Mommy and Me Day

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          I was so exhausted the next morning because I couldn't sleep with my big ass belly in the way I'm really going to miss sleep when the baby is born. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep but I had to much to do today. I hadn't realized that tears were falling down my face from the dream I had about Joe cheating on me again with offerman. The dream was I had face timed Joe so jojo could talk to him when she ran crying to her room as she dropped my phone on the floor. I picked up the phone and ask Joe what happened and that's when I heard her voice and ask Joe who the fuck is that. He said no one bullshit I said who's the bitch you're cheating on me with again and than I saw her. Do you realize what you just did Joe I ask him he didn't speak you're never gonna see your kids again you will lose custody of jojo and you will never see your son. How am I gonna lose custody of jojo he ask because once I leave the judge is gonna give her back to Galina but you adopted her remember. That's right I did but just know I'm done with you and your shit I'm gonna have all your shit packed and sent to Pensacola.
        After I remembered my dream I sent Joe text saying I had a dream last night that you cheated on me and I woke up crying again. As I showered and waited for him to text me back I got dressed and went to go wake up jojo. When jojo was up and dressed we put music on and made breakfast together. As we were jamming to prince Royce Joe finally called back by FaceTiming me. I answered hey baby I said, hey mama he said I love you I love you too big daddy I said and he blushed as I heard jimmy uso laughing in the background. He said babe you gotta stop having these dreams no one is here except for uce and I'm not going to ever hurt you like that again. Tell my subconscious that, he said think that your just missing me that's all, I guess I said. How's my boy he ask me he's good getting bigger and not letting me sleep. I put the phone to my stomach as Joe talked to our son he told him that he missed him and couldn't wait to see him soon. Then I handed the phone to jojo she ran off outside to talk to him I made plates and took them outside so we could eat our breakfast.
            Jojo handed me my phone back as I said goodbye to Joe he said I love you mama and I'll be home next week for Thanksgiving. I love you to daddy I can't wait to see you talk to you later as we blow kisses to each other, Joe said hey, and mouthed the words I love you and I bit my bottom lip and hung up the phone. As jojo and I ate our breakfast outside we sang along to iggy azalea fancy I kind of missed hearing it. After breakfast we headed inside and up stairs to the baby's room to unpack all the gifts we got from the baby shower. I was listening to Mariah Carey's don't forget about us when jojo ran by saying mama is in her feelings today, I laughed and said what did you just say nothing just that your in your feelings today , you just miss daddy that's all. I do I said me too she said as she hugged me and talked to her baby brother she said I love you baby brother. Jojo helped me organize Josiah's room after we were done putting all the clothes in the dresser we put all the diaper and wipes in the closet then I packed him a over night bag for the hospital.
             Once I was done in the baby's room I went to jojo room to pack her an over night bag too she picked out all her outfit and shoes. When we were done we went to my room and I packed my over night bag for the hospital and that's when I felt my insides being ripped out of me as I grabbed my belly and count to 10 the Braxton hicks were starting I was not looking forward to the actual contractions. Jojo came to me and ask if I was okay I said yes and sat on the bed and decided to have a talk with little man. I rubbed my belly and said Josiah I know you miss your daddy I miss him to but you have to stay in there until he comes home I would love nothing more to hold you in my arms. Just do mommy a favor and be a good boy and stay in calm just a few more months. He kicked me as to say okay and I went back to packing my bag I was about the started packing Joe's over night bag when he sent me a text it was Mariah Carey's beautiful song.
Ah, ah, you're beautiful
Ah, ah, you're beautiful
[Verse 1 — Miguel:]
Hop on the back of my bike
Let the good wind blow through your hair
With an ass like that and a smile so bright
Oh, you're killing me, you know it ain't fair, yeah
Ride on through the middle of the night
Let the moonlight kiss your skin
When you dance like that, your jeans so tight
Oh, you're killing me, baby do it again
[Hook — Miguel:]
You're beautiful, and your mind is fucking beautiful
And I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me, yeah
You're beautiful, good lord, you're fucking beautiful
And I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me, yeah, yeah
[Verse 2 — Mariah Carey:]
I like when you run red lights
Don't stop 'til you thrill me, oh how you thrill me
Always in control, how you do it, I don't know
But I don't care, take me anywhere
'Cause it's beautiful, ooh you make me feel invincible
And I can't pretend that doesn't mean a thing to me, to me, oh yeah
[Hook — Miguel & Mariah Carey]
Oh-oo-oh, oh-oo-oh (ah, ah, so beautiful)
Yeah Yeah (ah, ah, so beautiful)
You don't know what you're doing darling, no-oh (ah, ah, so beautiful)
Hop on back my bike darling, oh I take you (ah, ah, so beautiful)
Oh-oh-ah, oh-oh-ah, oh-oh-ah, ah-ah-ah...[2x]
Don't you worry darling (oh-oh-ah, oh-oh-ah, oh-oh-ah, ah-ah-ah...)
