed jojo out of the audience so she could celebrate with her daddy. We finally made our way back stage after celebrating with both our families in the ring. We went to our dressing room and took turns showering I got redressed and packed up and feed the baby while we waited for Joe. We headed to the car and loaded it up and went home with the kids we all were so tired when we got home.
         Jojo and I went straight inside jojo went to her room to put on her pjs and I carried the baby to my room and set him on the bed while he was still in his car seat as Joe carried in all our bags. I changed my clothes brushed my teeth took the baby out of his car seat and laid the baby in his crib and kissed him goodnight. Joe brought our bags in and put them in the closet and went to tuck jojo in. He got into bed with me after he said goodnight to the kids he wrapped his arms around me and said we are both champions now yep I said as I climbed on top of him and started kissing his lips and straddling him he sat up and smacked my ass. He kissed my neck as he pulled my shirt off we kissed each other and Joe ripped off my panties. I sucked his dick and then put it inside of me as our bodies moved up and down Joe moaned and said yeah mama give it to big daddy that's how I like it. We changed positions and Joe was on top of me he jammed his dick in me and we started moving again I moaned out saying oh yeah big daddy give it me as I squeezed my legs around his waist as we went faster and faster I dug my nails into his back because I couldn't take it anymore and we came to a stop.
        We laid in bed together holding each other as I had my head on Joe's chest as he had his arms around me. We talked for awhile then the baby woke up and we put him in the bed with us I fed him again and changed his diaper and Joe laid him back down in his crib. He got back into bed with me kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around me and said goodnight mama I love you, goodnight big daddy I love you more and I fell asleep.

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