No Way Out

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      Jojo and I had finally made it to Joe's hotel room we put our stuff down and started to get ready to head to the arena we knew Joe wasn't here. We put on music and picked out our outfits we wanted to wear once we were dressed I did Jojo's hair and then moved to doing my hair and makeup as we listened to John legend all of me. Jojo ask why I'm always listening to this song so I told her it's because it reminds me of your daddy it makes me love him more. Once I was done getting ready we grabbed our bags and Joe's and headed to the arena. Joe had sent a car for us as jojo and I laughed as we sang long to songs on the radio. It's been a few days since I have seen Joe last but that doesn't mean that I don't miss him.
        Once we got to the arena we headed to Joe's dressing room we knocked in the door as we waited I text him to tell him that we were here at his dressing room. He replied saying I'm on my way baby can't wait to see you and jojo when we saw him coming towards us jojo ran to him first and hugged him and he picked her up and opened the door for me and helped me with our bags. When we got all settled in I hugged Joe tight and said I've missed you so much baby and he kissed me and put his tongue in my mouth I kissed him back as he held me and said I've missed you too baby girl. Hold me tighter I said out loud he did and said I'll never let you go. After awhile Joe rubbed my belly and kissed it and told JJ much he missed him as Josiah kicked his hand.
         After he spent some time with Joe in his dressing room we went to catering with him to say hi to everyone. I sat down as Joe and jojo went to get in line to make plates I started to talk to tamina and trinity and Sasha. As we sat and ate our food the girls ask me if I was ready to have the baby, I said omg yes my back is killing me and my feet are swollen and this child won't stop kicking my in the ribs and to mention the heartburn I get when I eat. Well just be glad that you only have a few months to go and then you will get to hold him. As Joe talked with the usos I sat on Joe's lap as jojo took selfies with everyone. Joe rubbed my belly as he wrapped his arms around me and said it feels so good to have you in my arms again baby, it feels good to be back in your arms again big daddy as we both smiled.
                After being all lovley dovey towards each other and grossing everyone out we headed to our seats because the show was about to start and the kick off just ended. Jojo and I walked Joe to his dressing room so he could finish get ready for his fatal 4 way match against Cena, Orton and Seth to see who will face Dean Ambrose for the championship in the main event.  As we said goodbye to him we hugged him and prayed over him he held me and said for me not to worry that everything will be okay and that no matter what goes on out there tonight for me to keep our kids out of harms way.  I smiled at him and said just tell Orton and Seth to back up off me and we will be all good. He smacked my butt as we walked away. Once Jojo and I got to our seats we sat down as the pyros went off and the show started we took some selfies together as the first match started.
                We really didn't care about any of the matches except for Joe's as we waited for his match to come up next Jojo and I just sat and watched the women's championship match with Sasha and Charlotte and dana Brooke was ring side. Jojo and I cheered on Sasha as she put Charlotte through the bank statement but she kicked out and Dana distracted the ref as Charlotte could hit Sasha with the title as Charlotte went for the pin Sasha kicked out. Dana had saw me sitting in the audience and came over to me and tried to slap me in to face but I beat her to the punch and she hit the floor as Sasha pinned Charlotte with the bank statement and won the match. After she was done celebrating in the ring she came over to me and hugged me and raised my hand in the air. Jojo and I were still waiting for Joe's match to come up so we texted him to see when we would be coming out. He text back saying I should up next after this tag team match I replied saying okay I love you see you soon.
                Finally his match was up after the usos had lost to the shining stars primo and epico the usos are my family but I was so happy for primo and eipco I really do miss them they are my boys and I was more proud of them for pulling out the win. After everyone came out and tried to start stuff with me expect for Cena he hugged me because we had gotten close when I stay with him and Nikki and Nikki and I and Brie have become close as well. When Roman's music hit Jojo and I got all excited we are so proud of him and are the biggest fans that he probably has. When he made his way down to the ramp and over to us he hugged us both and kissed Jojo on her head and Kissed me on my lips and rubbed my belly and kissed it too and got into the ring. As the match started Jojo and I watched and I tried to stay calm because I felt like something bad was about to happen. All 4 guys started to go at each other Cena had Seth on one side of the ring and Roman has Orton on the outside of the ring Jojo was getting upset because they were in front of us but Roman had the upper hand.
