Night of Champions in Las Vegas

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After flying to Vegas the night before it was really hard to get up the next morning. I knew I had to because the camera crew was here and I needed to shower before they start filming. After I was dressed and got my hair and make up done I ordered room service for myself Joe and Jojo. Once breakfast was over I hugged both Jojo and Joe as they rubbed my belly and kissed it. We headed to the arena because Roman and I had busy schedules Roman had a press conference and a make a wish. I had interviews and a meet and greet with the total divas cast. When we got to the arena we headed to our dressing room I put my stuff away and changed my outfit. Joe started to change for his make a wish as I had jojo come with my to do my interviews. I hugged my handsome man good bye as he kissed me and told me he loved me he told jojo to behave as he kissed my belly.
We left him to get ready and to stay focused I headed to my interviews. I was interviewing nattie and Becky who were going against Charlotte and Dana tonight. They were the only ones I was interviewing Kianna: Becky and Natalya thanks you ladies for joining me how are you feeling about your match today? Them: I'm sure I can speak for Becky when I say that we work as a team and they don't. Kianna: thank you for your time ladies. I took jojo to sit with trinity while I went to my meet and greet I sat down at the table where my name plate was. As the line stated to form we all started to take pictures with some fans and sign autographs we were all laughing and having a good times about 2 hours we were finished with the total divas meet and greet. I made my way to the catering area to eat something and wait for the show to start.
I sat down next Joe and jojo who were already eating with the usos and trinity I said hi to everyone has I ate my food. We all talked amongst ourselves as we laughed and made our way over to the viewing area after we were done eating. As we sat down at the viewing area I sat on Joe's lap as the kick off show starts. When cararno ask to speak with me about something important he said I told Roman that I would be back in a minute. As I sat down in a room with carano and Stephanie and Vince McMahon when I saw the 2 of them I knew this couldn't be good. I said hello to them they said they want to let me know first because I'm pregnant and didn't want me to get so stressed out that I end up in the hospital again. I ask them what was going on and they said we will be letting Roman know that he will be getting suspended tomorrow for violating our wellness policy. What I said are you serious that's not Joe he wouldn't do something like that. Clam down Stephanie told me we got his test results back and he tested positive. What did he test positive for I ask them we can't disclose that information with you. Omg this is so stupid I can't believe he would do something like this. We just need you to stay clam and keep this between us, how can you ask me to do that when he's my fiancé I told them.
We know that but we would still like for you to do the interviews but we understand if you want to take time off to be with him. Wait what about him taking time off when I have the baby is his suspension going to affect that I ask. It could possibly he's on a 30 day suspension affected on Tuesday. I rolled my eyes and said okay great your basically screwing him out of seeing his son being born I said. This is bullshit I'm sorry it might be my hormones or my temper getting the best of me I said. We aren't happy about it either they said but we needed to tell you first before shit hits the fan. Well thank you I said as I walked back to the viewing area. I tried my hardest to act normal I sat on Joe's lap and kissed his lips and said no matter what I'm gonna always love you. He smiled and said I know you do and I love you too babe when he smiled my heart shank because he has no idea what is about to happen to him.
The show was under way when the women's championship match was under way Joe went to get ready for his match that was up next after the women's. Jojo and I watched as I tried to forget about Roman's suspension I couldn't help but to think that this is the last thing we both need right now we just got back to normal and shit is about to hit the fan all over again. As Sasha's matched ended she retained the title jojo and I walked with Joe to the curtain. Once we got there we hugged him and I prayed over him as I told him I loved him. His music hit and he was gone jojo and I sat back down as we watched his match. Roman's match was going great he was really giving it to Cena they both kept going at it. Pining each other and kicking out until Roman tried to spear Cena and went head first through the barricade. My heart stop I thought he was really hurt because he wasn't walking straight when he got up. Jojo and I where holding each other worried about Joe when galina came over to sit with us she was here to pick up jojo.
I was still worried about Roman being hurt because he kept holding and shanking his left arms. The match was just about to end Cena pin Roman and won the title than Dean came out and cashed in. As we waited for Joe to come back stage I was nervous as hell praying he wasn't hurt. When he finally came back stage I hugged him first and ask him if he was okay and if he wanted to go see the doctor. He pushed me away and said I'm fine I don't need to see the doctor. Whoa I said I just ask you a question you don't have to act like a dick about it I yelled at him and walked away to the dressing room as I hugged jojo good bye galina ask if I was ok, I said yes and I'm sorry you had to see that. I packed up our luggage so we could fly to Orlando for Monday night raw so it begins I told myself. Joe came stumbling in the dressing room I ignored him and didn't say anything to him I just grabbed my stuff and headed to the car. As I put my luggage in the car I got in and waited for Joe to arrive after his shower I started the car and put the radio on.