           I text him back saying I love you too big daddy I'm packing over night bags for the hospital what do you want me to pack you beside your damn sliders and socks. He replied back saying lol work out shorts and pants shirts and a hoodie, okay I said is that it yep he said I love you mama. I also told him about my Braxton hicks but for him not to worry that I was fine. Then he text back saying woman stop downloading music to my playlist how did this song I texted you end up on my music I'm working out and this song came on. Lol I said my bad but it did make you think of me though right? He said yes it did because your my one and only beautiful get some rest mama and I'll talk to you tonight. Ok baby love you kissie face and I went  to finish packing our bags. After I was done packing up everything I laid on the bed to rest my feet and back because they were killing me. I must have fallen asleep because jojo came in my room got on the bed with me and hugged me and said mama I'm hungry I hugged her and said okay let's go make lunch. We went downstairs to make lunch jojo said that she wanted peanut butter and jelly. We sat on the floor in the living room as we ate our food I started to add more stuff to my baby book.
                After I was done adding pictures and things to JJ's baby book I told Jojo to go get her shoes on so we could have our girls day. Once we were both ready to go we headed to the hair salon because I wanted to cut a few inches off my hair because it was getting to long, Jojo ask if she could get a hair cut too I told her I would need to talk to her daddy first. So I sent him a text saying that im getting my hair cut and Jojo wants  to know if she can get one too. He replied back saying you don't have to ask me if you think she needs one then its fine with me just don't cut your hair too short because big daddy needs something to hold on too when we get our baby making on.  I rolled my eyes and texted back saying Omg don't worry I'm not going to cut all my hair off keep your pants on big daddy.
                When we got to the done at the hair salon we took selfies of our new hair cuts and sent them to Joe so he could see our new dos. Then we headed to the nail salon because I wanted to get my nails and toes done before I have the baby. Jojo and I decide to get the same color and be twins we both got another shade of blue for baby JJ. Once we were all done at the nail salon I ask JoJo if she wanted to go shopping for daddy's Christmas gifts before he gets home. She said oh yeah I do pleaseeee can we go now, calm down child we are going now before he calls us again. That's when he texted me back about our hair cuts he said that Jojo's looks good and that mine was a little to short for him. Omg really I said its hot out here in Texas its just hair it will grow back, I was kidding babe you look beautiful as always.
                Once Jojo and I got the mall we hit up all of Joe's store that he normally goes to and got him some suites and shoes, work out clothes and some Jordans and cologne and sunglass and some more cuff links for his suites. Jojo got him some videos games that they could play together on the Xbox one and a necklace she wanted to get him I also got him a cross necklace to wear so God could protect him when I wasn't with him. After we were done shopping we headed back home I was so exhausted I carried all of Joe's stuff upstairs and hide it in the closet where Joe couldn't find it. I changed my clothes and went to go make dinner for myself and JoJo, when Joe facetimed me before his match to tell me goodnight and that he loved me. Then he ask to talk to JoJo so I handed her the phone as I kept cooking dinner. Jojo hung up the phone as we ate dinner together and we talked about our day and how much we were missing Joe.
                As I was done washing the dishes I cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs to get JoJo ready for bed after her bath she put on her pjs and got into bed and went to sleep. I went to my room and got into bed and watched the premiere of total divas and waited for Joe to call me or text. I fell asleep when Joe called me I answered all sleepy I said hi babe how did your match go? Hey baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake up I just wanted to say I love you and I made it to my hotel and the match was good big daddy won. That's good baby I love you too I cant wait til big daddy comes home I miss you so much as he talked to Josiah and told him good night, Joe said for me to call him in the morning when I woke up. When I hung up the phone rolled over and turned the tv off and went to sleep.

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