                Then Randy countered and started to attack Roman right in front of Jojo and myself, Jojo wanted to cry but I told her that daddy was going to be fine and not to worry. I knew Randy was going to try something with me but I wasn't sure as to what it would be. Roman was down and that's when I told him to get up and Randy got in my face and grabbed it and said look at him. He's worthless as he kept kicking him over and over again and Jojo started to cry and I told Randy stop it and said he was taking this too far. Roman got up and started to fight back and told jojo it was going to be okay not to worry and he got back in the ring with Orton. Roman and Cena switched opponents and Seth and Roman went at it right away and I said to myself oh man shit is about to go down.
                The match was finally coming to an end and Seth surprisingly didn't try to start anything with me Cena and Roman were both in the ring when they did their finishers on each other. But both of them kicked out and then Roman Samoan dropped Cena and he kicked out and then Roman superman punched him in the face and covered him and got the pin and won!  Jojo and I started jumping up and down with excitement and we hugged each other we were so proud of him but now it was time for him to face Dean for the championship. Dean's music hit and my poor baby didn't even get a chance to breathe before he had to get back at it again but he did get out of the ring to hugged jojo and I and we told him that we were proud of him and that big daddy has got this. The bell rang and dean had the upper hand over Roman and I was getting worried because Joe was getting tired and I wasn't sure how much more he could take.
                Roman and Dean were still going at each other and Joe was holding his side from Randy repeatedly kicking him earlier. I wasn't sure how much I could take anymore he was getting hurt and bad Jojo stopped watching and was playing games on my phone. Dean went for a pin Roman he kicked out Joe countered and superman punched Dean and got a cover but dean kicked out. Dean planted Joe with the dirty deeds but Roman kicked out, then Roman power bombed dean covered him and got the pin and won the match. I grabbed Jojo as she hugged me and said he did it he really won, yes Jojo he did it he really won as Joe celebrated in the ring. Once he was done in the ring and Lilian Garcia announce and your new world heavyweight champion Roman Reigns. He got out of the ring and came over to Jojo and I as we hugged him he put his hands on my face and kissed me, then he picked up jojo and hugged her tight. He made his way back stage as we went to go meet him when I got to him I hugged him and said baby I'm so proud of you. As he held me tight and said I love you mama he cried a little bit and then he hugged jojo and said daddy is the champ again.
                We made our way to his dressing room to get our bags and head back home to Texas with out Joe because he had raw the next day and Jojo had school and it was Halloween Joe was going to miss that. As Joe was done showering Jojo said goodbye to him first he held her and said daddy loves you and for her to be good. Then he looked at me with a big smile and said big daddy loves you call me when you get home and take care of our kids as he rubbed my belly and kissed it. We held each other for awhile and told each other how much we loved each other as he walked us to our car. Its so hard leaving him but I know I would get to see him on Tuesday it just sucks that we wont get to see Jojo on Halloween. We drove off as Joe watched us leave my heart felt like it was breaking but the up side my man was the champ again.
                Once Jojo and I got home we head upstairs and got ready for bed after I put my bags away I changed my clothes and got into bed and JoJo was asleep already. If I hadn't mentioned before Jojo was now living with us because Joe and I got full custody of her. Once I was in bed I called Joe to tell him that we made it home safe, Hey baby I said. Hey beautiful I miss you already he said I miss you too I told him we made it home I just wanted to say goodnight and cant wait for you to come home. Me too baby he said I'm gonna go out with the usos and Dean to celebrate goodnight baby I love you I will call you in the morning he said. Okay big daddy behave yourself now text when you get back so I know you made it safe, yes mama he said. Then he told JJ goodnight and Jojo too as we hung up the phone I let Jojo sleep in my bed with me she hugged me goodnight and kissed my belly as we both went to sleep.

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