Monday Night Raw

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                The next morning I was woken up by my handsome man to breakfast in bed after I was done eating we took a shower together.  After our shower we got dressed but Joe kept trying to be all lovely dovey towards me while I was packing up our luggage. He kept kissing me on the neck and rubbing my belly and talking to our son he said Josiah daddy can't wait til you get here we are so ready to see your face.  We headed to the arena once we were packed and ready to go in the car Joe held my hand the whole time and kissed it as he drove. We talked about having baby showers with our families and at work I told him that I wasn't sure about the work one because no one has really said anything to me about it. We also talked about doing date night this week and were I wanted to go since we are going to be in Florida again this week or if I wanted to go home to Texas this week.  I said it didn't really matter where we go as long as we are with each other but since we are in Miami today for Raw why not just stay in Tampa why travel more than we have to because I'm going to be in Texas once I have the baby anyway.
                Once we arrived at the arena we headed to our dressing room that we share together when I opened the door there were white roses everywhere. I smiled and said aww babe you didn't have to do all of this for me but thank you I love them.  As I read the card that was left for me it said to my beautiful fiancé I love you so much and I cant wait for the day that I can call you my wife you are my everything  my life the air I breathe the beat in my heart, love always your Samoan superman. I got all teary eyed and started to cry Joe looked at me and said baby why are you sad I'm not sad I'm happy they are tears of joy your so sweet I said as I hugged him. After spending some time with him I got dressed and headed to hair and make up as I was about to leave Joe smacked my ass when I walked away. Once I was done in hair and make up I headed over to do my interviews I had I was interviewing  Sasha banks again about the mystery woman who was dressed up like her last night.
        Kianna: Sasha banks last night you retained the women's championship but do you have anything you would like to say to this person that was dressed up like you? Sasha: obviously Kiki team bad is trying to play mind games with me they think they slick but they're not and you can bank on that. Kianna: so do you have any idea who this mystery woman may be? Sasha: I wish I did so I could put her in the bank statement. I wanted so bad to laugh but I knew I couldn't Kianna: thank you Sasha next up was the usos. Kianna: I'm here with our new tag team champions the usos guys how are you feeling coming off your win against the new day? Usos: Kiki uce you know we still coming off that hype from last night but it's a great feeling to be champions again. My last interview was with Randy Orton who had made his return last night and caused Roman his win over Dean. Kianna: randy can you explain your actions last night in causing Roman reigns to get the pin over Dean Ambrose? Rko: you see Kianna i did what I did because your boy Roman reigns can't compete with me and Dean Ambrose well he's just as crazy as I am. Kianna: first off Roman is my fiancé get it right but as for him not being able to compete with you, I think your just scared at the fact that he kicked  your ass once before and you know that you can beat Dean Ambrose. Rko: he laughed and said I don't want to RKO a pregnant woman so just calm yourself before you upset the baby and he put his hand on my belly. I slapped him and that's when Roman came up and they stared off. Joe: you gotta problem orton? Randy smiled RKO: there's no problem, Joe: that's what I though he said.
       After my interviews Joe and I headed to catering he pulled out a chair for me I sat down as he went to go get us food. I said hi to the usos and tamina and trinity as tamina rubbed my belly and said how big I was getting. Joe sat next to me as we both ate our food and talked to everyone else around us. After we were done eating we sat and talked in the viewing area as I sat on my baby daddy's lap we kissed each other and held each other as I kissed Joe's neck I could feel him getting goosebumps. He said umm baby behave as he kissed me back on my neck I smiled at him and said its on tonight baby as soon as we get home. We were both drafted to raw so we didn't have to go to Smackdown unless we were scheduled to appear. The show started so Joe went to get ready for his promo with orton and Dean I hugged him and sighed and said I just got comfortable with a sad face I love you babe I'll be back and I'll hold you all you want me too. I smiled and smacked his ass as he walked away.
          As I sat and waited for Joe to come back from getting ready for his promo I got a text message from him it was the lyrics to ushers nice and slow and he said its on like donkey kong tonight baby get ready I replied back saying Lol I'm ready you ain't ready. He finally came back from doing his promo and I hugged him and said damn baby your so sexy when your mad. We sat back down and waited for Roman's match against orton tonight to come up. Joe had his arms around me when Josiah started kicking me like crazy this child of yours is killing me. Joe laughed and told him to behave and give mama a break I was up next to make an appearance again because Sasha was out there addressing this mystery woman so I quickly changed and put on her rope or jacket thing she wears to hide my belly. Her music hit and I went out there just like last night I stopped out on the ramp and started mocking her but not saying anything. She tired to come at me but tamina and Naomi came out and laid her out we all laughed and did the unity sign again.
         The main event was finally up next it was Roman's match I had already changed my clothes and showered Joe was up I walked him to the curtain hugged him and said I love you make me proud and don't get hurt out there. His music hit and he was gone my son kept kicking me so I had to stand up to watch Roman's match. When someone grabbed me from behind it was Randy orton I forgot about me doing a promo with him that I screamed for real because he caught me off guard and called for Roman as he was watching from in the ring as I kept screaming for help then Roman finally came from the ring and took Randy towards the ring. Him and Randy kept doing their finisher on each other and kicking out of pins and submission holds. I was worried about JJ because he wasn't kicking I thought maybe he was scared from the yelling and screaming from me and orton. So while Roman's match finished he got the win over orton I went to see the doctor to make sure the baby is okay.
       Joe came in and ask if I was okay I'm fine babe I just want to see if the baby is okay once the doctor found the heart he said looks good he's probably stressed from all the excitement try talking to him and see what happens. So Joe talked to him calmly and then he kicked, see he's fine the doctor said. We went back to our dressing room so Joe could shower and we could go home because I'm tired and ready for bed. After Joe was done showering we headed to the airport to fly 1 hour to Tampa because I didn't want to drive 3 hours we got out luggage checked in at the airport and headed to the terminal and board the plane. I sat down at my seat kissed Joe on his cheek and went to sleep Joe did too. Once we got home after being at the airport and getting out luggage Joe took it to our room I changed into my pjs and got into bed as I waited for Joe he was locking the house up.
     As Joe joined me in bed he put on music I guess to get me in the sexual mood I laughed at him and said my romance reigns is back. He smiled and said believe that and he ain't going nowhere I laughed again as we kissed each other and started to take our clothes off Joe kissed my body and crested my breast it felt good because my boobs hurt so bad as he stuck his Samoan beast inside me as I moaned. Our bodies moved back and forth as I begged him to go faster omg it felt so good because it has been awhile since we had sex. We moved faster and faster I moaned louder and said oh god Joe baby give it to me deeper, as we switch positions I was on top Joe smacked my ass and said baby I missed you so much give it to daddy. As I moved up and down faster and faster I could feel my nails digging into his chest as I leaned in to kiss him. Our bodies kept moving faster and faster the bed was rocking and the bed post was hitting the wall. We kept going at it moaning louder and louder begging for each other not to stop as we came to a climax.
       Joe got up to change his clothes and use the rest room I got up and drank a glass of water and put my clothes back on and use the restroom. Back in bed Joe rubbed my belly cream on like he does every night and said goodnight to our son as he kicked me I looked at Joe and he just smiled and said I love you baby. I love you too as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. Goodnight my love I said , good night beautiful he said as I closed my eyes I started to dream about wrestlemania 33 and me being women's champion Joe kissed my cheek and went to sleep.

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