When he finally got in the car we headed to the airport we didn't talk to each other the whole way. Roman tried to hold my hand but I pulled away he laughed and said why are you mad for I'm the one who lost tonight. I said uh really you fucking pushed me you asshole I'm pregnant if you haven't noticed and I could have gotten hurt but I guess that doesn't matter to you. Babe look he said I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have done that but I'm fine really I'm just gonna be sore as fuck tomorrow. Okay Joe I said next time you hit head first into a barricade I won't give to shits if you get hurt because it's not like your the father of my unborn child. Babe we are you really mad at me he ask me it's nothing Joe I don't want to fight with you I just want to go to bed. We got to the airport check our luggage in and boarded the plane to Orlando I sat down at my seat and put my head phones in and tried to get some sleep. When Joe grabbed my hand and kissed it I said what do you want, I love you he said and I'm sorry I pushed you you know I would never hurt you or our son. As he rubbed my belly and kissed it the plane took off.
I know you do Joe as I grabbed his face and kissed his lips and said I love you more. I fell asleep as I listen to music hoping that would clam me before I lay into him at the hotel. I was woken up by Joe telling me that we landed and we headed into the airport to get our luggage. Then we headed to our hotel in Orlando as we checked in I opened the door as Joe carried our luggage. I went straight to the bathroom peed and counted to 10 and took deep breaths I changed my clothes brushed my teeth and got into bed Joe was already waiting for me there. He put on my belly cream for me and said I promise I'll go see the doctor tomorrow if you want me to but right now all I want to do is have sex with my beautiful fiancé. I laughed and said your gonna have bigger problems than that the talk I had with carano wasn't a good one I said. Why he ask because it was about you and I'm not supposed to tell you this but they are gonna be suspending you for 30 days for failing your drug test.
What the fuck why didn't tell me this before Joe they are going to tell you tomorrow when we get to raw. They only told me because of my pregnancy and they didn't want me to get stressed out. That's why your mad at me he said, yes I am mad at you I want to know what were you doing that you failed your drug test or violated the wellness policy. I don't have to tell you that, yes you do Joe because this affects me too. Why would wwe suspend you for I just wanted to know was it steroids, alcohol just tell me, I don't have to tell you anything so get off my back about it. Really Joseph this is how your gonna be its steroids isn't it because it would explain a lot about how you been acting. You can believe what you want, damn it Joe how am I supposed to fucking trust you if you can't even talk to me, I'm fucking tired of this shit. How can you be so stupid and do something like this.
Don't even start with me Lauren he said, what I'm just trying to get some answers from my damn fiancé who is acting like a damn child, why are you trying to hide it from me Joe everyone is gonna know about so just tell me the fucking truth already. Fuck he yelled at me fine okay yes it was steroids are you fucking happy now, no I'm not I ain't your mama Joe I shouldn't have to tell you things like this your a grown ass man time to start acting like one I yelled back at him. I don't need this shit he told me, fuck you I said I'm the one who doesn't need this shit as I held my stomach. How long have you been using Joe, what difference does it make he said a lot because it explain why we have so much sex and your cheating and your over drinking.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean look at you your so fucking moody it's crazy and how you pushed me earlier explains everything Joe. As I started to cry I could feel my stomach cramping I sat on the bed and held my belly. Not again I said I can't do this again Joe came over to me and said what's wrong is it the baby just stay clam how can do that when your stressing me out with all your bullshit. I have enough to deal with I don't need this right now as I kept crying Joe hugged me and I pushed him away. Look he said I don't want to fight with you anymore, and I don't want to lose you Joe but I feel like I am I said. He cried and said I'm sorry for doing this to you and to our family he put his hand on my belly kissed it and told Josiah that he was sorry for stressing him and mama out. Let's just go to bed Joe I said it been a long day and we are tired as I rubbed my belly.
As we laid in bed together not saying a word to each other I started to cry again but tears just fell I didn't want Joe to know how angry I am with both of us being out of action how are we gonna pay our bills. I tired to go to sleep but I couldn't I felt Joe pull me close to him and wrapped his arms around me he held me like that til I feel asleep, I could hear him saying I'm sorry beautiful I love you goodnight. I closed my eyes and didn't respond to him as I went to sleep.

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