7 Months Pregnant (Third Trimester)

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       The next day I did my normal routine when I got up but the only difference was the camera crew was filming. Once I was dressed and had my hair done and light make up on Joe and I ate breakfast together and then we headed to my appointment. Our drive to the doctor was a funny one because JJ kept kicking me every time Joe would pick my stomach but I didn't find it funny at all. Joe laughed at me and said aww baby I'm sorry as he kissed my cheek I love you. Yeah yeah I'm glad I can be your amusement I said I love you too. At the doctors office I sat down in the waiting room and Joe signed us in and went to the restroom as the girl at the desk kept trying to flirt with him but he looked over at me and winked.
       As he sat down with me and we both waited he kissed me on my lips as I saw the girl at the desk watching us. I crested his face with my hand and kissed him back as we both told each other we loved each other. Joe said you were right about the girl at the desk she kept trying to touch my arm and flirting with me. See I told you I said he laughed and said baby I only have eyes for you he said as we headed into the exam room. They took my weight and my vitals as I sat on the exam table and waited for the doctor to come in. The last time I was here was with Cena and Nikki when Joe and I were not together I'm just glad he's here now and won't miss anything. Joe kept kissing me and rubbing my belly as we waited for the doctor I touched his face and kissed his lips. The doctor come in and told us hi and washed her hands and started to feel on my stomach and when she did that she was surprised that the baby kicked her back. She laughed and ask if he always does that when someone touches your stomach, yes I said especially when he has conversations with his daddy.
       I laid back as she rubbed the jelly on my belly and move it around Joe and I still get so excited every time we hear Josiah's heartbeat. He's looking really good just like it should be he's gonna be a big boy and long his position is good started to move down wards, everything looks healthy moms is doing good too your weight is good for your first pregnancy. As she cleaned off my stomach and hand us our sonogram we sat at her desk and she went over something with me. Like what to expect now until my due date she gave me a new prescription for prenatal pills she also gave me a pamphlet to read about what to expect in your third trimester. She sent me off to get some blood work done and had me schedule my next appointments from now until my 40 weeks of pregnancy. Joe was getting a little nervous because it just hit us that this is real and baby Anoa'i was on his way.
      After the I got my blood work done and had all my appointments made for the next 3 months. Joe and I headed to have lunch at this bar that we usually go to we sat down at a booth in the bar as we ordered drinks I ordered water and Joe ordered a beer. He ask me what I wanted to do the rest of the day, I don't care I said whatever you want to do I told him as we ate our food. When we were done with lunch we paid our bill and we headed to the car he opened my door for me and kissed me on the lips as he shut my door. Joe kissed my hand as he held it and drove to the jewelry store once we arrived he held my door open for me as I hugged him and kissed him I said I love you babe. He rubbed my belly and said I love the both of you as we walked into the store holding hands we were greeted by a lovely sales girl. Roman told her why we were here which was to look at wedding bands he had surprised me but we haven't even set a date yet.
      We started with Joe's wedding band first I told him to get what he wants or likes he tired some on and I picked some out for him to try on. Joe had three that he liked and he made me pick the one I like the best I ask him which one he liked out of all of them. He picked a two toned tungsten band that I could have engraved but I liked the diamond white gold tungsten band. Joe ask if that one could be engraved the sales girl went to go ask her jeweler if it could be done, when she came back she told us that it could be done so Joe said that since I like it that he would get it. The sales girl ask if Joe knew his ring size he told her that he wears a 12 once she grabbed his size and put it at the resister. I was getting tired of standing my back and feet were hurting  so we sat down as the sales girl showed us some wedding band that would work with my engagement ring. Her and Joe brought me their picks as I tired some of them on which made it hard to choose because I like all of them but Joe picked his favorite and the girl did too so I tired both of them on and finally decided on the one I wanted and Joe said she's a 5 1/2  and if you have two them. Joe two babe I don't need two of them one is fine I said no it's not you need two I rolled my eyes and said okay.
       When we left the jewelry store we headed to our date night at our favorite Italian restaurant I didn't think that we were in that jewelry store that long but we did spend a long time at the doctors office. While we were driving the dinner Joe said okay we have our wedding bands but we haven't set a date yet we need to do that. I wasn't ignoring him on purpose I just had to pee really bad and was trying to concentrate on not peeing my pants. At the restaurant I went peed as we got seated I sat down after I was done and told Joe that I wasn't trying to ignore him on purpose and I said we can set a date if you want to. As the waitress brought us our food we talked about setting a wedding date we finally picked a date since we wanted Josiah to be in the wedding and he would be walking by June 23 2018. After dinner we drove home and Bruno Mars it will rain came on, on my playlist and Joe said that he use to listen to this song a lot when we broke up along with other Bruno Mars songs. I changed it to lil flip sunshine we use to jam this song a lot it reminded me of Joe's birthday in Hawaii.
       We sang along to the song as we pulled into the drive way I took my seat belt off as I sat on Joe's lap facing him I took off his seat belt and kissed him as Selena's I could fall in love started to play as we kept kissing each other. Joe started to crest my boobs under my top as I stuck my hand down his pants as we both moaned I kissed him on his neck as I pulled out his penis I lifted up my skirt and took my panties off and we started to go at it in the front seat of the car kind of hard to do when your pregnant. As I started riding my man's beast we moved up and down as Joe said fuck this shit babe let's go into the house I laughed and said okay. Joe button put his pants and I headed into the house as I grabbed my panties once we got into the bedroom he got under dressed Joe lifted me up on to the bed.
     Our bodies were moving back and forth again as Joe was on top of me I moaned out as I wrapped my legs around his waist we went faster. I dug my nails into his back as I kissed him we switch positions I was on top again moving up and down. Joe smacked my ass as he said for me to rock my hips as I went faster I moaned out and kept going faster and faster I leaned in to kissed Joe as my nails dug into chest as we stopped. We laid in bed for awhile as we stared at each other I finally kissed Joe on his cheek and said I love you but I have to freaking pee. Joe got up to locked up the house after I peed I got dressed into my pjs washed off my makeup and brushed my teeth I got back into bed as Joe went to the restroom. I waited for him to come back to bed I read the pamphlet the doctor gave me earlier today.
The third trimester of pregnancy can be tiring and uncomfortable. Here's help relieving symptoms — and anxiety — as your due date approaches.
The third trimester of pregnancy can be physically and emotionally challenging. Your baby's size and position might make it hard for you to get comfortable. You might be tired of pregnancy and eager to move on to the next stage. If you've been gearing up for your due date, you might be disappointed if it comes and goes uneventfully.

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